Analysis of The Opening Sequence

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Analysis of the opening sequence to

Annabelle (2014)

The opening sequence of Annabelle has a linear narrative

structure, is when the story is in a chronological order from the
beginning to the end. The main prop for this film is the doll
that is possessed by a woman called an Annabelle, which is the
title for this movie. Three minutes in to the film, there are 3
people talking to the priest about the doll (Annabelle). Whilst
they are talking it shows us the doll with a background music,
to build up tension.The doll is wearing a white and red coloured
dress which is very old and dirty, the colour red symbolises
danger and blood and the colour red symbolises innocence and
purity , which is part of the codes and conventions of a horror
movie. This shows us how the director has thought of what kind
of doll they should use. At the beginning, when they are talking
to the priest a medium close up is used to show their facial
expressions. Then it slowly zooms into the doll to show the
audience how the doll looks like. It then cuts back to the girl
talking but with a close up, eye line match is used to show that
she was looking at the doll. A pan is used when they are at a
church this is done to show the location and the people.
Throughout the opening sequence lots of panning is used to
keep it flowing.Throughout the whole sequence low lighting is
used to create a creepy atmosphere as the genre is horror. The
main prop that is used throughout the whole film is the doll
Annabelle; they have made sure that this doll fits the genre by
making it look scary. The location is in a very quite area in a

new house which shows us that something bad could happen.

Throughout the whole sequence a variety of different horror
sound effects are used which builds up tension for the
audience. Multiple sound effects are used when the doll is
shown this is done to show the doll is the main prop. The sound
creates a mysterious, scary, suspicious sound to grab the
audiences attention. In terms of editing, the overall sequence is
quite slow paced, the director has done this to make show the it
grabs the audiences attention and builds up their attention.
Furthermore eye line match was used a lot when they
characters look back at the doll.

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