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By Joe Ho
rgan, John
Dumo, Be
n OBrien

Our music video will consist of a two friends
who are living together. One of the men catch
the other doing drugs and heavily drinking in
their house and decide to kick him out, leaving
him homeless. We will then display a
comparison between the two lives. The man on
drugs will then come clean and work his way
back up, when completing this he is to message
his friend telling him about his comeback who
will ignore the message. The man who has
made a comeback will then find his friend in a
similar state in which he was in himself without

The main purpose of this video is to show how life in itself is fragile
and just when you are comfortable, certain situation can ruin that.
The music in itself is full of regrets and wrongs in terms of the lyrics
but the way the song is performed I feel like it is more of a
celebration and how after all these struggles he still prevails. J. Cole
doesnt seem to measure his success in terms of money but in
terms of the quality of music he produces.
So it is only natural for our video to do the same.
Our music video is also used to promote the artists content and
how as an artist he can create a creative video as well as create
music and in turn sell more merchandise. This can also be classed
as extension of income as the video is promoted using VEVO/You
Tube. These platforms allows the artist to earn revenue through
views and AdSense ( a type of advertisement on You Tube).

Key Content
The story of two friends who fall-out due to his
addiction. To elaborate on this, the start of this
story is that one friend finds the other past out
OD in their apartment. This leads to the drug
addicted associate to move out. During his
struggles he eventually finds himself clean and
free of this debilitating addiction. He works his
way up in society and ultimately finds courage
to get in contact with his friend. When the
other party does not reply he decided to take a

Target Audience
0 16+
0 Class N/A
0 Race N/A
0 More male dominated audience.

As rap becomes a universal way of creating

music, its audience becomes more broad and
diminishing the idea of hip-hop being a black
mans way of creating music.

Our music video overall is very effective as it
tells a story with a message that may be
beneficial to some, this message being dont
take life for granted. The comparison of a pair
of friends, one taking a positive route in life
and the other taking a negative one clearly
identifies what choices in life are superior.
Towards the end of our video it shows the
wrong path being corrected to a healthy and
happier life, resembling how the younger
generation should chose to develop.

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