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He.JI TrPc1tmpnt

6. Sh!.>,'1 Ml'tdl ''''brA:

R. f W.lkt'lord

TulMI Lain

\. Hardening, Tt!mpNmg .mrl

2 'vPffic.1i Milling


thl' Home'


Tubal (am
10. Soli"'.' .Jnd5.,wm;;

Arnold Thtop
1 <;crt'wcuttmR In ,hE> Utll('
M.lrtm Clecvp
"' Foundf} work
IJ, I A.Splfl



I PoynPr

the '\mdtf'lJf

luhal LIIn
f, M(',l~uflng .m" \fclrkmg \I,'U!\
IVdn I ,Iv.'


1 I f Ii'( troploJt/O~

0,,/1, Tap50 .md IJ,(>S

Tubal ( din


:'; ,\1illmll OperJtlons m the L.Il/)('

So/ch-ring ,md Bt,Jl'Ing



I',. l'Vorkho/ctmg
I uO.:l1 (am


,h(' Uthp

lb t.1(,!lrIC \totors
\i ) (.ox


,md (.(,,If (uttmg

I. Llw
1rJ:. Sime Bem hwork
Lt'S Oldru/g('
I'J SprlllR ()coslg" ,lOci Ai.1nuf.Rture
TlIh 1 elln
lO. ,\I<>t.J/w(lrk ,,"ri t\1,l("/unmg
Hmt.~ .lIld r11)5
1.ln Brold!('v

1-1 M.,l..inR Sm.J1/I,\orlohop

The"" of Weldmg


\V A. VilUse

'lo. Bray

11. Electroplating
The techniques of depositing a thin metallic layer on dn object lor
decoration, corrosion protection. electrical conductivity, wedr resistance
and so on have been known for many years but have been developed and
improved to a remarkable extent in the second hali of this century. This
book sets out to discuss the principles and practice of those forms of
plating most suited to the amateur and small workshop. using relatively
and inexpensive equipment to procluce results virtually
uncletectable lrom work carried out by major plating concerns.
Jack Poyner, a professional involved in all forms of plating for many years,
is also a keen model engineer able to recognise the dividing line between
what his average fellow enthusiast would consider practical and
worthwhile and what is really better leit to experts in the field. The result is
a really useful and practical book which will be of value to both dmateur
and light industrial users in many diverse fields.
ISBN 0-85242-862 -6


-r-" -,-- ..(1) Busy Bee

UK on y

J . A. Po yn er




....,~d"., ilia.,


Ilcn_.h,.. 1I1'27ST

Chap'''' ,

IntrOduction and princip'H

0/ electroplating

Chap'''' 2

Chapter 4

Chaptet 5

O IIoob "'d. 1987

R.,... .., I

Chap'''' 6

199(1, '991

.;p..... ""d.

No ~ '" ,bit po, ... -.,.......y be "' ............ I. aD)' Jomo, by

pIooo..........,..a t .011'" or any <><1>0, _

"hou. "'"'teR ,..,.......... r..... 11,. ,..,1>1;_



pn.... 1


"" Iand'



Th, el.,nlng of 'he s"bSl,ata

Th" "Kt,olyle

EIKtrofOfming and .'ecuopl.ting

0" non..:(lnducto"

EIKt,ol,," .'ea,opll,ing
An example and Ihe c;:on,ide.atlorl 0'


1'toM....",., by ............

Th" electrical Supply

The e'eo;lropia ling lank

The finishing of aluminium and ill.llor-



Daip ""d., ' , Je" WCI

bJ 000 ...... lid.. T_~. Wiloslli ....


Introduction and Principles of

Present d.... electropl,tlng h.. become
I _II -utabli,he<! br.neh 01 metal finil.hing. Elect,opll,ing i. multi
ditcipline of ."g'....'ing. mechllniCIII
.nd elec1rieaJ. in co-o,dinllion w;m liP.
plied chemistry ,

In the ..,Iv dr(a 01 electroplating the

indulllry 1It'"1'd with wooden VIIS. D,e.

lIen"."o.., perienee .nd



thumb' method. 01 pfocess control.

Ove, the yea,. _

m,,,.t finIshes heve

been Int.odu"d. Automatic pll"t has

been dflveloped 10 copt! with the in_

c.eased volume 01 parts to be finished

Bnd 10 oonlrol Ihe DroceSl, ensu';"1I a

conlllm quality 0 1 linish. Inc'eased

use. o f metellllee', .II,nI8.1.leel) Ind
vlI.ioot plas,lee h,,,. beeo SHn in the
m8~inll 01 tquipment for thlll finishing

Pr_m dav finllh,,,,, shops off". I

WIde end "."ed r.nge of finishing 1"0-

.......,.; ion end g pl"ing. high spIed

sellICt..... pleling nodlli"glrKI electropla,ing on at ... mini ... m. Vlriol!. electrolell fi"i.h .. cov....... ide nge of en .eq... iremenl . Various alloy
plallog. . . . carried OI.JI u<:h II ~Id ..... hich gi..... herd thickness of
gold. There II aiM! b.a.. plallrlg for elll(;'
I.oplellng safety pin ,nd components

which hive varioul r... bllers bonded 10

Over the IISI fift .... yea.s developmenl hat beln carried OIl! on Ihe plating
01 plastics.. The lechnolog.,. of primed
boa.ds in lhe elect.onif;$ ind ... strv 1111
added impel .... to IlIe developm&nl aod
many ptasl~ can be lIICCusfull.,. elae"opllled. Wtlll Ihe vlrious processes
involved In elect,oplating aod c ... r.. nt
req ... iremenll of lIealtll and safety,
'ppropriate preca ... tionl must be ... nde,'
taken to avoid Icxidenll and redu"., pol.
IUlion of IlIe environment. These ...
deall with In one of the following chap
Wilh mOll of Ih a processas ... sed in
model englneerinlllhere i. readymade
eq ... ipmenl $Old on the marlce!., obvio ....
lumpl.. being lalh.., milling aod drill.
ing mldlin.., alonll .... lh Ihe material .
m~all and plallle . I" CQmpa.ison, wilh
Ih. eleclfoplating proc-M Ih i. verv
little choice av.ilab'- on the market.
Ipa" from UIS for electroplating. This is
d .... to Ill ... limited "N 11 compared to
Ihe machining Ind fabricatinll oper.
ations in model .nllineering and in
small worklhoPt'
Th. Olh.r main ,e..on, ho_"" is
Ihe deg,.e o f avail,bllity 01 the chem l.

cal . Cenain chemicalS Ire ,.st.lettd.

and ,.,Iricllons Ire pl..:ed on th.m in
",nlit. The electrical eq"
needed can be adapted from othe,
so.."':.. - electrical t.1I eq ... ipm.nt.
Avom~erl. Or bauerv charg... or larll.
capacity electrica l cell,. If desired I pe rig can be made. Thi. I, uMf ... '
for I comin",0"5 vol"m. of componenll
Ihel hay. to be f,ni.hed . A wiring dia
gllm i. inCluded in the chapl.r on the
supply of current.
Wilh ,egard 10 the lanks req ... i d.Thi,
is depend.m on the lile o f Ihe compo,
nent to be .11CI.oplaled. A uIII ... IIII. I,
Ihe 5 litr. plastic ice c.e.m conla iner.
Thell are ... ,.f... 1for mOlt preIf.llmenl
Ind elect.opllting 501 ... lion . For ..... rm
or hot 501 ... lion5 ..... y nd of
heatinll the SQiution may be conlldered.
.... 1;11 IS fish lank heat ..... or. it "',1"111 a
lIatnl'" steel or mild 51eel tank, 11"
ring or electrle h01 plale may be used
Chemical glass beakers mede 0 1 heat
rllilling IIlall may be ... sed and Cln be
h.ated on an .Iectrle hot plate or oYer.
e... nlln boJrnerwith .....itabltend and
ga ... te. Thi. 8<\ ... ipment c.n be pur
chased" most laborltory eq ... lpmeot
.... ppli .
The mod.1 engine.r mUSI dec:id40 on
.... hll .ile Ind volumeof compon.nll he
wanll to elect,oplate, .nd .... hlll.nllh
h ..... Ints 10 ... SI. These points w
10 be conlidered. """'ether he Wlnll a
",dlmenlary Of 1 more .... bsllnlial.1ee!fopl"inll facility. The Olh.. the space eVlllllbl., COII,II<>d
the conveni.nce of "sing Ih. 8<\ ... Ipmenl. For example. con.idering one fin
ilh 10' IImll., sile componenll and I
lIeedy vol ... m . it .... ould .uffice to hlv,
I .imple facility 01 en alkali cl.a"er
plc~le made of diluted Kid . .... Ith e rln ..
tank conteinlnll cold .... lIer or p.ele,ably
r... nning .... ater. It co ... ld be made even

.Impler lor c.r1ain compon.nts by g'v,

lng lhem a $COlI' with .brHive pOWder,
Ihen rinsinll In cold ....el...
Aftar these pretrHtmenll, lhe com
ponents Ir. electrOplated '" ......,.tev..
lIIectrolyte is dIoHn.
For In e/ectricallUpp!y a 12 YOIt bit
IIrv, or a battery chllg.r of 12 volt. or 6
VO!II. may be used.
AI the othar a"!reme. for varied com
ponents and IlIga volume. one could
UII In .Iaborall line of pr'lfellm.m
and rinse \Inks, wilh a line 01 electro
plllinll "nh all combined wllh the
c ... stomb ... ilt rectifier.. healer, and
.gilllion. The cost oflhi ..... o ... ld be con
,iderlb le. and Ihere wo ... ld be Ill. prob
lem 0 1 dispoling 01 eftl .... nt .nd tpenl
chemical .

The fundamental la_ ol.lect,opl.ting

are bllsed on Faraday'. two la-. TkeM


The weighl of melll d.poaited IS

prOpOr1ionaJ to the quantIty 01
electriCity passed.
For the same quantity 0 1 elec'
lricity. The waight of metal de
posited i. propor1lonal to ill
electrO-Chemical eq ... ivlleot.

TheN two 1__ need liule expla

nallon to ... ndersllnd their implicatIons.
Thi. is best provided by definIng Ihe
un;IS.ln I..... 1.lhe_lIhllwll.lngraml
Of ounces and the q .... ntily of .Iect,icity
is in coulombs ..... hich Is .mpsla) x time
lselnds) It!.
Thereto..... is ptoponionallo I x I.
In lew 2, the electro":hemical eq ... iv.
'.1"11 i. defined as the weight an el.ment
.... ill ,eplac. or combine .... ilh eighl p.r11
by weight of oxygen in a reection .
The vllency is defined 11 Ihe number

A o;onducting medium for mOlt electro
plllling. An IIqUoroUI 100ulion wilh
watersoluble chemicllls of Ihe m'lat 10
be deposiled. These chemical. dllsolve
in _Ier Ind fo.m ionl which lCquire 11
posilive $ o< neglllive 6ch,rgt.


Is en Ilom. Or etoml. wt>!ch "'ve g,ined

losl electron, IInd in consequenoa

carry 11 polilive (!) o<
The posilive chlrged ion I. called ,
CJllion, which .. d iseh,rgoed " tha
cathode, The negltive charged ion il
call&d en aniOll. i. diacl1argtcl It
the Inode.



The use of the te.m p.H will be men

tioned In th. book In VlnOUI chapte.,.
Th' definilion of th' te.m p.H it defined
liS the log to the baSil 10 oflhll concan
trelion of the hyd'ogen Ion. Of p.H tog ,oIH+I.
In elecl.Oplallnll il i. uI&d to d.lln,
Ihe acidily or alkalinity o l an el.,;t.olvte.
In prllctical 8 p.H of I 10 6 I.
acidic ; p.H 7 is neutrlll ; Ind p.H 8 10 14 is
.1~lIline . A good e~lImple of neu t.,1 tol
ulion is pure' whic h i, p.H 7.

InMt. o.lnsoluble .no<le

This i. when ,,, .node ,ue h U lI, i"I...
$Ieel , plallnlsed illinium or leid I. usad
in a" electrolvte I"d Ihe a"odI don 110\
d issolve ,nto Ihe elect.olvte to keep Ihe
concenlrll,on in bllanee. Th i. 11 II d i,
IIIlC! tM coppe nodt' in Ihe
coppe. elactrolvte.
Th. ,ne" anode h.. an advanll(je in
cartain elect.olyt.. for electropl"ing .
However, t'ghta. control i. nuded in
mon Ihe bll,nee of Ihe elklro
Iyts, due 10 lad! of,hment from

tha anode olllllt partlculllr metal, wIlich

thus r&duca. the concentration 01 the
mltallic ion In solulion, causing an im
bal,ne. in the elect.olyte. The olher l.,;to. aflected by In inert .node is Ihe p.H;
thl' will change and Ifleet Ihe efficiency
li>d phYlieel chlfecteristics of the electroplated deposil. The mlin elecltoplllt'no procel." Ullng lnen llnodll$ I.e
chromium elecl'09lall (decor"ive and
lIard ). I,ed .nodl end gold elec
t.oplating, alklline and acid elec!.olvtes

~IQ_ N

Thi. term is defined a. the amounl of
cu".nl (limp') pe. unilarel of cathode
(componenl l, usullllv e~p.ass&d as
.mounll of CUffent ,amps) pII' squa.s
foot o. aquare decimet .... abbravill1ed
. ... f. or 11 dml.
The firll Ihing thet must be known
lbout th. electroplating electrolvte il
the preferred cur .. nl density .ange.
Thi. v,.lu wilh ellCh elocl.olvte. Tha
second considaralion i. Ihe tolal sur
laca lIfea olthe components you a.6 go
I"g 10 electroplale. The third Ihing 10
con,ide r;' the shape of Ihe comPOnenl
o. components and it s position ,,, .e
IlIion 10 Iha anode, in Ihe lan k.


. ..- '

I~ '

_ _N




.o,!!( ~ . , .

The tinge 01 cu"ant density will

be givan for Iha electrolvtes In Iha
ch.ple. 0" elecl.olvtes.
The measurema"t o f Ihfl surfaca
arN o l lhe componenlslo be "lac:
Iropllled require .n elemenlary
k"owl&dge of;O<l. Some
h, lpful examples for work,"g OUl
Ih' lurf8al IrflU ..11 shown Wtg.


MOll components Ire shaped ill a
comb, .... lion of Ihe IisllId shapes.
o. appro~j ",,"ng ID Ihese shapes.
SO ul'''I,ng Ihe .pp.oprillte form









. .........




be obI"..-d 10 achieve. good pllll'ed

appell.nce WIt" the requillte
t!'l,dlne". In 011'1 words, It il nol
.blOlulely nacosur)' 10 be ace ...

011"1 high current dflnsil\l area mav be

moved 10 one alde of lI>a ~mponent. 0<
the bonom high w ..... t densilY ..e.
may haV1l I "'ob/)t, " IUIIICt>ed. wh ich
take$ the excess current. Fo. the low


current dens'ty area the anode is bent

obialn Ihe corroct elewoplaled al

Or a sub-anode attached nep, the .'"a

f&eland thickness.

wmponenls. end position 10 11'1,

of the component. Another method Is 10

redL>C<l Ill. tu" ... t density to 11'11 lowe.
part ollhe tange, and IncreaSfl lhe "m.

the elllC'l'OpI"'~ {tOnk

IH! explained by dia"

for eleclfopl'ling
The~ met/>oclll'f. bosed on the an of

ul. . III 5lIrface ar


tlte to III fraction 01

,1'1_ ,

The of the component. Or

gram .



Fig. 4 shaWl In electroplatong 'ank w"h

enodes lInd 11 ~lI'hode !Wspendtd in The
elect.olvte. Th" ~8lhode i, so Ihaped
Ihat it h1l5 "US labelled h'gh current
densnv lInd low current den,i'v. In elec
I'opl"ing Ih" component wnh,n Ihe
IInge of Ihe currenl densilV la. the Plr'
lieul., eliroIVl" 'hG wmponent may
Nove I coa'M. 'ough depol'l bu,1'II in
Ih' h'gh current density ,rel Ind Intll
0' no depOsol ,n the low CUfflfl1 dens,ty
r... To Impro ... the depoln V'fOOUI
m"ans If. pos"bll. The Inodl in front


The Electrical Supply

elec:t.opllling. and WI\h bulldup of

I(IlIpe,ienCllhey w>1I not be too d,ffICult

to eccomphll'l.
However. mOSI ~ompanenlS are of.
srraighlfofWlrd shape and will electroplale qune well when luspended in a
The olhe' shapes in electroplaling are blind holll5. These p'ove
difficull, leaY,ng 11"nl .round Ihe hole
The best waV 10 ,tdu~e this ploblem ,.
to filllh" hole w'th Wlx Or sim,l.!Jr mlle,i.l; IhlS will ,n .ffect "OP eleo;tropllll '
ing in th. holl. but w-II .edtJGe the
staining effect On Ih' rompanent.

Met.,s I .. mllnlv electrodeposiled bV

the action of In electrical CUffenl. Direcl
current IOC) I. l"lnlilll for electro
dlposition. Alle,nating curren, (AC) will
not deposil mel.I . However, th ..1 Irl
vlI,iltiOJll on IlIlrnlting ,yslams which
Ire slill bting developed. These
methods g,ve .....ooth.. IInd denser
metal depotll .nd Ire used in ~in
lpe<;:illised engineering applications .
The mlin conlideration for an eleclrl.
ClI supplV in ,h. workshop 0, lighl In
gin..';ng lacihtv will be derived from
the normallingle ph... AC supplV.
The supply volllgel. immalerial. as I
transformer I. uled to ronvert it 10
working AC O!J'PUt.
The Ir.ns1~, Ihould givllhe chlflICIeristics .. follo_ '


Ona mllin continuous winding tapped al
4,6,9,10 and 12 YOlll, capable of giving a
subllanllel ~Ufflnl of !Jp to 10 Imp.



The /undion of 11>1 'ect,tier is 10 convarl
Ihe AC CUff"" from tl>l l,an.IOfme. 10
DC CUffenl. Rectil .... Cln be 01 the solid

lI.te Ylfietv, diodes etc., 0' Ihl older

copper o~lde or selenium typet.
Alo de."ibed in chapler one, Fara
d'V'1 L,w Sl81es Ihat the mall 01 el
ement. In Ihis CilS8 m"ll deposited, is
directlv p.opoftionallO the quanti,v of
electrical ch.rge. coulombs or (.mPS x
lecon,",l. The .ectifie. should be ,uit
eble 101" rectifying 12 voll nd ~lIing
12 .mps withoul htolling .ff;t. and be
of Ih. double W'VltyPII giving lull wa""
rectilicaTion. thus giving' ...sonably
,mooth OC output.
The nexl illm 10 comple" ths package
of elllCl,ical equipment i. I varilble ...
,illenee. This usually ronli," of a ro\.Iry Iwn~h sel 011 I halNesisl,ng
board. Fo. high lImPII'ege lhe varillble
...illlnee board is often mlde 01 melal
0' .Ilfe. Set in'o tha board are b,ass
lIud rranged in a ~,,~Ia, with Islid,ng
conlle! with I hlndl' m.dI 01 bflu.
Aft.nged .nd connectad behind the
lIud. are coils of metallic wire, Ylrying
In .Ila Ind sh~ptI 10 p'oduce differsnt
rlli.tlnces 10 obtain the dllired amptlr
.g The vlri.ble ,..illlnee i. Ihan
COnflicted up with In Immele. and ... olt
matef to permit ronvenienl monlloring


An ideel smell electropl.ting elact,j

nltCled up with a vollme"" ammeler

and variable resistance.
The home bene<y ct."ge. normally
h .. only en ammet , and lometimH'
6 10 12 volt plug. the maximum output
being 4 10 5 amps. If you !>eve. 6 volt
output. use thi, for normal llea,opl.,.
11>11. A 6 voll control unit must be made
IS Mparat. item ,the. on its own
chHSis or in ils 0Wll metlll bolt. If m.c:le
in ils own bo~. do nollorgello prOVIde
.c:Iequale venlilallon, as quile I 101 of
hell is generated wIlen using m ... imum

eIIl supplv cen be Ht up UI'"g' battery

Ch'f~ on ill own. 0' bettl!f "ill con-

The 12 volt unit un .Iso be made IS.

of the ampt.ege and voUage r.,ding .



On lome mod n oo.,dl,lnl,.ad 01.
,liding I;I)rltact on bl... ,Iudt , .. i$' ence wire I, uted, with ~ nd
,witch.t inltrlperled. which ...
pr,Sled down fOf u.. delired Imper
Ig'. Thi. i. when JO amps or mOre
.eqUlled, end by placlr>g the coil. in ~r
,JI.llAltead 01 M,i.., I,.. hut is gene.
,ted '1Ih, coils for Ihe high amperlge.


(Fig. 7).


A rypou/ '-')'CHI'



'" ,,,. -,!,JcM .uppIy and .,. ~ropY"Iti/ ""k wi." an eiKf'"""" /N"'}.

_It"" "~I>d,,./Id com~n'."';Iti/ /hrMJ

":'--'- -~ _ _" _ _ 'I

ro ..a - R







" " ' - . 111


' ....... D


, ...... Uo
________________ - l

, __
. . t1VI"< O .....OU

.. '
",pa"ta Itlm il dn"ld. but If you hava
Inoogh loom Insldl thl battlry Chlfgll
casing. you ean flltha COnl.ol Itlm.lnto
thIS. Thin, whin thl Unil i, 0Ieded ...
battlry ch glr, w,nd Ikct polllmllomlllf
knob to fTMlI!mum vohs, maklng .....
thlll 11'11 one .mp meter is shOf1I1d 001
us'ng IhI 5 Imp switch, and you "1
,e.dy 10 chg.
Should you the control unit IS.
sapa.ata item, .. m.mbat 10 connect the
ehaui, o. metal casa to tha matsl case
o. chaUit of tha battary .
F.g. 8 shows thl ci'cuit
which is vlry IImple.
The potentJomlt.r is corlOectlld
ac.oss tha ootput of lhe battary,
numbe.1Id 1 and 2 on the, and
the slidlng .. m 3 taps off the voltlog. I f
.equ"IId,.mI is shown on th. voltmlllf

11 you are electroplating a compon.nt

thal .equi mo .. than one smp, then
th. one .mp .mmete. must be .honlld
oot by (IO$'ng the 5 .mp switch S.W.
The higher .mpe"gl can then be teld
on tne ch.rgar unil'. inllmal ammate .
When you "";sh to electroplata a small



component 'equiflng
than one
amp, lu.n th' pOtantiomlte. right down
10 uto put minim ... m voltage In thl cir
cuit, open thl SWItch S ,W.. and with ll'Ie
.nodes ami componlnll (cathodes)
.I.,ty in thl electrolytl, connect the
control unit OOlput to the <espec1ive
.node and eathodl connectIons. Then
w,nd up the potentiomete. unlll the .e
qui.1Id .eading on thl ono amp am
mete.;s shown,
The normol convention for a control
knob is clockwise la. ma~imum, Ind
Inti.clockwise fa. minimum, and If ll'Io
clfcuit is connecllld U fig. 8, this should
come out correctly, Should yoo fiml the
'IVlrse happening, brllk the contact
bet_n the voltmate. and I, (snown as
X on the diagram), .nd couple the volt
meter connection. to pOint 2 on the d,a,
gram. This Iho ... ld correct thl fault.
Fig. 9 -shoWllhl back vi.w of. potan.
(iometo', Tlgs 1 and 2 arlthl two ends
of the varlabll resisto., .nd tlg 3 is the
sliding a.m.
Othe. methods of p.oviding DC
... PP .... fa. llect'OpI",ng are 3D
amp battery chargers IOf milk noalS.

(O.veysellypet hive bottn used by the

The simplest way of supplying 11 cu.
,ent fa. elect.opllling is I 12 or 6 volt
battery connactlldln .er'" with 10 am

mile. and switch. The limitflion of this

llthet the bll!lIry ha. 10 be .eo(:h~.ged
.fter I period of time, depending of
C(\une on thelmperag. d.awn.



Table 1 Recommended Malerial for Tan~s

N' Zinc
N"2 Zinc

The Electroplating Tank

Dull N ickel
Semi.brighl Nickel
Dull Copper
Sem; bright Copper

Tho electroplating tBnk, VDI, or bsth,

whatever ;t is called, contains the "IIIC'

trolyte. However. other pans o f the process Ilove 10 be considered, such as

cleaning end rinse lanu.

The electroplating and cleaning tanks
BrS the most imponant, because U'e)'
hold corrosive solutions of chemicals.
The rinse tanks. as their name
suggests. arS merely suitable v9ssels
containing plain waler.


The main pOints 10 consider are Ihe

materials. Ihe const ruction, the Size.

end if requiting to be healed. This app-

lies to bolh cln";"g and electroplating

TakIng Ihe points in order:MATERIALS

Most chemical solulions are either add

Or alkaline. The only neu tral substances,
i.e .. p.H 7.0, lire usuelly organic solven(s
(used in the Initial cleaning) and waler.
Lisl ing the cleaning solutions and
electrolytes used in various chapters
with the relevant materialS will illuslrate
what can and cannOt be used fQr a par
ticular sQlution (see Table ' I.


(' I
Where plastics 8re mentioned, the



most usual are polythene a nd

polypropylene. These plastics
come under various trademarkS.
and can all be used. Good u
amplllS of these are half and one
gallon ice cream canons. Oiher
good plastic containers for tanks
are cutdown 2.5 li lre Chemical
containers o. len gallon carboys.
Using mild Or stainless sleellanh
has Ihe edvanlage that they can be
healed easily wilh a gas ring . They
elso have more rigidity. especially
when heated. This applies to tha
alkaline clean8n.
Pyrex type glass is quoted be
C8Use it is heat resistant. When it is
In Ihe form 01 chemislry lebore
tory squat beakers it can be healed
Qn an electric hotplale or a Bunsen
burner. CustQm made
tanks cen be purchased from elec
troplating supply
Small plastic tanks Can be heated
by low watlage aquaria plastic
covered haalers. For larger vol
uma tankS, varying Siled watlage
of siHea sheathed beaters up to
2KW. or stainless steel or tilanium
immersion heaters 01 similar wan
8ge, can be used.


Plastic. propylena Iype
Pyrex glass, stainless steel
Mild S!eel, Plastic. propylene type
Pyrex glass, stainless steel
Plaslic, propylene type, Pyrex gla ss
PlaSlie/rubber lined sleel, Pyrex
Plaslic, propylene type. Pyrex glass.
stainless sleel.
stainless steal. Plaslle/rubber
rned sleel
Mild sleel, Plastic, propylene type,
Pyrex glass, slainless steel
Plastic, propylene type.
Pyre~ glass, Lead!ined


Mildlyacid, e

M 'ldlyacidic


Pretreatment SOlutions
N' Soak
NG l A Electrolytic
N2 Cleaner
N , Hydrochloric
Acid Pidle
N' A Hydrochloric
Acid Pic~le
N"2 Sulphu ric
Acid Pickle
N"3 Pickle
N"4 Slight Dip
N"5 Bright Dip
Zincate Dip

All this group

mild steel
Plsstic, propylene
Pyrex glass.
slalniou steel
All this group
PlastiC. propylene
typa, Pyrex glass
Stainless sl eel

All Alkaline
N'A Mild Stoal
can be used
lor Anode
and Cathode
All Highly

Eanhenware (glaledl

Plastic. propylene type.

Pyrex glass, stainless steel




, ' --~~~------------~.~'~


In the construction of electroplil!lng .nd

~".ninlllanks lor professional finill"",,,
ShOPI, 11111&1 and most plastic link. ,.,
med. by moulding, end these pul '
ch...d Iccordmg 10 \h, " l e .nd vol.
ume requited. Som. plfStic tan t>.
weld,d, SUCh" poly!hene Ind poly.
p.opylenll. Be <:lllIlullo check tll.1 Ihese
tin'" h'V8 no ,....,.. h i, good p.-.:Iice
10 fill ,"-m wllh Wile, ,nd allow to
Ital>(l fot 11 dllV. 10 .... il any 1111" .p-


For metal 'snh thlt h8" 8 been
welded Il'Ie S8mt1 checkmg for leak,
For stl,nl"ss ,,"'tenks mike lu" 11
good lI<ld8 01 st.'n!eft steel i. used.
fuch el 317512. Thi, will .Iand Ihe eor
'Olive nltu.e of Ihe brlgl>t dipl .nd
pickl .
A typical Ulnk i. iIIu.I,"ed IInd th, fol

Iowing numbers rei". 10 the' shown 1<1

Fig 10:





Inlullled holder. for .node IInd

ea,hode bar . usually m.d, 0'

porcel"n Or pllSlie.. 11 the link i.
.... de 01 Sleel. theW holders Ihen
anodll and o;alhodll ba,.
In.ul.ted. These ,r. boiled or
screwed onlo the lI.nge5. for
plulic. the lank matedal providel
Th" .node ,nd o;alhode bar .
ulU.11y .... d" of copper or brass.
typical d,emel" .. being I,(o;n. ~n .
to Iln, end l'hin .. depending on
Ih" size of Ih" lank ,nd Ih" weighl
of Ih" .noda Ih"ywill h,v" 10 sup-




Anode. These o;an be .h.... l. drilled

and hooked. or hooIIltd .node .

M,k" .u .. Ih" hooua.. OUI of lha
Thl fim. or Ih" tlange ..ound Ihe
lOP o f Ih" lank. ;,ulfllul/or hand
ling .nd Ih" hold"'l 10.
Ih. anode and CIIlhCHk bars. end


holde" for the v.nou. heater.

and agilallon eqUIpment.
This is Ihe CIIlhode. Or compOnent
to be electroplated. It can .ithe. be
wired on Wilh eopp"r wir" o. alu
minium will 'or pleting 0' anodiling_ Th" CGmpO<>I'Inl o;an be jigged
or hooked. A "1fIfu! method for
small compon"nts is 10 prlean
and spread Iham oul on. piece 0/
"8inles$ ItHI mesh shaped lika.
busket, wilh I wire or hook
through Ihe middlelfig . 12). Ah".
Ip<eading th"m over U>e IUrf_
01 lhe meah. lhe b,sI<lII it im
mersed In Ihe electrolyt" .u
pended by Ih" hook from Ih"
cathode bar, Shlke Ih" bllklll 11
various tim", to mo"" Ih" corn
pOnents. Thi, will pt_n! 'r"a.
be,"g unpl'led.


Thl Cllco.olelion Of Ihl voluml of I

lank i' :Voluml lV) in gallons with Ihl dimensions ln inc:he,.
V _ IInglh. width x hlight cu -,"ch..
V _ IIngth K width ~ height cu -felt
V In liv..

volume to lhe mU5Ured hlighl of Ihe
lenk. The .etual volume il to Ih' height
of tha IOlution.
If agitation of the elaclrolyt81 i,
needed Ilh,. depending on whit t',Ipe of
finish II required) two methodl are
luggUlld :



Fo< nic:lcel and copper Ilacllolyt...

.. _11 " !he anodiling . !hev Cln
be aglllled by an ,Iactrit; ~dle
1I",er sitUlled 11 Ihe tide of Ihe
A good method ilia pllce Iplalllc
pIpe Illhe bonom olthe link. WIth
small hole. drilled in. Anached 10
thl by means of a nll.ible pipe. i.
I regulaled compressed air
lOurCI. When I" I. pened
"'r()IJgh the pipes. Ihi. glv.. I

bubbling action. which agl"t..

thl 101I,Ilion. Care - regulate well.
it wIll froth .nd bubble



0 .....

Ho usekeepin g with electroplating

prOCll-l llnh



Alwa .... remOVI Ihe anode and

cethodl bar . and dean down by
Nbbing WIth SCQIJring powder.
Scotchbrite or dOlh . Rinse in
will< and rel>l_. Check all elactricel contact. on the tenk for he".
If hOI. make lure Ihat a beller COnnlClion i. Obt.ined. (Heat dissl'
pate. the current).
Mak. lure III the sOlutions ere up
10 the requirld volume. If nOllhey
a.elopped up wllh clean wale'. or
distilled or daioni"d weler.
Makl sura III Ihl anodH ..I
cleln, and thl eonllct. 10 thl
Inodl ba. a'l cl. .n. In all Ihl"
lreas Ihl currlnt denSIty will v.ry
if Ihere i. I bed CCH'IlIct.
Ensur. III 'aetifier alact.icll con
tact5 a .. claln.
Removl Ihl anode. and rinse
whIn thl Ilact.olyte Is nOI in USI.
Cove. th, ellctrolytes with lids
whIn nOl In u...

The Cleaning of the Substrate

The mOlt imponanl p ..t of thl lIact.o
pl aling P'OCI.. i. Ihl preperatlon and
cleaning 01 the substrala. i.e. Ihe SUrfacl
of the componlm prior 10 Ihe elact.o
plating Op!lrallon.
This Plrt of the p.ocess delefminl'
the appearlnce Ind the adhesion Ollhl
electroplate<! dlpo$lI, as well u ils anli_
corrosion prOptniU.
The important polnl to remember
lboul a cl"ning cycle i, to makl it 11
.imple 11 POlllbll within thll confin"
of the compon8fl1tO be cleaned, thl"_
quired appe nC1l ollhl ellCl.opllled
depooit, and whet melal ilia be electro
deposited. Elabor.llon of Ihl cleaning
process cen Ilad to I poorly finished
component. and (:Ontequently lead 10 I
waste 01 mall.ial,.
The fi'$1 pen of lilY cleaning cycll i.
da-greasing. Th" pan of thl deaniflg
ope.alion;' carried out wilh an organic
solvent Ind refe"ld 10 IS the sol ... nt
clean. There Ifl various de-g.ening
agenls "sed In Ihi, Plrt of Ihe cyde and
Ihey a.e ulu.lly lome form of paraHin.
white spi"I, indUII';al alcohol, o. h.logenated hydrocarbon. luch 11 Genkle ....
In indullri.1 fin"h,ng II>ops a vlpour
clean is used in cUllom-buil\ tan.. (:On-

taining haloglnated hY<lroc.rbons such

.. trichloroethylene. The.. Ire used
withIn Clrtain hl81th and u let',l
regulations. which mikes them en e~
pensive cepital process.
Fo. general use, 10 move SOil.
g ..... Ind oil (IIC. 'Ill being IOlubla in
organIC soIventsl Ihe COmPOfllnIS are
wired. hooked 0< pI~ in I melal
bI.kll. usually 51.,nless ""1, which i,
th.n immersed in a metal conllinlf containing thl soIvenl and aglllled from
one to len minutes. depending on lhe
amount of g.e88e and loll . ThlY a ..
then ,hakln end allowed 10 .ir dry.
Larga componen" can be wiped Wllh a
$OIvent-lOaked cioth befofa dipping.
Great Cl.. mull be liken WIth IOI ... nll
11 they Ite/llmmabfeo. gi ... 011 dlnger
ous vapours .nd remOVI gT""
lhe Ikin and o;:Q\Ild Cl"" dermat.IIs. I1 is
bell la CI.ry OUI Ih" ope'"ion In an
open IImOlptllrl. wllh no naked /lImes
end uling glOVes.
The IOlvenl clean l preilmi"arv
clean which is c.... led 0"1 on III metals.

....... linl Sootk a.. .....

Thi' cI"nlng solulion Cln be used for


III f.rrou. m.tll., eoppe. Ind its III~.

It ,.mOVH Ih. IUI trKH of g.ease aMI
oillnd ,Hidual poIi.h compouMls f,om
lhe! componetttl.
No.l Alkllin. Cl ...... '
Mak. up :
SodIum Hydrfll.ida 6ol. pe. gallon 40
grms. pe. lit .
Sodium Cartxw.ra 40.1 . pe. gellon 25
g.m . per 1i1.1.
Sodium Tri.iUCiI,a gal1o" 25
grms. per lit.e.
Thi. can be m.dl up w llh w ellr 10 thl
'UQuirttd volum . Carl must be lakan
wilh sod,um hyd.o~,dl which,s vlry al
kalina; glo~H .nd gogglas must be
Th. cll.n,. ,. used 'I ,tempe.lturl
of betwN" 6O'C Ind 8(f(:, (14O'F 10
176'f). fOl II"ous m.lals it .. besl 10
usa Ihllemperalurl of 80'(:. 11 is .ecom
mended 10 un IIIHI conl., ... r for Iha
eI ".,. Th. lmpo~IS.,,, imm".StId
Irom two 10 I.n minutls.
fo SfICOnd SIIga o. EIf1c.
It()/yTHl Ihl lbove blJlh can be
used . It can be used in Ihe lam" tlnll
wh.n m.dl of 11111. I1 is conside.ed
good praclice lo pilei lWO links in tan
dem, the fi<lllor a 'o.~ cleanl and \hl
stK;ond an "ICI'Olytic ell ........
Fo. Ilrrous mltll, Ihl IInll is mlde
Inod,c. Ihll is the U,nk i. connlCled 10
Ih. po5Il,vl part of IhllllCl"CitI supply
end Ihl WI.,d Of hooked compon,nts
CQnnlCled 10 Ih' cathodIC:,ve pi"
of lhe .1Ict.ielllUpply. Mtk. su Ihll
Ihey I'. ,n.ullled, by IIp'ng tterOS'S Ih ...
lOP 01 Ih. link.
T1'II high and of Ih. tamperllu
.Ing. it utell, Ihll '. 8O"C al a cUffenl
denllty of 10 I .f. - 30 ..1. (1 .0a 'dm~ 3.0a dm'l from on. to two minutes.
The mechan,sm o l lhlS type of clean
ing i, thll hyd'ogen gH is lib etttd


ova. thlsurfac. Ollhl cathodl. i_I. Ihl

compon,nl. th' IIIrface of which Is
"ICrubbed" by Ih' hydn.gen gls Ind
Ihi, in conllqu.1IOI IfflClS I
Fo. copPl< and it. IlIoys Ihl same
p.ocedU'1 Is used IS for Ih... f.....ous
mllall. bullhelompe.alu usedil6O'C
(14O'f), th' low.. Ind of Ihl Ilmpera
lurl r,ngl. The CUHent d ... nsity i, .150
10WI. a t 5 a, .f. (O.SIIldm'), for a pe.lod
01 tw,ntv 10 fo rty slconds.
To finish off Ih pi" o f till cycle for
Dolh farrou. mal..ials lInd coppe. Ind
copper alloy. Ih l pola, ity is .evlrsed.
1.1. Ih. component made anodk and
cleaned fOf I furthl' \on teConds allh.
,a",. CUHlnl dln,itlH IS fOf flrrOUS
nd coppe nd coppe. Illoys respect
ively. Th...emov I ttny amount of
mllll. 111Il0l giving I clean and ICIIVI
Alkali", CI.. n.. fo< Aluminiu m ,nd
Zinc DlI Clltlng l
Thlse 1<1 cll.ned in Iow '1~11i
Cllanl wh;eh g,vl dull. f.osty .p.
pellrallOllo Ih. componlnts but off,,, a
good cll,n .u.lac. p.ior to electroplel'
;ng Of anodIsing.

No. 2 Alklllnl

Mak. up:'
SodIum hrd,oxidl 31. pe. g.lIon pe. lil'e.
Sodium c.t,boII,,11 40.1. per g.lIon
2Sg.m . PIt hlfl.
Th. eI.....,.. " used .t a lamplfllu 01
6O'C /14O'"F). Howev.., il can be used"
IOWlr Ilmpe'alu'l if. ,eduction in Ih.
!tO$ty appea nee i. desired. Thl im
me<lion time i. Onl minull 10
lit... m,nul", depending Iga in on Ihl
Thl lank fo. this cllana. can be 0 1
plastic. 11111 Or glal .


Th. nll<l Plrt of Ihl cleaning cycl. I, Ihl

pidcling P'OCIA. Pickling mellls mlanl
Ihl 'Imoval 01 impu.ilies IUd'IIII $CIII.
and, in Ihl case 0 1 steel, rust, from Ih.
aurflCe, with lin l. 0, no .nadc o ,.
mo~al of the actuII melal undemlalh
Ihl impufilils.
PidclH "I fo.mulotted !tom ml .... ral
adds .uch 11 hyd.ochlo.ic .nd 1111
phu.ic acida.
No. 1 Plckll
Hydrochloric Acid Pickla.

Mike up:



31511.oz.200 mls.
Wirer ma.dcl up 10 one gallon (0' 200m1
in 0111 lit,,) .
This pidcll is used a\ .oom IlITtpe,,
tU'I . The .ecommlndadlank 10 uM is of
plllttc, usually polyp.opylene, Of gl.u.
11 I 11. .1 link i. used. it mull be lined
w ith rubbe. Of plestic.1t i, p' to
hlvlllid onwhan nol in uM beClUM of
Ih, fumH, which will cauM ,ulling 01
11111 objects In clOSI p.o~imity.
Thl prOCedU'1 for making up is 10 hili
flll lh l lank w ilh cold waler. Ihln pour In
the measu.ed volume of conclnt.aled
hydrochloric acid slowly. Tak. ca'l 10
un glov.s, goggl ... s Ind ov... II nd
carry oul in an open Spacl. Aft .. the
Kid illS bIIn eddttd, makl up 10 Ihl fl volume. Tilt! ,.action of hyd.o
Chlo<ic acid wilh watl' dOlI nOl ..ise
!he tlmpe.atu .
This pidcll can be used boIh 10' f
rOut matlfials and eoppe. .nd ill
The imm.,,'on lim. VII", ~ding
10 how much seal. is presenl on Ihl
componlnll. FOf normal tee!e ,lmov,I,
on. 10 fou . minules i. thl ulual I, ml.
Thl compon ... nls are u5ually wi.ed up
with copper Wi'I, hooked, 0' on iiO"


To malll up an Inhibt"ted
mlkl up 10' Ihe h~drochlo.ic pidcll Is
used w"h 0.5'4 by _ighl H.x,m,nl ad.
dition .
No .HA) Pickle
0.80>:. pe. galJon o. PlO' hlrl of
TlIa flIU!! 01 adding thl Hlx.minl
will be Ihe 'Imov,1 ol lh. teel, by Ih.
pickl . bul lh t! will be no action of Ihe
pickle on lhl cll an mllll surfacl. In
o lhe. wo.ds, Ihlaction o f Iha pielll, will
ceasl Whin Ihe seall het been 'a
movld . NOTE -Ihil inhibited plckll e.n
only be utell on flfrous mltlrials.
No. 2 PiclIl.
Sulphuric kId Pickl.

Conctml,.,1rI Su/phunc Acid 9fl.oz. !Y.;


W., ...hIt.) up 10 onl gallon (SSml in


Thl uml mlll".1 " used for Ih.

lanu IS in No.1 Pickle . Thl procedU'1
10' m.king up Ihe pidll i Iso IhlUml
11 No. 1 Pickll, bu l lotk. ca.. with lul
phuric lcid - use goggles, glovH .nd
oVlrllll. as Ihis is co.rosivl. and wh.n
addld 10 wale. Ihe lemperatu'l of the
'Olulion .isos ropidly, so stir contlnu whill.lowIy .ddingthlacid. (SII
lhl difflrlnCI with No.1 Pickll whlll no
h." i'glnefllttd) .
Aft .. cooling, Ihl pickll i. ready fOf
uu. It il used 11 room l.mpe.lIIu'l.nd
used bolh 10. i.on and liNt ,nd COpPl<
and brill.
Fo. normal 5Cl11 removal. OnllO Iou.
m,nutH imm ... "ion liml i equired .
No. 3 Pickle
Aluminium and AJluys PIeIIll.
Maka up:Concentrated Nitric Acid

3911 ,01

Sodium FIIIOr/de 1.SoI. 10grm.

Wa'" m.cle up 10 one gellon 12SOm1 in
Thi. i.used 81a picklalo Iuminium.
or 10' da'lmoWng "",n, in aluminlom
.11oyI. and gen,,.lIy imlNrls a cl.. n

The b-II(h ~n be mllde up In e gl/l51 o.
plestic link. La. polyp.opylenl.
To mltl op Ihe pickle. hatl fill the lint
with water. add the mlllo.1d amoont
of cO~nt'3ted nitric acid to 'hi werlr.
slowly. continuou,ly slirring. Next add
tha sodium lIuoriM and Illr Will ontit
dio.solYed. Finally. mlk. up '0 the
qoirod \IOluma wilh wat ... CARE with
ni,fic 3cld. being corrosiv.; use glov ...
gogglal.nd 0 ....,11 .
Th. pic:kJe i$ uH<! et room lempefl '
ture. wUh imm .... ion tim. of betweln
(hirty ncondl and one mino!a.
8ri;ht Olps
No. 4 D,p.
Mak, op:
Concenll.fed Sulphuric Acid 8011 ,0' ,



3011.0 .

0.511.01. 15m1s.
Warer 5OIl.o,z. JOOmII.
IMaking one gallon or onl li(ra re
Tha lint cln be m.cle of gins. pla'lic.
potyl/l_, P.V.C" or I good qU31ity
"ainl....teel loch as 317512 glide.
To mlk. up the Drlght dip, th, w3ter 1I
poured In (ha tank..nd the COrocent'31ed
.olphoric acid Iddad slowly. stirring
coot; witch for ollerheating.
The lolouon illlllowed to cool to room
tamper3t U,.. The mtlaSllred amount 01
concen'flted nitric ,cid i. eddad. lIi
ring contInuously. then the measu.ed


amount 01 corocent.ated hydrochloric

acid .cIded,
It i. good p<actiC1ll0 st,nd plntic can
tainer. in an ou ter tank containing cold
wa(a .
Ca.e. whan m.king op thi. b-IIth, Th.
concentrated minefllacidl era corros
illl ,nd ~u" burns, ther.for. gloves.
gogglasand olllrall, mOll be WOM.
The bright dip is uH<! et room tem
per&lUII lor copper and copper allo.,.
and nickel lillll' only. The imme ..ion
tima i, 11 matter of second Ihls being
dependenl on the surl,c:e .equired.
Alter bfight dipping. O>ey must be fm
merH<! in I cold water rinse 10 remOlla
Ih. acid. Put, ,malllmounl of sodium
~.bonlll in thoe IrnSflto neullllin. lily
2ou. per galion . Thtr cornponentllO be
bright dipped Irl wired with copper
will. $m,1I COmPOIlOll1I can be dipped
in lJt,in!ess IIHI beS",.. This process
mu" be -'I, or done in tha
open ail. becaUM when diPPlllg th,
compononta, r~ fume. of nllrog'll di.
oMiM III gillln oH from the dip. which
..a ",,"me1y h....dou .

For Brlllht Dippi ng of Alu minium

No. 5 Dip.
M up:
Conc.rrfraferi PtrosplK>rit: Acid 15."ll.o,z.
44Om1 .
Hydrogan Perox;do 120 lIolumes)
O. UfI.o,z. "mlL
W.f .... O.73f1.Q.r.21ml .
Tha IOlution i. operal~ &I I tempers
(ur. 019O"C 119!i' f).
The link uH<! is m/lde 01 gl,.. O.
pI3.IIC. i.e. propylenl. The weter is
poured in tha link. Ind con<:e<ltreted
phosphoric aCid added Ilowly, stirring
continuously. Alter miMing, the IOlution
is allow.<:! 10 cool. then thoe hydrogen
peroxide i, added. Call. Concentrlled

phospho.ic acid Ind hydrogon peroxide

arl corro.' .... therefore gJOVH. gogglos
and oVflfatls must be WOM. The alu
minlum componan'. lIa immlrsed
from ten IICOnds to ona minUle. depending on the btightnlll required and
the perticular Iluminium aUoy being
dipped. Imm.cli"lly ,Itar dipping th.
eomponen,. ,ra rlnlled in cold wlter 10
removl traces ollha dip.
OUllinad in this chapter aral number
01 chemical elealling methods. Thlse
give I chBm~lIy claan wrlace. prior to
electroplating. whid> is thoeideals/tuation.
Howeva vllious ph~ic.rrl methods
can be used with Or in IOml CIIII in
.tead of chlmi~1 cle.nlng.
We! seouring powder. Scotchbfitl
ped. and wi,. wool can be uMd on
compon"nl$, Hpacially copper or DII"
OnH. Th"se CIIl than be rinsed lod di
ractly alectroplated, or put throogh the
lIarious chemic,rrl etesning p.oc...... or wet Dlesling I. an excellenl
mathod of deeoing COmponlnll. es
peclllly caS( i.on, Cllt componanl. o'
healllly rulled "eet articles. Com
ponants cl..nad thil way ~n be directly
alectroplated. In the caSI of casl
componants. thi. reduCH tha lilk of
occluded cleaf'HIl$ IllChing out alta,
AfI" the .ollllnt clesn process. I! dal'
Ired. clrtain aress which m_V not nettd
to be Ilectroplated m.y be 'masked off.
This I. carried out by uling muking
tape. PVC. O. simil., plaslic llpe. O.
'lIopping off' lacqu"l. The$ll "1 lac
quell m3de 01 synthelic IHinl. auch IS
polyu." lIamish. They III peinted
on .nd allOwed to dry. It I, best to use a
tllpe or lacque. commensur8t" with tha
hotte.t pen 01 the electropl3t;ng pro-

cen or Ih, masking m_v Dllak down

during p<ocessing.
Alway. add acid to water, not VIce va ....
Afler mi.lng with wale. il i. uwally IHs
Always _"gloves, goggles and ov".
I! there i, 'ny spiltaoe on P3rt. of thl
body. wash with running cold Wit ....
Work in tha open 11., or halll good lIan
The accomlNnying tables <;OlIlr tha
cleaning .nd Ihl alectrolyles uMd in the
deposition of thl metal . I1 J. alum .
mary of chapl'" lour and flVa. aod INn.
of chaptlr, ,i. and nine.
It shOWl thl SIIDII"te mlllri.11 with
(he combinllioo of Ihe cl,aning cyclll.
the alectrolytes nd the optioos to
achill'le which finiSh you require.
Key to raference number5 on f/le fables.




The preflrred cI..n is I gill, or wel

bllIl. prior to electroplating.
To Ilect'oplate eithlr of tha acid
coppers I minimum 01 I /llIh 01
oil!>er 01 the nidell mull be de
Fo. tin Ilectlopla(iog. to 13cilita'l
$Olda.lng. it la recommended that
, flash of nicl<aJ be depo.ited be
lorl tin electropllling. Thia is pa
ti<:ula.IV neeH18ry 00 bliSS,
bee&un il prll'lenls d.~incing 01
brlN alter tha told ... opelltion,
Tha l1nc&ta dip ia nece'''ry when
Ilectroplating ,Iuminium wilh
nick,! ,nd other malal daposits
ftlectrOIVl ically.




N ' Soak

N" ,A




Alum inium

N' ,

N 1A
Hydrcx:hloric Hydrochloric









Yesor lA or2 Yes or 1 or 2 Yes or 1 or lA





YesorlAor2 Yes or 1 or 2 Vesor1 or lA








lit AllOYS






















Yes or lA, 2

Yesorl , 2

Yes or lA, 2

Yes or



Yes " lA

1. 2 Vesor' , lA






Yes or 2
Yes or 2
Yes Of 2
Yes or 2


Ves or 1
Yesor 1

Vasar 1
Yes or 1


The Electrolyte
The term elec;lrolyte i, delloed .. thil
eond ucu"lI medium lor mOl' elect.o-

pl'ling processes. The mOl' common

91ectrolyta i. IIn IIqUflOU. IOlut lon w it h


A good eK,mpla of Ihi. is Ihe dipping

of , ;
"""I in ac:idk copper .1,11
rHul1I in an Immersion

water ..oluble chemical When I CUr-

rent i. allowed 10 flow through the .alution vi. Ihe anode and CiOlhode,
deposilion of metlll ooeurt " \h8
cathode. The l1ecuolyt", v.ry in p.H


end mav ~ Kid,,, solution., neutral.nd

01 rJlJ" _ ~v"l _ NmJ1lrig1ll nlclce/. r .... bo:>Ir;, """~'Ied Wlrh

bIu, plUiV.rfd. rt.. ~or;, .,."fOI1I....:J _rh "",~I>""hr NC/t;e/ from r.... ,1..

dpm'_ ill lion

~, ...



elkali ... lIOIu\ions..

The elecl.olyte mUll conl.i" the di.lolved Hit of the melllla b.- d'p<"iled.
The lilt' dissolve in wlte. end form
lonl. For eumple. copper lulph&'e di,
solved in wale. form. Cl,j~ + SO--,
the Ion. of eu' IInd 50.--.
Generally. the more complex the ion,
the more effICient, ,nd , much
tmootllar deposit o llh, m.~1 ooeurs.
Mot' pro'es,iornol electfolytH .r. of the
c:y.nide ion. which is compte"... di.
li~ from the ,imple ion of co~r 1... 1.
ph" . The mein rflasOn why CVlnide
electrolyte. are commonly 1,114<:1 11 Ih.I
w;Ih I eomple .. ion, Ihe Ictual COnlanl of
Ihe metal In Ihe ion I, re llliYl ly low
compared 10 limple ion. ,nd Ihi. r.
"reil Ihe form&lion olln immertion depolil when Ih eIIllIodt i. pi~ In Ihe
eleclroIyte, whim eIIn CoIU .. problems
Wilh IIdltMion.




cop per
Iulphate electrol yte
G"'fl BOgml of coppor.
Coming 10 more practie&1 I.,.,.,. lor
electrOlylfl. Ihe mosl common ..e Ihe
ones uNd 10r linc pilling, in their vlri()I.IS form . The one Ihat I h''''' uNd, 'nd
is considered rellonably ... fe lor 1,1. . In
,workshOj) or g ..ege . i. a l ine chloride
ZINC ctllOftiDE BATtt
This i, , .Imple .Iectrolyte to u. . .nd
m.inl,in ,nd h.. Ih I(Iv,nllgtl of &leeI'opt";ng on dilflCUh m'tals, aud! ..

CoIII or ilon. 11 i. OpItl'atad &I

room IImperalure. Ih."lo<e no healing
costs Ire incUrred, .nd the deposits Ira
easHy tre&lad with o;e",in chemical. to
g ive , coloured lini.h (p8Ss;v&tel.
The fo.mulat.on of the elea.olyle


Zinc Ch/o,;dtl3oI; pe. g.lIon pe.

iit .
Ammonium Chlrmd. 200. pe. gllllon
120grm. per hue.
To make up OM g,lIon 01 electrolyte
Idd ,i~ pinls of liP wI, a. 10 Ihe pl .. I;ng
link, Ihen Idd 1he 200. of .mmonium
chlo.ide, $Iirrlng w,ll until complelely
In .nOlhe. com,ine pu t two pinl& of
Wlrm liP Wile Ind ,dd 30. of zinc
chloride. slirring until di'soIved. Pour
the two pint, Inlo Ihe ,i .. pints al.eady in
!he pIIoling link ,od mi~ well.

TlIfIlIOlUlion i, now ready for UM. It is

,dvi .. bl. 10 mark Ih. on. g.lIon leval.
Or whallv.. volume you use, OOlhe out
,Ide 01 Ihe tank wilh , walerp.oof
marke. pen . .., Ihat as Ihe level o f the
link lall. thr()l.lgh avaporation 0'
()1.11 il tin be lOPped up Iglin.
I1 you eIIn keep. lid on I". IInk....t>ef1
nOl ,n uM Ihi. will m'fllmise .... lpo IIog.oo pr....""1 dustl,ni"" iflto Ih.l4Iulion.
Oper&ting Condition.
Th. link i, conneaed up 10 1"'1 power
supply. Ihe po"live connecled to Ihe ,n
od... In this eIIse piecH ol ll<>e 4in. ~
3in . Or perfor.ted zi<>e Ih"l Sin. ~ 600.
boughl from you. 10<:11 ironmongefl.
Pre-d n Ihe componentl, lOO 'mmene in !he el&<:trQlVle. Tu.n Ih. cur.enl on, ,nd rotgul&te 10 Ihe """lOt you


require whhin the current density ronge test paper in the electrolyte for a couple
of seconds, and note thal the strip befor the electrolyte.
For this electrolyte the platIng current tween 6 and 7 ch a nges colour. M2 t~h
this colour to one of the numbered col
should 00 ootween
ours either si de of the ~entre strip. and
14.4 a.s.1. to 28.8 a.s.f.
the number that matches is the p.H o f
or 1.S4 aldm' to 3.1.,dm'.
The electrolyte is operaled ~t rOOm the solution. The p.H can also be
measured by ona of a numoor of p. H
temperature 15',2O"C.
At 14.4 ~.,.I. the zinG depOsited will 00 mete rs and ponab\e p.H 'sticks' avail
Iloolin. or 25 microns. at a plating time able on tho ma,ket. These ~ary in pr,ca,
and the ponable p.H Slkks are reason
of 83 minutes.
At 28.8 a.s.1. a depOsit of 0.001 in. or 25 ablv priced between ( 40 and 130.
To obtain a satisfactory deposit in
mic'ons is 42 minutas.
Using the lower end of Ihe currenl most electrolytes it is necessary to elec
density r.nge for electroplaling will troplate the electrolyta In'. This is done
give a finer, more even depOsit 01 zinc . by hanging 8 pieco of scrap steel in the
The faster the deposition. the more un solution, and. using a current within the
even and coarse the deposit becomes. current de nsity range. leave it electro
OccasIonally It may be necessary to pl ating for about one hour . This electro
electroplate a component of small area, lyses the solution, and ta kes out some
such as a small washer Or pin. The cur of tho impurities. Howe ver. 10 ta ke out
rent ou tput may 00 tOO large at the low impuritie'!l as e speci fic o peration. tho
ItSt range of the supply. In thIS ",se, electrolyte Is plated oul a t a very low
hang a piace 01 steel plate or twO pieces current. Tllis induces the impurities to
of plate Irobbersl each side of tile com deposit out l,rst on the scra p piece. then
pOnent. This will InGf8ase the surface the no. mal me tal of the electrolyte is dearaa to correspOnd with the electroplat posited.
ing current, and thus bring it into the
current density range. The robbers will ZINC HYDROXIDE 8ATH
also carry out a second lunction by re This is an al kaline zinc electrolyte made
moving the high current density, giving up with sodium hydro~ ide. Thi, chemi
a more \!Ven and smooth appearance. cal is e ~tremely caustic. and care must
be e~ercised when using it GOGgles,
i.e. prevent "burning".
gloves and overalls must 00 worn when
handling, and also koep away from
The p.H of the electroplating solutio n
The optimum is between p.H:I to p.H 4. children and animals. Whe n nOI in use it
but the solution performs quite well up is kept in 8 tightly closed pl astic or glass
to p.H 1. Strip papers can 00 used to jar, bec ause it ta~es in water f'om the at
check Ihe p.H. These can be purchased mosphere and decomposes to SOdium
from chemical su p ply houses and large carbonate end water.
The formulation of the electrolyte is:
electroplating equipment suppliers.
Atwavs koep the test papers we ll 5-8aled Zinc O~ide 1.00>: per gallon 6grms per
wllen not in use. To use the papers you litre
will 508 tll el they ara numbered I - 14, Sodium Hydroxide 9.Ooz per Gellon
universal type, and thal between the 55grms per litre
numbers 6 and 7 Is I strip. Immerse the De~trin 1% ad dition by weight.


To ma ke up the solution add the

weighed out amount of sodium hydro~
ide (9,00>:.) to ai~ pints of water and ati,
until diSSOlved. Ne ><l, add the weiGhed
out . inc o~ide (1.00>:.) and stir until
dis50lved. The last to be added IS the
de~lfin. Th is is stirred in until dissolved .
The volume is then made up to one gal
Ion with water, and the electrolyte is
ready for use. OOt. as mentioned in the
previous zinc electrolyte, it must be
'plated out" oofore it i, usable. For this
solu lion the 'platinG out' requirements
a re O.2amps for 12 hours with a piece 01
steel 2in. ~ 2in.

ammonium chloride to the SOlution 8t

the rate 2 to 40z. per ga llon . For No.2
zinc electrolyte 0.250z. of linG o~ide and
lto 1.50!. of sodium hVdro~ide pe, gal .
Ion of solution.
FA ULT Electrolyte appears to be a rusty

colour ..
REA SON Iron from the components

being electroplated is di~solved inlO the

REMEDY For No.1 zinc electrolyte add
50 millilitres of hydrogen paro~ ide. st"
welt and leave to 58l1le. When settled,
carefully decanl of/ the clear solution.

Operating Conditions
FAUL TThe deposit is patchy.
The same con ditions apply 8S lor the REA SON The pretrealment clean ;s
prev ious !lnC chloride electrolyte. The faulty.
eleclfoplating currsnt density range i$ REMEDY Strip the deposit off to the
metal by immersing the component In
2 and 20 a.s.I. or 0.2a 'dm' to 2.0a, dm~.
30% sulph uric acid 0' 15% hydrochloric
The electrolyce is operated 81 room ecid untll ,11 the zinc is removed. Go
te mperBlure 15' - 20'C.
bad th,ough the p retreatment, and ,e
a eing al kaline p.H 12 - 14, Ihe conltol plate.
of the p.H is not needed with this sol CARE A small amount of hyd,-ogen gas
is given oH, so ma ke sure the area IS well
ven tIlated. Using sulphuric or hydro
chloric add. goggles and gloves must
be wOrn.
FA UL TThe deposit is rough or COar5-8 in
te><l ure, and ma y be discoloured.
REASON Cu"enl density too high.
Colouring linc. electroplating is usually
REMEDYReduce the currant density.
called passivating the zinc surface. As
we!! as berng decorative with the vari
FA ULT Rough deposits can also be OUt colours. it enhances the perform
cau~d by suspended matter in tile elec
ance of Ihe electrolyce by incre ning its
an!I-COffosive properties.
REMEDY Filter the electrolyte through a
Zinc, along with cadmium, ara
fi lter paper or fine cloth.
classed as ',ac,ifi"ial coatings' on ler
rous materials. This means Ihat the elec
FA UL T Deposits rou gh. and electroplat troplated deposit will be o~idised to
ing slug g ish (i.e. lack o f thickness),
atmosphere instead 01 the component
REA SON Low conductivity of electro ,usting Or forming iron 0~id8. bu t ova' a
period of years the electroplated deREMEDY To No. t zinc electrolyte add posit WIll disappear from the compo

nenl. To .educe the Kt .... deposit, e

'pauiYe' usually of,um
ion . i pplied. This .educe. tM lietiviTY, hence p.oIonginll the lile of the
depos't .nd enhenc,nll thl .nli.
corto,ive p.operties.
Fo. the diffe.ent colourinll' th. b3ths
..e up IS lollows:'
M.k, up Ammonium Mo/ybd". 40>:.

per II.UOn. 25grms pe. ""e.

CN:.nrr.ted Ammonl. 1.880 S.G) 6
fluid oz. pe. gallon. 375ml,. pe. lot .
W.,..-Io mlk. up to '1I.11on (0' litr.).
Le.v. tha eomponenl In the IOlut,on
unt,1 th. desirBd sh.d. I, obt.lned. for
d p bllld.s, h.allh. IOlul'On. bUI nole
Ih ' ammonia w\ll lume and lIiv. olf
'''onll smell, Ih fo.e it mutt be w.1I
.... ntillted o. done outdoors.
In both cases, wh.n IIM COI.ect coloo.
;. obt.ined inse in cold w.t .... ttHIn in
hOt w"e'. and lelve to h..den olf the
leye . 00 not touch the colou.ed surfac.
until h dened.

M.k, up Double Nick.1 S,II, O.5oz. pe.
1I.1l0n 311'mS pa' "t .
COP{H' Sulpllat. 0.5o.r. par lIallon
3grml per lit .
Pot.mum Clllonte 0.5o.r. pe. 1I.llon
3grms pe. litra.
UM Ih.lOlution al6O"C. "",th In Int
scr.tch-bfulhinll to even
outlh. colou . W.Minll off imp.O'I.' Ihe
colour Nor. Potassium Chlo le i. e
powerful oxidisinll Ig.nt, and Ihe pow.
d., mull be kept in well SIOppe/Bd
cont.lne .


81ue Colou. (P,uivata) up Sodium OH;/!romlte 0.8o.r. pe.
g.11on pe. litre.
COfI(;"''''Ied Nitric Acid 3.2 fluid al. pe.

1I.1I0n 2OmJ per "tr .

D,uol.... the sodium dichrom.le In
ooe IIt.e of Wile then add Ihe nlt.ic
add car.lully. "i"lnll well in .Iowly
The balh ;. ope.. ted at room lemper
tu.e. Th, immersion time \ 0 to 20
IrId ...... nt CoIoo r (Pauivete)
Mate up Sodium Dichrom't' l00.r. pe.
1I.llon pe.lit.a Sulphurit Add 0.511uid
oz. pe. 1I.llon 3.Omls. pe. litr.
011101\1. tM sodium dichromat. in
th. voluma r~uired. th.n add tM< con
e.nt.ated acid slowly and
ca.elully. Itl.ring continuoosly. Th.
baTh i. ope.atad .t .OOm .
Tha imm ...ion Ilm. is 8to 10 lOCOnd,
CARE WiTh nItric acid Ind
acid, IIlov , 1101111181 .nd ov...1I1 mUll
Th' Iln !WO formulations ' .. pU"
pnsiv"a coatinll' nd It. left for 24
hoofl la hltden off belo funh..- 1,1111.
Afta. hafCMning off th.y CIOn be plinted
if requ ired. Th" combinl!ion 01 l ine.
pluiv"e Ind pllnt olf... llood CO"
.0slon '.Iilllnce 10./0"01,11 malals.

Nickel off.r. llood corrosion r,"i,"nce

whon ,IKt'OpI.,ed on bolh let/oul and
non-Ietfoo, ma'.I, .uch as copper .nd
.110.... of copper.
1lMI mec.hlnitm of nickel. copper .nd
tin .Iectropl.ting 11 thlt """ d<!POllllltl
more 'nobll' thin lleel, ~nd $\eel be
comas anodic and the.alo.a dilsolves.
Thus il il Impotlanl to lIava good p'.
el ninll .nd to avoid pOrK .nd di.
continuities on tha alectropl".d

This;' dilllnct th. 01

tlM IInc .lectrOpI.t., which 11 I... nobl.
,h.n steet, .nd in COnseqU.nClt,", "'"

becomes cathodic ""'th!he zinc dislOl\I

ir>g i.e. lICfiflCi.1.
A good .11 round nick" .lectroIyt. is
" lollows :.'. Nickel gallon pe.lil .
Nk:kal CII/on"de 1I.llon 45grms
per "Ita.
Boric Acid 4.80 . pe, 1IIIIon 3() per
lil, .
To mike up tM< ,Iecuolyt . w.rm up
three qUlrte .. o ltM< 'tOluma 01 w.ter.
Idd The w.illhed .mount 01 n,cIt;.lsul
ph"., sti, .nd WI.m until dissolved .
Then add tha weillhed Imount 01 nick.1
chloride. r.pelt until d'ssolved. Finally.
,dd the bo.ic acid, which tima
to dissolv. AIt.r '"lh, chemicals Ira in
IOlulion, maka UP 10 th. required 't01.
ume with W.I ....
Th .. p.H thould be checked by wh.t
...... mean . papefl O. p.H meter. Tha
p.H Ihould be 3_5.
It is recommlnded th.t th;. soIUI;On
be 'plat.d oot' I1 Iow curr.nt with
tom. scrap lleel pllla IImilar to Th"
No.2 zinc alectrolyt., Till . will .emov.
th. diSSOlved Imputitias in Ih. nickll


alec!ric he.,er ;. und.

1lMI ev."nT clantlTY .. ~' is from 10
..1.104O . ..... or l 104.0. dm'
Thi. i, as pr.viously m.ntloned. The
pan 01 tM ,.nga chosen il dependant
on th. shape of Iha companlnl and the
t.~lu.e of th. daposit required. Th.
low tha Current danSlTy Th. lin the
Thi, ,lectrolyt. w ill
0.OOOlin.(2.5microns) 11 lOa.'" in 15
minutes or o.OOOlin.(2.5micron.) at
lOII ... 1. in 5 minUles.
Thil electrolyt. gl_ a llood dull 10ft
dePOSlI which will polilh up to I hlllh
IUllrl. III p.opetli 11 not lI.eatly
Iffected by I wide In p.H, tarn.
peratu.a Ind balance 01 ch.mical com.
position In tha bath.
Wh.n this deposit i, ov.r"lectro_
pI.ted w'lh decorative chrome illllves.
plea,inll dull chromo effect. IImilar to
the finish on Ind simil
tool .

Seml8rllilht Nickel EIac!.olytl

Thl. Is baNd on I Wail's Formulllion
with tha .ddition of an orllanic b.illhT
en .
Sulphltl lIallon
The anod uMd in Ihis electrolyte
240g.m. per litre .
..I 41n. ,,4in .'11lI 01 pure n,cIt;.1. Thelll Nocllel Chloride< ".1I0n
can be Obtained Irom .Iectroplatlng
.upply hou,,". Thi izl 'pproMim" BorIC AcId 4.80z..per "lIl1on 3()grm. pe.
to tha .nodes uMd on Hull c.J1 Appa
811,1,. How ....... for. 1"lIa NtUp bas_ Saccll.n"n. 1I.,IOn 2.Ogrms
keled o. hoolt;ed Inodes may
be used. buttha.. eln be pens;"'e.
Th, alectrolyt. IS m.da up .. for Ihe
The ope .. tinll t.mpe.atu.a for this prevloul nick.1 eleclrolyt. (Wall.), but
el.c1tolyt. Is 5O'C 113O'FI.
with th. addilion at Th. end 01 the
Thl hea,inll m.y be accomplished by waillhed .mounl of sacch,"ne. Thil is
vllious method . If "ainless steel con.tantly "irrBd wh.n wa.m, unlll dis
COntlina. is used, I 1111 ring i. placed IOlvad. Th .. d.ssolulion may t.ka some
underneath, If th. con",in.. is Pyrex lime because SI ('I'IOI.-.rv ..,1111.15 o. pI.stic, Ihln.n aqu.rium TYpe ubi


The current deflsity .anges apply lor Ihi. I. for the ptIYious electrolyte. u ~II uthe IImperllu<8 .ange
Thi. llectrolyte wIll depoSit :O.OOOlin (25 micron.) II 10 a .s.f. in 18
0 .0001in 12.5 ml(fonll at 30 a.s.f In 8
mlnules .
Wilh Ih,.. elec1rolyte. ag'I81ion i,
recommended , it ha. by sli"ing or com
pr"Hd air bubbled IhrOl.lgh Iha Sol
FAUL r PIttIng of d.posit.
REASON Acldlly of soIulion 100 high .
nick.1 conll"llow, boric acid 100 low.
REMEDY Adlust p.H 10 between J.nd 5.
Adjust p.H Wllh aqueous solulion of 10dium hydro.ide until between Ihe
I;mltt. Add lm. per gallon of nlCkalsul
phall. Add 0.501. per gallon of borIC
lCid .
FAUL T NOI enough coverllge of Ihe

REASON Electrolyte I8mpe.alure loo
low. or low currenl denlity.
REMEDY l~reaH electrolyta tempera
tU<8 10 5O'C - 55'C. lncrene currenl den
FAULT Poor .dhellon 01 Ihe nickel 10

lhe componenl nd may be of bumt appe... ~ .

REASON Poor ptedeaning of Ihe componenl. Too hIgh p .H (alkllinity). Too
high amlnl density.
REMEDY Strip off lhe nickel pllte. depending wheth" 18<rou. or non-I8<'Oul.
Go IhrOl.lgh Ihl pre--cln" and replate.
To .edU(:ll Ihe p.H to betwee" 3 ,nd 5.
add diluted hydrochloric or sulphuric
acid. until Ihe correcl p,H rangl i, obla'''ed. In th, correction of acidity or
alkalinity Ih. raagenls ar, added ape.


;ngly. and conSlantly Shrred a"d

checked. CARE - Wilh aqueou.lOdium
hydro.'de and hydrochloric: and .ulphurlC acid., gloves and goggles MUST
bewom .
Nickel depolltS from bolh elect.olytes
can be buffed or polilhed 10 good
IU'I<8. It mull be remermberld Ihal .n
enO""flCI on Ihe th,ck...,ss muSI be
mlde for poli,hi"9.
Tha mOll u"d Ileclrolytes of copper
Ife Ihe CYlnide copper and Ihe acid
The main distInction between Ihe two
Ilectrolytes i, Ihll Ihe cyanide copper
c.n be used 10 deposil coppe. on bolh
ferroua and nonf8<rous mer"ll. The
acid coPPIIr un only be u.ed 10 deposn
coppe. on nonferrous metals. For !he
Imaleur in Ihe home. Ihe use of CYlnide
.. a conslde"ble I\llard, and ... ilh the
difficulty of obtaining Ihis ~hemical I
have nOI ,nclUded any p,ocesns in the
te~l . However, a method can be Uled 10
finally depOsit copper on a lerroul ma
teri.l .... hich ...1II be described.
A good lI,neral copper eleetrolyte
... hl(h c.n be buffed Ind pOlished:
Copp.r Sulphll/II cry!lIl. 3201. per gal
Ion 200grml per lItre.
Concenrra/fd Sulphurk acid 4.5011.01
per g.lIon 3Qm11 per litre.
To m.~e up the electrolyte .....m u p
thr. . qu."e .. of the volume of .... Ier .
and add Ihe ~Ighed .mounl of coppe'
sulphltl C!'fllll nd SI;r constanlly
unlll d"solved. To the cooled coppe'
sulpha" aoIUlion edd very slowly d.op
wiH the COflClntrlled lulphuric acid .
previOl.lsly me.. ured. SI;' ... 8'11 un\lt
ml.,d ~II InlO Ihe 5OIu l;On. Ne"', top
UP ... ,th ... lter 10 the required volume
Ind Ihe electrolyte il ready for uH. Th .
Curtenl denlitv i.4 .. I. f. 10 30 a.l.!.

O....dmIO 3.08Idm.
Tl\is ,lectrolyte will deposil :
O.ooolin_ 12.5 micronl) al 10..s.f in 12
O.oool ln . {2.5 microns) 1I 201 ..... if! 6
m inutes.
Allltllion is recommended at lhe lOP
end of Ihe currenl density range . Pure
copper may be used for Ihe .nodes. AI
lIig h current densilies Ihere i. a rilk 01
the anodes polarising. with a reduction
In Ih' currlnl. The recommended .n
odes lor Icid copper elactrolytes ale th e
ph01phorrled IYpe. These are purified
copper uling. process of ramoving the
impuritie. 01 0><\'98n ""ith pho.phoric
ICld in the anode making slage.
The electrolyte is ope.alad It I templrllu,a of JO"C (86"F). For Ihin depO.1t1
01 copper 11 CIf! be used at room lem~IU". The h,"Mr lemperature of
JO"C gIves smoother depOSIt of


..... 1.Brighl Coppe< Elecuolyte up :Copper SulphBte 320L pet IIllIon
200grml pet litre.
Con~lIntra/ed Sulphur;'; Acid 1.40z. per
gallon 27 mls per IlIre.
Thlourell pinch O.OOSgrms per liue .
Welfmg Agent IT_pal} one drop Iml
per lilre.
The electrolyte is mllde up the ume
11 Ihe dull ecid copper, bul wilh lower
concentration of sulphUric acid. BefOfe
the bllh is mfde up 10 ill final volume,
the Ihlour,. and wetting agenl ....e
~. After making up 10 lhe final volumelhe elect.olyte is ready IOf uH, N.B.
"'" Ihi!)Urn al 0.005 grml- un be raglldad 11 I ' pinch'.
The electrolyte lIIould be opereled al
23'C (14' F) for Ihe beSl resultl. Allow.r
lIrnperelUre Ih. IXIppar depOsil I, In.
brighl. The electrolyte will :

O,OOOlin , (2.5micron') al 10e..1. in 12

mInute.. O.OOOl in. (2.5micronll 1\
2O . s.!. in 1 m inutes.
Agltalion I1 recommended 8<lher by
lIofling, Or bubbling comPfHMd 8"
Ihr!)Ullh thl5Olution.
Th, lime anodes Ire used In the
dull acid copper electrolyte.
Fo. deposiling copper fTOm lhen
elldrolytu on copper and ill .1I0y.,
and on zinc diecastingl. Ihe precle.nlnglrealmenl as givan in Ih' chllp
lar on cleaning is used, and Ihen the
copper deposiled on the lurface.
For fe"ouI melals, 'Ieel etc . 11 differ_
ent procedure .ppli"". After pre-clunlnglhe component, il i. electroplated in
e ither of Ihe nickel electrolytll. usually
at medium current density. until a 'nuh'
of nic .... is deposited - O.ClOOOSin. Th'
compofllnl is removed . quicllly rinsed,
and ... hile lIi11_1 is immersed In .'Ih.r
acid copper electrolyte .nd coppe. de
po. ited.
The .enon for this is Ihal copper de
po,ited an ecid electrolyte ... ill cor
rode Ihe lIeel 0' iron surface. If nic k.1 i.
depOliled prior 10 Ihe copper electro
plaling. no corrosion ta~es
80lh these eleClrolytes ... ill depOsit.
Ihick Ilyer of pink coloured coppa' Ihlt
can be polished or buffed to I high


10 Ihat rlCommended lor Ihe electro'
Iyte. Thl, fault mey be a combinllion 01
Ihe two lea sons, 10 ... ilh 11 small re
ductlon In currenl density, end Incr""


on .empereture.he depO.iI

01 copper

will be uti,factory.
FAULT F.II in CUff,nl. and riu In "0'"

.ge. and. bleck Him formed on 'he an-

REASON Lact of lulphuric acid ,n the
REMEDY Add dilule .ulphuric acid in
smell .mounts untilthl anode 10sltS its
black film.
FA ULT Poor coverege of thl compo-

REASON Poor pre-clnning or leek of
sulphuric ecid.
REMEDY Slrip Ihe COPP81. (10 bad<
'h rough ' he cycle of pre-cle.ning Ind
replele. Add e .mell amount of dilu te
ulphur;c acid. If .he faullls cauted by a
combinat,on of th' two r"'sonl. then
add th' ,ulphuric fCld first.
FA UL TNodular Or ,plky depo.'!.

eleclrolyla with un

;;;"h. filler paper o.


nn depollted from "n electrolY'es i.

used for pre"nf1ling corrosion on both
nonferrous .nd ferroUI metel nd il
Ilso u.ed '0 f"cill"" Ih" SQlderlng of
compOnln,.. In some cases illl ultld as
'decorll..... finilh.
The pollssium lIannall eleclrolY'e
producel a depoli, of tin thal I, colou
red light grey, mitt in eppear.nee. bUI
can be buffed to. Ill",.." finl.h. Thi' i,a
good all roond e'eclrolyte for use IS an
anli~ffOllon f1nl.h on "HI. Or for use
on bo,h I ' HI and bra.. for soldering
purpoMl. Thl ma~e up i ... follo_:
Potltllum Stennlla ElactrolY'a
PoIISllum Sumnar. 1Sol. per gallon 95


grms. par li"",

PoIassium Hydro)Cidfl20~ per glllon 12
grml. pe. lit.".
To make up theelecl.olyte ttl'H qu a rters of 'he yoluma of distilled Or de
Ionised water is wlrmtd up in the bath.
The weighld amount 01 pot.allium
"snnete il added 10 Ihe w arm Wile
and "i ..ed continuoully until di,
solved. NeKI, the w eighed a mount of
potassium hydrOKide 11 added. and
I1I un,lI dissolved. CARE- with POl
allium hydroKide la IIrO,"", Ilklli)
gloves. 1I001lles and overelll mUll be
After the chemical. are dissolved. lhe
eleclrotyte 1I made up to the final
ume wilh dillllled Or de-ionised w.'er.
Thaelect.olyl e is now rlady fo. ule. but
il i. r.,.;ommended ,h.t soma Krap
pieces of Ileel o. copper are wi rld up
lAd connacted up to the calhodtt. and
'he electroryle 'plated in' .t medium currant d e n,ity fo. " bauI one to 'wo hours.
The .nod" used In 'hi. procesl are
pu.e tin .nodes. usually in Ihe form 01
II,bs 'hll can be CllIIO tha ruqu;.1d lile.
The elecl,olyte i. operaled 11 I ,em
pe.alure betw&en 6O"C and 8O'C. (14O"F
and I76"F). No ellilll10n I. required.
The el-.;uolyte will deposil :- O.oool;n.
(2.Smicronl) at 10..1.1. In 10 minutn.
O.ooolln. 12.5micronl) at 21la.I.I. In 6
The current denlity il between
10...1.nd 408.1.1. U.Oaldm' and 4.081
The p. H of 'he solution i. highly Ilka
line. and Itays alkalin,. Whe n opetlting
Ihi, solution it mUlt be remembered
Ihlt It is best Ihll befota electroplating.
I piece 01 Ktlp mlteri.1 (ItHII. i. con
nKled 10 Ihe cathode bar in tha fllecI'O'
Iyte. The eleclrical ,upply is .witched
on. and th' anodes .ta placed in the
eleclrotyte. and connecced 10 the ,node
bar. The K.ap pi8(:e should Slafl being


e lect.opllled Immtdlately, Al lhe seme

time a.the se.ap PIece i. elecl.oplating.
wi" Or hook the companentt 10 be elec.
Iroplaled to 'he calhode ba . This is car.
rild Oul w i'h th' current s w ilched on .
Th is procedure p. oduces an ;.idescent
gold coloured film on 'heanodes. w hich
is pen 01 the mechanism of llIe electroplating process. Mode.a la Currenl den_
l ity II used on Ihe scrap piece.
FA UL T Elect.olyl e works sluggishly.

a nd th. anodes Ira I grey colou.,

REASON Initial currenl denllty lOO low
to form Ihe corfKllilm. FrH patnsium
hyd.o.ideloo low.
REMEDY Remova anodes one 11 a timl.
a nd r'p lace tham in Ihe elect.olyte .
Somet,me. a llighl increlU In (he
rent density is benefICIa .. Add O.50l. pe'
gallon o f po"uium hydrOXIde.


FAUL T Th, solution turnl I slighlly pink

colou,. with I spongy tIn depollt.

REASON A build up of POlalllum
"snn"eln the solution.
REMEDY Add I smlll amount of hyd.o.
gen peroxide dropwise. Ind SI .. until
the pink ooloor diuppeefl. SI"p lhe tIn
ciePOSlt. pre-de"n. and re-pia. . . I1er
.dding the hydrOgen peroxide.

FA UL T Anodes coye.ed in a bllck Iilm.

.nd currlft' drops oH
REASON The InOO.. have become
polarised. and become cove.ed in tin
o.ide. u ..... lly b.ooghl ,bout by too
high Cllrrent denllty.
REMEDY Reduce currenl d ensity. Remoye Inodu one" I 'ime. and ICOur
Ihe .nodes with. sIIH brush until the
fIlm is .emoved. R,pI_. until III the
snodes h,ve bMn scoured.



Electroforming and Electroplating on Non-conductors


The most common metals deposited

Elec'uoforminll " p.oc;eSll 01 electroplll"ntl1h1t I. used in the manulac\ure

in electroforming". copper and nickel.

of int,ice'. components Ih".re difficult

\h, proc;e.... n(! sometimes Ihe moat

._pen.,ve, i, \h. mllnd.el. which i. th.
shaped material \h. metal i. deposited

to I,b';';"e or machine. 11 is an idoll

method la< m.klng c;QmponenlS 10 tight
lolerenen.oo dimensions.

of metal
deposited ;,
I more
Ihan conventional

(.nythin; from 0.0121n.

Ho_,. 1Il0l moSI essential pll" of


M'I>I:l <el. ~n be divided into two CM

.1 Dispoubl. M.ndrels.

'f' type

of mandr..1 Ih81

A m",,/d mMJ. from " m.~1 I>y ./;t,,:>forming..., In 11 wckmg d'e .1I0wo~ 1I 10 W uH<S
for m'~"'Q ' q".nl,'y of mouldlnQ' In v.r/ou. moulding m.,.".lo.

An IKl mple 0/. cl'opMlf>I.

m.ndr~ m.~

'rom low m"lmp (JOIn' alloy. N(I1. ,,,.. in"",

mw/lied in 10' e H'Klng Pe ..".,,, Windows, and COMHI<:""II'N CI'_ b8r

cannot be eHtr&eted by pulling OUI 01 the

,'eClrolo,m. due 10 being either I bend.
o. hiving smaller dim,msion. at th'
Th, mate",' used cen be Pe,speH.
low melting ,lIays. (Celrobend. CellO'
cestl. end some gredes of WaH. All these
m,t"i." cen be melted 0, diuo"'-d in
IOIven ... The e55enlial piece of equip'
menl fa' thi, mllnd.eI;' I mould to cell
in. However. with Perspex Ihi. i. usullly
machined to shape. IInd nol moulded.
b). Pe,manem Mandrels.
TheM lI'e u,ulllly made of ,,"nlell
".el 01 nickel electroplated Ileel.
Sometlml1 certain plaslics are used.

These mand.els lI'e e"t'lIC1eble by pull

ing on a press.
Other forms of aleet.olorming .. ,
qune ueeful. such es building up worn
,hllhs, 0' ,hllhs \hlt hlJYl been meeh
inod down 100 fll'.
Small moulds can be mllde for ..... ,.
00. other processes, by milking I ''P'
lica. elearoforming, .amoving Ih,
raplice .nd seuing the elec!.ofOfm in I
blocking die. Thl, mould can be ulld 10_
making' quantiry 01 componentl. From
mould liklthi. ilems can be made .nd
UMd on, lor , xllmpla, modal boat .
The two elect'olytel used In el&et'o'
lorm ing are coppe, and nickel.


Th. copPe' .I.,;trolyt. is th. dull

eo~ Ii.t~ In th. dlapler on electro



El'lrofOfmln9 Electrolyt.
Make up;
Copper Sulphal' Crysla/. 320.<.per gallon 200grms per litre.
Concenlratfd Sulphuric Acid 4.Sfl.oz
per gellon ]Oml. per !iUOit.
A Imlll Imount of phanol dissol"ed
up In wal" can be added. This gi"e.
gralnfellnlng propenle. to the electrolyte. The current density is between
10..1.1. - 201 .. /.' - 2.0a.'dm'.
The OJ)8rltong temperatu,a is 3O'C.

For nidel, the Dull Wltt's electrolyte
can be ulUld. but a good elect.ofonning
electrolyte la one fOfmulaled as
follows :-

Nickel Electroformong Electrolyte

N,,;k.t Su/pMmala n~. per glllon
450grms pe. hl.e.
&wr: Add gallon ]0 grms per
The um. !ank can be u5eCI as 10f t"dull nickel, and ma~ up t"- samOit. with
the n,ekel .... Iphamate dissolved firsl.
Ihen th. boric .cid Idded and dissolved
and made up 10 the final volume.
The p.H i. 4.0. To reduce p. H 8dd sui
phemic acid. To increase p.H add am
monil O.880SG. Howe"e . being stable.
it usu.lly ... yl 11 about p. H 4.0.
The soIullon IS oper81ed et 45'(:-SO"C
(ll3'"F - 12O'FI. with 19'1allon if POSI'
Ible. depending on the thicknen required.
The cu ..... t denlllty is between
10.. .1 -SOl ..!'-S.Oadm'.

-F'... " -,-?
........ ________


~-- ~""---



A simple example o f .Iectrolormingl.

I funnel Ihaped component. Sea


Figure 14 is me assembly lor ,1'1,0IOfmlng tha shape. The mandril ia
macla wrth insert. \lIUewadl. if
moulded. from low melting point IIIOYI.
If made from Per5pe~, the ho," are
d.iI1ed and tap ped.
P"lpe~ windows are affixed al each
and, the hanger attached. and th' ,r,"
that ara conducting are 'stopped olf'
with molten 'Clamea' wax, o. Ilmll..

If low melting ,lIoys ..a uNd. lhe pretreltment 11 a light cle.n WIth scou,ing
powder or Scotdlbrile. then a dip in the
alkaline cleaner and electrolytic cleane._
but the electrolytic deaner " opltOnal.
The mandrel f;g is rinsed on wlter Ind
Immersed in the particular elearolytl.
Ind gfown to thtI required thickn....
11 Pe .. pel< is used. thit it mlde con
ducti"e with either. layer 0 1 aqueous
grlphite. 0'. preferably. sllverIOlded
conductive paint. whic'" i, p,lnted on
the .urface of the Perapex, m,' inp 'uti
the conlaet lor Ihe hanglflg bar I1 well

rn.nd", Wllh "'~tH" window and a/hods /HI, _"10Id

_1d/'rI"" with ctMducfi"fl
si/wT tyifll. {No" ",.
{in. OIl I'" ItdoIJ. r".
of ,htt pho/Of1t1ph

,An ex,mpI, ol.n eIect",lomti"fl

/lot> '-hi. r"" ngh ...


OOMf'fItI /H, 01 ~
Doff.,... ;,,"
eIect",fo<....-J .n.p.s. in lit.. a ... , ~ and lid electro-fDnnMI it> si_







Included in this section is Ihe electroplating 01 aluminium. This is n01 strictly

a non electricel conductor, but neve'"
Ihelen it will nOI electroplate like conveOlionat metals.
Ana, going through tha lisled precleaning cycle lor aluminium, as in
chlptet Iou., lincale solUlion is required. This is made up as follows:

llneale SOlution
Make up:
SQdium Hydroxide 701n. per gallon 440
grms. per litre.
Zinc Oxide 130l. pe'gallon 87 9rms. per
The solution ;s made up in hall Ihe
volume 0Iw8te., adding the sodium hy"
droxide slowly. and slirring conl;nu.
oUlly. Aftef dlssolv;ng the sodium
hydroxide, aod While still warm, add the


A" e"~mple "f ,JeclrDplarl"fI 0" .lumi"i<Jm 10 I.cllitare .oI~""f1' 1'1>1. uti/iSM z,,,,,.r, JOlu
Iron, loIlowf<l br', of "", w,rh r;""ed C<JPfJ'" ruboo JOldertId olllo rite fl".1 rin I.~, on
rhe .Iumlnlum.

painted. The conductive SutfaC6 is al

lowed to dry, ~nd is immers&cl in the
particular el&<:lrolyte, end grown la Ihe
required thickness.
I1 nickelplated st&ll or SUlinless steel
mendrels are used, i,e, permanenl man"
drels, the .."me procedure lor cleaning
aa for low melting painlllloy mand'els
is fOllowed. and growing i! the same.
Ahe, growIng, Ihe wa" and windows
are removed, and depending On what
Ihe mlndrells made of, il is e"'ractad by
Ihe following processes.
Low melting III/oy. This is melled. either
in an oven, o. hot oH unlil the aUoy Ilows
Pe,Spa". The mandrel is immaf'!led in I
solvent Such as warm Genklene unlil

dissolved up. It mey also be eXlracted by

holding Ihe elec{rofo.m snd pulling OUI
the Persptl" mandrel.
Nickal-plared s/&II or Slainless slooI.
This is e"'racted the same as Perspex,
putling lrom the wide end.
PoinU t o 'emember on e lectroforming
(1) If 8 18rge quantity o f al&<:l,olorms
ara required, slainless steel mandrels are more economical.
(21 Wilh permanent mandrals (extra<:tabb.l), Ihe511 can only be used
on el&<:lrolorms that have shapes
Ihal can make Ihem axtreclable.
A small d.aughl 8ngle should be
included on permanent mandrels
10 aid extraction.

A mOiJld<Id A'8IdM






(fIsin li.


and "ecrrop.

zinc o~;de, stirring unti! dissolved. Make

up to the final volume and aUow to cool.
The solution i. tllen ready for use.
Idaal containers are Pyre~, glass Or
plut~. Thll solution is uslld at room
\emPllr~!Ure .

To imprOlie \he deposit. that is to

make a mOra even deposil, a small
amount of ferric chloride crystals (a
large pinch, approximatllly O.5grms PIIr
litrel and 5 grms of Rochelle salt are
addlld. However. tile aulhor has found
the original formula satisfactory for
most finishes on aluminium.
The immersion time is between len
and thlr1y seconds. After "nsing in
watar Ihe aluminium should have a grey
While still wet from the rinse, im
men;e in either of the nickal elactrolVles
to deposit approximataly 0.0002in. 0.0003in . remove, and rinse, and Irans
fer to any other electrolVl8 you would
like 88the finish.
This is \I useful aid to soldering on alu
minium. either all over Or selectiVflly.
with the lid of masking. The process is
as mentioned, bUI after depositing
nickel, the final finish i. a deposition of
tin O.OOO31n. epproxim,uely . This finish
is ideal for applying solder.
Non-conductors ere usuaUy classed
as plastics and caramics, but these can
be electroplatlld when they have been
made electricaUy conductive.
In industry the classic of electroplat
ing non-conductors is the process in the
electronics industry of 'plating through

hole" on printed circuits. Briefly, this is

wllen the COPPII' dad plastic is driUad.
The holes through the middle have plas
tic faces. This has to be sensiti$8d wilh
various chemicals, such as stannous
Chloride. then palladium chloride. to
make tile surface conducive to a layer of
copper from an alectroless copper 601
uti on. After rinsing. the leyer of copper
is built up in the holes with high throw
electrolVlic copper, followed by 8 tint
lead electroplate.
A simpler method for electroplating
on nonconductors was mentioned in
the lI!ectroforming section. namely aQu,
eous graphite and silverloaded paint.
Silv8rjo~d8d paint can be purchaslld
'rom paint or chemical supply houses.
and comes in quite a few formulal ions.
Some can be painlad On and air dried.
Some can be fired, or even be put on
with 8 silk scree n process.
For ceramics, the firlldon variety is
usefuf. After firing. the surfaca Can
lIither be elllClrolVlic plaled. provrded
Ihere is a contact for the current. or elac
troless plated wilh nIckel, COPPllr, gold
or even tin .
An idea for making decorative
jewellery is 10 dry leaves from trees or
use clean seashells, paint with silver.
loaded paint. air dry, and bright copper
electroplate to 0.001 in.
Also moulded epoxy figures Or busts
can be made in 8 similar wav and this is
an inexpensive means of making
ornam ents.


Electroless Electroplating
The r&8son for the tWe ollhis chapter is
Ihat tha deposition of metals can be car
rilld OUI without using an electrical
current. No electrical equipment is in
volvlld in the actual electrodeposition.
It is somatimes referred to as chemical
plating, because the chemicals in the
formUlation effect the metallic depo
sil ion. The main consti tuents of the
solu tions ar8 an aqueous solution of the
chemical containing the metal to be de-posited. and an equeous solulion containing a chemical .lIducing agent .
These Can be mi~ed together to form the
pl,,;ng solulion, but before any depo
sition takM plaCfl, a catalyst must be
present. In this process the COmponent
is the catalyst. No anodes are used. !t is
merely a tank containing the electroloss
50lution, wilh 0. wilhout agiTation, set
10 tile cOrr8CI temperature, with the
component immersed in the solution.
The most popu!ar and usolul e!ectro
less solution is for depositing nickel.
Usually this is depositlld 8S an alloy of
nickel and phosphorus. appro~imately
12% phosphoru$.

Make up:
Nickel Chloride Crystals. 5 Ol. per gallon
30grms pe. litre.

Sodium Hypophosphire 1.5 - 1.60. per

gallon 1Ogrms per litre.
Sodium Acetate Crystals Sol. PIIr gallon
!;O grms per litre.
The Sodium hypophoaphiTe is the re
ducing agent in the $Olul ion. The best
method for using Ihis SOIUlion is 10
make up a solution of the nickel chloride
and keep in one glass bottle, and make
up a solution of th e sodium hypo'
phosphite and !:IOdium hydroxyacetale
tOGether. nd keep in anOlher glass
bo"le. These can be stock solutions.
When required. enough volume Is
mi~1Id to plate the componant. The ideal
container W plate with Ihis !:IOlu tion is 8
heat rasiatant glass bea ker, healed by a
Bunsen burner, lIas ring or electriC hot
Thll oPllrating temperature for this
solUl ion i, 88'C - 94' C flSS"f - 200'F) .
Some agIt ation is required. bulan oc
casional sh8ke of the 'Nirlld CQmponent
will release the bubbles of hydrogen
that collect On tha component as ~ prod
uct of the .eduction process.
The deposilion rale for the solution at
88"C (lSS' F) is:.
O.OOO6in. (IS microns) in sil<1y minUles.
However. to mainlain this rate of de
position, small addilions of the stoc~

solullon. of niCkel cllloride . nd tile todium lIypopllolpllne wllh lOdium

lIydfo><vlcell" h,v, 10 be added.t in
tefVals, 10 keep the balance of th,
501 .. uon wtllle pllling. p.H should be
ma;n\llned between 40 end 6.0 by
addltionl of aqueoullOdium lIyro"ide.
B~u .. there il no eleclfOlytl KIIon.
i.e. anode w,tll ootlid, elkl"ClI ",pply.
tllere is no pfobiem wIth 'tllrow'. m'l
kIng 0, lIigll .nd law CU"lnt denlllY
.reas On the componenll
of niclcel .lIay il of lVen IlIockneu all
over !.lie component Tllis 01"0111 is
uleful fOf nickel ,flay pilllng down n'f
rOw holes, oflficelor tuba.


Tile eleclropll1rnlil lupply lIoule. of.

Itrr In e Kcellenl ranlile of elecl roless
nickel .

Ferroul ean be plated In thl,

solutIon a fte r Ihl pre-<:Iean fiiled in
ch'pter four. Coppe' and its alloys ean
.Iso be pl'led, but, being no~talytic,
nMd to be touched w ilh iron or .Iu
mlnium wife 10 .UI., the plallllg oper
a lion. AlumInIum ean be pI.ted direct
WIth Ihis solulion, no zincale dip being


The followlrtg two formul.e are uHful
for pulling' thin Ilyer of lin oyer ferroul
metlland coppel.nd ill.lloys.
Oeposili"g ti" o. copper by IlIi.
m"lIod makes it useful for solderirtg,
espec.. lly on prinled ~.cun., whanl
Ihlle .. no common co"necllon '0' elK
trolytoc ti" 11e<:t.Opllli"liI


Th' ",-"llu rlilCaI p' 0p8rties of Ihe

pllllng .., Inleo"ting. As plaled il has ,
IIlfdneu of 500 V.P. N. By heallreallng
up 10 4OO"C the h..dness ean be inerea.ed 10 900 V.P.N . The appearance of
lhe dePOSIt ean va'V from dull 10 semi
brlglll melll.

An D.~ 0' mild ~wI ~"n, roI.o<1lO1eu ndM "u.fId. This depos,t wilt 11''' .,.
I_".,,_..u ,''' WI''''' o"IHJ cornPOl....~ 110', _ corn"I........, rIHJ sh."..

For d.positl"lI on eopptf ,r>d tu .lIoys

EllCtroleu TI"
Stannous Chloride 1.60z per g.11on
lOa.m. pe. litre
T/'rjoorllll 13.60z per g.lIo" 85grml per
COflC/ln!r,ted Hydrochloric: /Wld 2.311.02
per 1iI.lIo" ISm1. pe. litre.
W"lIrto makll up Ihll volume.
The soh.llio" i. uled 11. tempeflturll
of 5O"C ,t22"F).
Thll ululllmme ion timl i. fiYII min
ules. Notl : thil formula ia patented,
For. quiek pra-<:Iun on prinlad dr
eu;ts, giYI a li"ht rubbing wilh a Ilurry
of scouring powder, rinM. Ind immer50
in IlIe lolut;on .

For immllrsion coating tin 0" IUtel,

IhIIlollow ing solutio" i. used.
For d.po..;tinll on Iron and . ,N1
EIKtroleu tin for i.on , r>d dNl
Make up:
Stllnnou.f Sulplt-alll 0.24ol per "allon
l.5grml per lilll.
Conc/Inrrlled Sulphuric Acid 0 14n.0J!
pe. gallon 4m1. per lilrl.
Wllllno make up the voluml.
UM Ihe pre--dean for steel as set out in
<;hapter foo then immerse i" the IIn
soh.I\io" 81 I temperlh."e of Il2"C


The time of immlrsion will YI'V WIth

thl 'Urlace co"ditio" o . ttlll mlteril1.
Thi. could be between one Ind le"
Cofltli"ers for immll" tin plall""
..I hel lresiSlant gl ass. or plastic con
IIiners, usu ally polytllene o. propyll"l.
Fo, these conlainftrs Ihe aqullia 1111111.
cln be used.
The Ihickness o f deposit from electro
less Iln solution is Ihin.
CARE with the aci ds used - glovel,
gagglH a nd overalls musl be w o'''.
Tile electrollss tin solution for copper
being ralhe, solid, w he" heali"g
cold some 'bumping' w ill tak8 pilei<, un
tilthe solid chemicals ara d isSOIYed.



An Example and the

Consideration of
All the chlJPters dea!! wllk IJO la' lIava
been set down in kind of logical ...
quence 01 tile processes of 818(:"0918'ing. So, IIl$uming Ih. IV8'fge ..cI ;,
Itarti"9 on smell loCale . end may be 11
model eng'nHr, he Or Ih' Win .. to eleeifopl.ilt I bitch of ,milt campo"e"".
TakIng Ihe hub cups of ,",,11 IrK-

tion engine


en ."empt.,. The

The .... XI pan oltheope.alion isto calcullte IlIe surf.ce .,tll of the cornpon.nll 10 be electroplated. This Un be
dont the di"9fllrnl. 0. the pans
menuted by hand. Either way il is the
.. me.
To cal\:ul"e,he .rea ohlle hub cups ;1) Fo, "'11'. di, thurea in,.>' _ 22 x 9'

-, "-

- 0.99 Iq in

sion. set DuI In Fig.15.

2) T,king ci I"(:um fe renee x height 01", '" n.
The component. hev, bun mach o 2" K' x height
reedy lor electroplating, efte. bei";
510red in e dry ere . In Olher words,
IlIefa;. no heavy 1..,.leee .u.t.


2a x
K ." .
Tot.1 a'ea i,
_ (0.99
_ '"
. ~sqln
. .
Both inside and outside


r--- ---- --,


OU.,.mv. 0"

............ _DS .. ~ '

Remembtfl"ll on. $qu ... loot _ 144

TlM Ilm. IOf thl Ilee1roplatl"ll for
nielel - 18 minUles.
TIll lime for Ihe .Iact.oplltong 10'
copper _ 60 mlnut". ISM ch.pta. livel .
Th.t compl".. Ih'lhlO.eli~1 pert of
Iha eleel,opllling p,oce.., .nd now
come. the p'8Cl1c11 pe ... .
Th. hub cap. are buffed to the deslted
lus!te with a mop O. Olher polishing
1001 . Attar polishing. Ih. compon.nts
r. immefled In an organIC solvlnt. e .g .
white .pirit. for live mlnullI. th.n wiped
with. rag ",.ked In tha Ipirit. The componenll are thin .ir dried. They .ra th en
hung vi. one of the sm,lI KreW hole.
on copper wire 1I the requlfed length to
fit the dapth of the cleaner nd the elec
Aher wiring. lmmer.. in Ihe
whila fpillt 10f thirty MConds . nd .lIow
to air dry . Thl. i. to 'ure the.e Ife
no flng,r m.rU.
Being 01 mild .teel. Ih' cl"nlng
cycla i. . . lollow from tha tlble. in
ch. pte. four.



Immern in alk'line SO.k cleane

11 8O"C 117f1"F)lo. th," minUIII.


,. """"


components hive Ihe I hape and dimen.

ined 10 11 good surface lini.l>, end .re

pan 01 Iha rectifie . Thi. gIves a

cathodic clean.lWatch 10. glSllng
on the eomponen1l, Ihi. glves.n
indicallon of tha cloning eHeeI)
Afte. one minute, rev .... the p0larity, i.. connecl lhe
poa.l iva
reel,lier clip 10 the eomponenll
and anodic cion IOf .bout ten
Aft.. the alkali cleaning. rlnu in
cold water fOf thirty wo;onds .nd
!tansler to No. 1 0' No. 2 pickll,
imme'te lor one minute 11 .oom
lemperetu ...
R,nte in cold wale. 10' thirty seconds.

The hub ~pt; boting m.<ko 01 mild

lleel. the eleelroplating WIll bot O.OOOlln.
01 S.mi Bright Nickel and O.OOO5in . 01
Stlmi B.ight COpPer.
The cu"..,1 density in both .IeelroIyte. will bot 10. . .1., (Me ch.pter fiv.!.
Th.r.lor 10. nickotl ,nd copper the
eleel'Opllli"ll C\ will be:
10 x 13.68 . 0 .95 .mperes.


Immer.. In .Ikallne .Iect.olytlc

clll"" ., 8O"C 07frFl. Ior one
minutl. Wllh 1"- compolWll't1l con
necled to lhe ~Ihoda

Conneel lhl reeli!;e. 10 Ihe nielal tank.

positiv. $10 the nickotl .nodH. calhoda
neol1ive, 10 Ihe cathode be,. ChICk
the circuit by switching on Ihl reelifie.
on sm.1I adjustment of currenl. and dip
Ihl clip Irom the cathode blI. into Ihe
aleel.olytl. 11 curranl rlading i. obtained, thl circui l i.,he correct polarity
Wtlh Ihe eleelrolyte 81 tha .equi.ed
tempe."ur, 01 5O"C l \3O'FJ and Ihe .ec
tifler III to approximately one ampe.e.
connect the wired componenl. to Iha
cathode ber. immersing in Ihe eleelroIyte 11 Ihe lime time. Afte. Ih e com
ponents hava been wired onto the
cathode ba. Ihe currenl il .dJusled 10
0.95 Or 1.0 .mpe.e.
Tha comp.essed.i. agitalion I djusted 10 steady bubbling action. thIn
left 1o. eighteen minutll to lleeI.oplate.
WhIn Ihis lime hnelapHd. Ihlwi.ed
componenlS ..1 removed .nd ,inHd in
cold watar.
Whilti they 1'8 ,inling conf1.l'Cl Ihe
'eelllie. to Ihe copper eleel.olytl IlhI
same procedure IS 1o. the nickll electrolyta). The cirC\lIt polarity it ehedted
( _ nickel electrolyte). With thl eleel'oIytl I1lhe r&qui.ed temperllU,e 01 23'C


(74"Fj. end the fectili .. set el one Imp.

Ihe _fed componenll Ife 'l'Il'Iove<!
Irom Ihe ,inse lInk Imd connecte<!IO the
cathodl bar. immefling in Ihe electrolyI. 41lhe SIImel;me.
When alllhe componenll heve been
wi,ed onto the cathode bar. Idjust the
currlnt to 0.95 or t .D emp. The compr..nd elr is edjuste<! for e steedy bubbling ection end teh fo, ...Iy minUles.
Aller "><IV minutes the c:omponents
Ifl remove<! end rinsed in cold wlter.
IhIn in hol wat ... TheyereU...n dried oH
in hOteir
Alter drving. Ihl componlnts e,e un_
w"ed. end lightly rubbed WIth multon
clOlh 0' "milar s.oft 'Ig. 11 neede<!. I
light bull enhances the eppearanCI.

4 ). Fo. Ittlppi"i! nlckellrom I lu mlnlum.

Imm.... in SO% equeous nitfie acid. o.
concentrated nllric ecid at room I.mperature, unlillha nlcklll dllposil is di',
solved off the Iluminium,


5). Fo t rlpplng enodlll.



Thil i. by way of Illn.1 word on

thl espects mentioned. but not elaborl'
ted on in verious ch,pI ... ollll4 book.
M.ntion is mede of slripping the llee.
Uopl"e<! deposits for leulty Ippel"1lI
Or u.d .dhelion. Ther. fOllow some
11. Fo. 'tripping nlcllel Iro m 1, ,,ouI
m"er1ell. end C"pP4'I' e nd tu 1110.,..:Nlckelllrlpper.
M.kl up:
Th... pens OI1nCfffltreted ,ulphu.ic


Two pertl W4ler. by "olum .

The ".ipper is use<! et .oom Ilmpere.
cu.e. wllh Ihe components lood1c. posi.
tivI ID Ind uling lead "ripe .. e4lh.
negat've. Vohe\le4 - 6 volt . 11
required. 30,. per gallon 01 glyc.fine
may be Idde<!. This prevlnll elching.
"peclllly on st ..... l. The nickel'pl4led
c:omPOnenlllr. left in Ihe ItllPpe' until
Ihe nldtel il completely dissolved 011,
Ihowing IIIe lubst,ete. 11 I.ft 100 long in


the stripper thl $Ubstrate will ..ert to

2). for " ripping COpper depr;>li1a trom
IIHI I nd eoppe nd its 1110.,...

Use Ihe recommended nickel ,tripper.


3). For "ripping 01 copper with nick. 1

Use the recommended niclel Strlppe .

The loIlowlng .alulion can be used; .

Meke up ;Ccncenlref/ .ulphurit: K,d. 1611 ,01
loomls pe. ti" .
PoreuJUm FIIJOF'cH. 6 01_ 40grms pe.
W'fer. to mlk. up I gellon (to mek, 1
The SOlution Is mad. up by adding
wale, tQ e h.1I ant glass Or pl..tic
tank 1pc>lylhen, Iype). The sulphuric
acid il Idded ,lowly. Ind stirred con.
tinuously. All,. lhe Idditlon ollh. Kid.
add the potelllum fluo.rd., slIrrrng con .
linuously until dllSOl"rtd. Allow to COOl
to .oom tl'll'lperature. Adjust to linll "01.
ume wi!h W81er. Use Ihe stripper It
room Allow the com .
pc>nen15 to '''nd In Ih. ''';PP'' untIl the
anodise i, d,llolvtrd off. The info, .
mat ion on stripping d.fedive Inodi ..
in chapter nine i, IIill rele~enl, but e
separe" .Uipper mey be needed, especielly WIth dyed pen" which would
colour the !he lnodise pre-trutment
This glvtrl e choice.

6). Fo r Itrlpplnt tin trom steel end

c:GpJl4f Ind Its ello.,...
The lollowing lOIution C4n be used:Meke up:
CopPlr sulphete errsfe/s. 6 Ol, per gal
Ion 50grms per litre.
Concentrated sulphuric e"id. 1611.0:.pI.
glllon loomls per lit ...
Water. to meke up 1 gellon Ho make 1
lit ..),
The solulion is used et room tampe'l'
All tha listed IItippers can be used in
plntic con"i.,..,. lik, pOlylhllne. CARE
w ith sulphufic Ind nitr~ Kidl, both .rI
corro.i~a. Use goggl , glovtr$ Ind
OVllralls. Add acid to water. nOI ylce
versa. Watr;h fo. h"1 generated by the
f41Ci;On. After .ach Plft 01 the pro'
cessing. i,l. belween 1114 cleaners.
pickle, bright dip. .ndthe electrolytes. 1

cold wit.. rinse must be carried out

Thi' cleans the component.. end stops
the .Netion, and pr_nil C4rrv-over 01
the solutions, thus pr_nting conllmi_
All of the lormuletion. hive I~c!uded
,1I\h' cyanides end chromic ,cld. They
hay. "-en mentioned in Ihlle~t. but the
'8Ison lor excluding the.. elect.olyles.
auch .. silve, end gold. 11 because they
COnllln cyanide. You might be eble 10
purd>.SI !h.m from th' VI"OUI IUpply
housel. but td>edule<! poilOns , .. only
mIde ",eilabi, to genui.,. indu'triel
Th ~clu,ion of r;h.omium electroplating 11 because ch.omic acId il uslld
in the p'(>CfIss. In Industrlel .Ieclroplet
ing mendatory ,egul8110ns apply. and
thl haurd, with chromium ,Iect.oplet
Ing, wh.n ClIrrirtd out in In un'l9ullled
..... cen be verv con,id..ebl .

To convert ' Fto"C
To convert"C to "F
To convert ounc.. pergtllon 10 gramm..
per 1i1re
To conveft gramm.. pe. lilreto ouncet
per glnon
To cony.rt "uid ounces 10 millilt".. o. CC
Nickel Sulphete CryStalS
Nickel Chloride
Sodium Hyd.o)(id. (Caustic Sod.t
Potassium HydroHide lCaustic Potuh l
Sodium Carbonata (Sode Ash)
Concentrated Sulphuric Acid (SG 1.841
Concentrlied Nitric Acid S.G 11.36)
Hydrochloric Acid
Copper Sulphate C~tal.
Hydrogen P..

{Temp "F -32) H'I.

(Temp "C" -If) + 32
multiply by 6.25
mUltiply by O. 16
muluply by 28.35
formule NiS04 eH.O


N C03

H.S0 4




""'" "', ,


The Finishing of Aluminium

and its Alloys

The linllhlng of Ilumlnlum can be 8Ceompli,tu,d by e ilh an anodising p,o-

laver is dependent on liml, Thl InOdI,.

ing proee.. Iccele rlt.. Iha lime and
cess 0( I conllltf'SiOtl coating.
allO giv.. a denser unblOk"n 11";'. 01
The MIOdi,ing ~U. Thl. a1n be oxidl, whICh enhanc:a till p.opetIies 01
divided inlO 11II).ptOCflnes:_
Iluminiu m againsl oo.,o,ion.ln Ihl .ul.
phu ric acid process il .dd, a mordlm
layer which can be used for Ihe dyemg
0<' colOUring o f aluminium. Ho_er
for colOUring lhe maIn IUenl;al i, t~
Sulphuric ~d _nodi .. i. the mote p..,_ h.v" a good laver of alumin;um oxide.
lio;al PfOC'" for th. ,mlteu nd mode l Mlgnified 1000 .. thl laver w ould loo k
englnee., Most g ..des 01 ,Iurninil,lrn likl Fig. 16.
lOO aluminium alloys GIn be anodiHd Thl impOrt.nt ch"lCIerilllc$ are Ihl
by rhlt proc,," ; the pur., Iha alu~"tfi layer and Ihl pOrI . izl. Thl
mi nium the bene. the 81lodiMd film. Ih.ckness of the bl"'I' I.ver i, p.o.
The 1I1.10UI aluminium alloy COnportlonll 10 Ihl voltage. The pore.lzl Is
l tituenll. I. . silicon .nd m'nglnase, dependem on Ihl conclnlralion of Ihe
lend 10 'M'td the process o f Ih no.
Iltctrolytl iMllphuric KId). !h" Ilactro.
dind film, elll'I" in the pn",re.lment Or Iytl IImpe"lur. and Ihe applied cur.
the actual,nodl,lng.
MOll labric"ionl from
Two faclors emergl whiCh make lor a
8l<lru~on. and 10",. calling. GIn be
PIIrtlcul" anodising film
.ucceufully lnodiMd. HOWlIYflt, some
Lower c:on.;."lration. 1.1. I~ MlI.
,lIays lrod IOmtI clltlngl fire not con- phurlc ecid. and low temperatU.I glvI a
ducive 10 Ihl anodl"ng proces . C... 'mall pore .izl bul produce a h.rd
tlng. .r. usually anodised by Ihe nodiled film .
Chromic KId p.oceu;.
High"r con.cenlf.tion. 1.1. 15% MlI.
The Pr1lCKf; of afl(ldi,ing il,h. laying
phurlc acid nd higher lemperatu.I
down or tha grow ing of a film of Ilu. ~ive '.,'ger pora ,iH which prodUCI
mln;um oxida over Ihe turf,ca o r Ihe f.lm ,ulllble ' or dyling
Iumlnlum . Aluminium lonn Ilyer of
A good compromise I, 12% vtv lul.
the oxide very quickly, 0118<1 alter
phuric: acid which mi kes. good g_ral
dlemlelol clnn, but lhe !hidul_ of the ,nodising bath.




Solution Prep l1lon

To make up an anodising bath a 111891 o.
, polythene Iype DIUlic link i, .ecommended A good link 10' domg small
componlnts il IlIge icl crllm conIImar. These havI. tlpacity of about 1
gallon 14.5 lilrll). Hall fHl Ihe tlnk with
distilled or de.on."d waler, .nd th.n
slowly add lna necesury voluml of sui. acid. constanily stirr ing. CAREI
Tha aCId must be added to Ihl wlte. and
not vice ver~. h I1 adviUble 10 wl ..
prOlectivl gloves and ufllY glasses.
Altar allowing Ihl IOlution to cool Ihl
volume 11 coulded by Ihl addilion of
mar. di,tolled wate . An I .. ample of Ihl
dilution i, as foIIOW' :10*4 volume IOlution for h"d
450 m's per 4.5
16 flu.d al. per gallon.



12% volume IOlutlon lor general

S40 ml. per 4.5 lit....
19.2 fluid oz. per glllon.
For else Ind convlnilnce balllIV
acid .old 11 g ...g .. ~n be used. This i,
of I d ilu tion of 33"<0 of sulphuric acid In
distillld Wit... IpproMimlte specific
grl~lly 0 1 1.275/1.280.
If Ihl balllry aeid i, dilulid 1 volume
10 2.0 volumes 01 dislollad wlt"r. Ihi,

would g,vI 10"1. ,ulphu"c .cid concemration.

li the Iunery acid I, dilulld 1 voluml
10 1.5 volumas of dj'lllIad w ...., Ih"
would giVfl I 12"4 Mllphuric .clll Con
For. g.lIon 10lUllon the dllulion i. 3
p,nts of bl"lry acid 10 4"., p.nll 01 dis
1.llad wallf. giving I total of 7"., p,nts
lotal volum". JUSI undar Ihl g.lIon. If
measuring1n "I". or ml . the dilullon IS
2 lit". or 2000 mll. to 3 litres o. 3000
mls .. giving I t01l1 volume of Slit..s Or
5000 mll . which i, jU$! ov,. the 4.5
htres; Ih' equivallnllO a gallon.
Sen lng up 01 th, anodll lng la nk
AIt" th, required volume of IOlulion 01
lulphu.ic: Kill i. midi up (IIIher 10% or
12%) !wO piec". of cllln sh..tlead 1'1
pl.~ed down two oppo.ite sodll of Ihe
tlnk. TheM "I bent OVIf the lap Olthl
tank 10 po'lil.on lhem and to mak'll>Im
conVflnient to connect to thl llectric.1
supplV ThIS/! a.. Ihe cathode.. The
anode bar i. pllced down the m.ddle
and the componlntl to be anodised are
connectld to this. Thau.ual WIV to con
IIecI Ihl aluminium components for
Inodismg i. 10 Jig them in a
made .prung jig. The.. come in differ'
enl sh.paslor variouI components. but
are a>cpanliVIIO buy To1anium rod Ind

-.- ,,

fig. 17

small "Id bit can bt' pur~h8Sed for

makinglhlM jig . fh_CIOn be used 10'
,nodi.,ng I Quan tIty o f ,imlll'
components, which would p.oya the

mOlt ""onomlcal way of processin"


Generally tha U51 01 al umlnum Wire IS

Ihe most II~Qnomjc.1 for Imall Quan .

tities. and it Cln be bought In VI"OU' d"

amete, ,iled 'eel, 01 va'V'ng stiffn ....

Lengths are CUI .Iightly IO!'lg8' I han re_

quired and coil\ld over a bar of "",'11 or

wood so 11,,1 some tension i, obllioad.
The component i, wired up u11nll' con-

venoent hole. or I PlrI of Ihe surface ,h"

will 50!1CUre 11 good electrical conlKl .
TI>e Will il then twisted 10 .n.... '. I rigid

contact. Tt,,, 'e51 of the componen" I',

wired lhe sama. if vou e anod .. ing I

batch Or I sel of component The wired
components should hlng Ipp.o_i.
ma,ety midway in ,he elllCtfolyll, ..,,,th
an allowll'ICfI Q<1 \h, wire for " ' .ching it
on the lnode bat. Th wir.. lie then
sn.pped off.o thlt I<H. Thll will redtH;tl
tllfl surplus w"....d avoid tile pOl'"
bility 01 ~",ng on the cathod' bar ..




surface Irea 10 be 'nodll8<l. Th. volllge

i. to be between 12 and 20 volt Al IS
ampI per squI.e fOOl lhe o f ano
dise will be O.OOOlln. in 6.S minules.
HOWl .... '. lhi. w,1I Ilk' lonller depend
ing on lhe ,moum of "!Iita tion. Wi!h no
lIIitllion il will tau 10 minules to depo,It 0.00011n . of ,nodiH.TtHr temperl'
lure of the proceu 11 betwe&f1 20 - 2S
dlll'_ C, 70 _75 dag'_ F, If !he elee
t,oIyI' ,,,ceedl Ih' t09 limit allow to


, ,


well .. makinll i, easier Ind ne~ter to

w". onto lh. anode bar.
Wilh the components wired up he
power II switched on and edjust9d to
the rlquired <;!.IlIent density lor anodis
inll.'t illhen leh for Ihe required lime 10
obl"n the 'lKIuired thic~ness 01
To enhellCtl and improve . he qu ality
of anodised finish. ag italion is ,ecom
me nded. bUI good quali.y anodise ean
be oblaln9d in still bOlhs. To a g itate the
electrolyte a plutlc pipe wilh holes
dtlll9d in is connected 10 a flexible pipe
(Fig. I 7f. end In tu,n conneclftd to a rellu.
laled compressor. Thi, wHl blow air inlO
.h, 'Iectrolyte cau'lnll movement by
bubbllnll. Ca,e must be &J<ercised In
ragullllnll the air flow, Or the electrolyte
WIll blJbble ove., and could prove
dl~'ou, and eause accidents.
Operltlng Conditions
The plllinll ClJlfefll for anodising
Ihould be be_n 10 - IS amps pe.
SQuire fOOl, o. O.069.omPs PI< SQuare
il\(:h 10 O. 1000mps per SQuare il\(:h ol the

fit. " s..t.d".". ..'_

~, .

Sealing of the Anodised FIlm

11 desi.ed the anodised film can be
selled. Thi. P'OC. .I in 'ffKt "Ill over
,lie pOf, .. tes of ,lie g.own aluminium
Thil i. broughlabotJ' by an il\(:rease in
lemperature in I sealanl. wh~h in
c.ease. the volume Ind swelll Ihe",1
wallland close. the po .
The seal In' il UIUllty boilinll deionised w.'er" tempere,ureol l OO de
g"" C for pe.iod 01 20 mlnu t... I, la
best dOn, In 11.1nlen steel container.
An altern"ive is 10 boil pure deion;ud
water In I ,"inl .....eel conlliner with
lid. and IUlpend Ihe Inodiud a"iele
in ,he .. um gl~en o H for 30 mlnu, ...
The ..,led "tieles Ire li ken out end al
lowed '0 dry In Ihe air. Or In I convenient


The mljorlty 01 Iluminium 1110'(1 when

anodised In Ippearence of nllurel
aluminium or '"Iver' c(>lOl.l'. Some
allo'(l conUrln alloy con,muanll luch ..
mang,...,....!rcon. magnesium and
copper. If the.. materials are pr,""nt
between 5%-8%. ,hey produce a coIor.
t.on o l lhe ..IOdised him. Th. colore"on
varies from a brown for mangan,"", for
silicon Ind mag ...... um I bluish g.ey.

and for eopper In o"nge yellow

To obelin I consistent ,.p.odOKible
uniform colour, the easiest and most
,",nomal wily ia to use an orlllnic dye
tllat i. soluble in waler. To obtain the re
qui.ed sha de of colou. y",oua con
c,nt.ations of 'he dyes have to be used.
A guide is between I li,re 10
100,ms pe. lit ... gallon '0
1.60z. pe. glllon. This concent.ation
will plso yary wilh colou .
()pe<.rinll Conditlon. lor Dy. Tlnk,
The id ul tank 10' dyeing should be
made 01 good quolity ,"inle u l ' lel .
Austlnlt;C grade 320S17. Howeva .
most plaSlic 0' glass tan~s can also be
used. but they will 811 .equlre hel1lnll to
BpplOK'mately 40 - SO deg" " C. 104 122 deg ..... F.
The dyl is welglled ou, ~.dlng to
the concentration. Ind added '0 hall the
yolume of hot w"er conllined in .he
dye link. The solution i. agillled by,,""
ong O. by air agitl1ion I 'egula,9d
comP'I$$OI. This il continued until all
Ihe dye h.. dissolved and no partlC ....
remain in wspension. Suspended pi.
1~les of dye are the Clull of
" ..ab on thedyed wrl~ of ,he com
ponents. Aher dissolullon of ,lie dye.
the solulion i, made up 10 wo.~inll vof

ume. end H'e desir&<! I~mperllur~

maintained by the heater.
After thoroughly rin.i~ the com
ponents in cold weter Ihey Irl hur>g
IICtoSS I bar 01 meud o. pll"k; Ind
totelly immersed in the elyl, preflf.bly
with egltallon for the requi.ed time. The
time. beinll dependenl on Ihe inten,ity
of the colour. I1 usullly between 5 and
15 minutM. lo mllntainlhl con.iller\CV
01 colour for .ubtequet\t batehH 01
componlf'l\S, the condilion. ollemperature and liml must be closely adhlred

, A flow chIn

A point to remember is thet the

Inodlsed film letl 115 In eleeui.
cllly insullting surfece, .0 if Ihl
contltCl moVH, the conducting
IUrface under tlM wire ;nth' electrolyte i. 1011. Tlte consequ'nce 01
this iSlhlltlMgrowth of anodised
r;lm .IOP., bUI Ihe worst pin 01
this action I, thatttle resi.lance"
thlt poinl inc.ease,lhe he"ingef_
fact. ceu";ng Ifo";on 011 thl su.


10' Ih' v.rlous

process" In is shown In Rg.


Poinllto .emember 10f good practice in

the Inodising process are:-



FIg . 19

Tho.ough clllninll in th, p.etr8lltmenl CYCII, Ind the complete

removll of lI.elSllnd .mut
Ihe compOr'lenta.
omlin, fnd mlintain, a good electricel contKC be1V>elnthe wire on
the component end the enode blr.


After the Inodill pan of Ihe pi'oeelS, the components Ir, r.

moved 1ft .. switching 011 It the
rectifier. and quickly rinsed In cold
Wller, then quic:kJy imm,rMd
,ithe. in IIM dye bath or lhe HII
ing tlnk Ilor nllu.I' enodill). At
nO lime should Ihl In.odiced mm
be allowed 10 dry. To do 110 would
givl I PlInlll closurl of the pore
lrel, Ind hlnce rest.ict Ihe ing._ ollhe dye.
A good method of checking InO
dill is to UII I tHt meler IAvo
type) set On D.e. Iow vOltagl. and

",I 10 rnilllnce. Lightly pan thl

mell' probe. across thl lurf&Cl.
Any ,'ee. with no 8nodi .. will
conduct. which will ceu.e I delteclion On the meter. A simp'l check
10. I ..eled surface 011 MtU'I'
Inodill i. 10 moisten. IOny .... of
the surfIC', Ind touch th, IUrface
with In Indelible pencil. If Ihe IU',
face i. thin wiped cleen. leaving
no trac. of Ihe colour of Ihe pencil.


the IUrf_ het ,,"n sl1islacto.ily

lo strip delective Inodise
,0mpOnentl. ttle wi.ed ~om
ponenlS ."Immersed'n Ihellkall
Cl...... for few minutel. "nsed
in cold wlter, Imm sed 'nlhe ni_
t.ic &CId IIOlulio" fo few minut.., rinsed and ,,enodised. In
o ther word . blek th.ough the



VOlumes (links)



Zinc elect.oIytes




AllefMIi"ij CV"e<11 (AC)



AnodiH electrol.,.,.
Atomi.; weight

BI1tery j12 and 6 voll)

Sa1tlry chalg"
Bright dip.
Celion ..
CUlfe<1t denlity
Dj.ect current (DC)

54, 55, 56, 51









ElectfO Chlmkel Equivlllnt IECE)

Eleet.ol... .1 tclfOoP I"i ng
47. 48, 49



Faraday.' 1._
FI.lday (unil)

l~lt .ni~i"ijl


Masking off
Nickel elect.olytes







34. 35, 42


18, 19, 20

51"1 (,"inlesl end mildl
Solvenls (o'genkl

52. 53

Tin .llet.olyte.




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