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Class: _________________

Group Members:


Directions: Using the map of Mount Southington, answer the following
questions about the types of trails and amenities that are at a ski resort.

1. A. How many of each type of trail or lift are there?

Green circle: _________________

Carpet: ______________

Blue Square: _________________

T or J Bar: _____________

Black Diamond: _______________

Chair: _________________

Orange Oval: _____ __________

B. What do each of the trail symbols mean? Be as specific as possible.

(You may use your phones to find this information.)
Green Circle:
Blue Square:
Black Diamond:
Orange Oval:


List some of the things that are at the resort. (Things other than the lifts
up and the trails down.



What would you want to add or delete to make this mountain more

4. Is there any other information about this mountain that you might need
to help you design your East Rock Ski Slope later?

Part 2: Calculating Slope

A. Directions: Using the map of Mount Southington Ski Area, calculate the slope
of the different trails and lifts that are at Mount Southington.

Find the general slope of the following trails: (It may not be exact since
the trails curve, but try to be as close as possible.)
a. Doms Way:

Upper section:
Middle Section:



Lower Section: _______________________





d. Laurel:

Upper section: ______________________
Lower section: ______________________

e. Avalanche: _________________________________

Steeplechase: ___________________________________

2. Do you think the trails meet the guidelines that you found in the research
section of this project? EXPLAIN!

3. Find the slope of the lifts up the hill:

a. Northstar Chair: _____________________________________

b. Snowflake Carpet: ____________________________________
c. Stardust Chair: _______________________________________
d. Thunderbolt Chair: ____________________________________
e. Glacier Carpet: _______________________________________

Whoopee T-Bar: _______________________________________

4. Compare the slopes of the chair lifts to those of the carpet and the T-bar.
Why do you think one is more steep than the others?

5. Do you think the slopes of the trails or lifts are accurate on this picture?
a. How would they change if you took a photo of the mountain instead
of a hand drawn picture?
b. How would they change if you were able to measure the slopes by
being on site?

Part 3: Design Your Own Mountain.

Using all the information you have above you will now create your own ski
mountain. Each group must hand in one designed ski slope . On the given picture
of East Rock create a designed map that has at minimum the following items:

At least 5 Trails: 1 Green


1 Blue ___

1 Black ____

At least 2 types of lifts: Chair____

T/J bar___

Carpet ____

At least:

Restrooms ___

Rental Area ____

Ticket Booth ___

Anything extra you want to add???

Did you remove something that already exists in East Rock? Yes or No
If so, did you put it back somewhere in the park?

Part 4: Presentation:
Be prepared to talk about your ski mountain and why you choose where to
place each piece. This presentation should be 5-10 minutes long. Your group
must be ready to answer questions from the rest of the class.

Complete the group member evaluation on the next page. This will help
factor into how each person will be graded on this project. Do not let the
other members of your project see your ratings of them.


Assess each member of your

group, including yourself, using the form below. Put your group members names
across the top including your own, and then rate each person in the categories
using the number system below. This evaluation is done anonymously; the group
will not see the ratings you have given them. Be honest with yourself and in
evaluating others.__ Very few peopleincluding yourselfare all 1s or all 10s.
Rating scale:
Poor 1-2
Below average 3-4
Average 5-6
Above average 7-8
Superior 9-10

1. Attendance : At all group meetings in and out
of class time
2. Attitude : Open-minded, objective, respected
others ideas, positive, didnt complain
3. Contribution to the groups task functions:
Provides or asks for information and opinions,
initiates discussion, clarifies, summarizes,
evaluates, energizes, etc.
4. Contribution to the groups maintenance
functions: Serves as encourager, harmonizer,
compromiser, tension releaser, gatekeeper,
standard monitor, observer, follower, etc.
5. Contribution to effective and efficient group
process: Avoids self-centered roles, follows the
agenda, respects and adapts to member traits
and differences, etc.
6. Readiness to contribute: Well-prepared
7. Willingness to contribute: Level of
commitment to groups goal; willingness to
share, listen, adapt, exercise responsibility, etc.
8. Ability to contribute: Communication skills
and technical skills
9. Ability to deal with difficulties: Apathy, deviant
members, hidden agendas, etc.

10. Overall Effectiveness

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