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Colors Around the Classroom

Creativity Lesson Plan

15 minutes
Content Information: Children will be learning about different colors. They will be learning how
you can paint with many of the things around them. The will learn about creativity and how
being creative can be a special thing and is unique to each person.
Creativity- Creativity is being able to make whatever we want out of whatever we
Cotton Ball- Soft balls that can be used for many things (ie. Paint brush, cleaning
cuts, nail
polish remover)
Cotton Swab- a double ended cotton ball on a stick.
Paint brush- a tiny brush that allows us to paint with paint.





Domain 5:
Cognition and
Knowledge of
the World: The
Arts. Visual Arts:
oneself and
what he/she
knows, thinks,
believes and
feels through
visual arts.:
with a variety
of mediums
and methods of
using art
materials (such
as using a big
brush to brush
to paint broad

Children will use

types of paint tools as
well as
multiple colors to
create their

Checklist: Each
child will use at
least 2 type of
painting tool
and 2 different

If a child only
uses one type
or only uses
the paint
brush, I will
do more art
projects that
have different
painting tools.
If a child only
uses one
color, I will
more colors at
the easel
during free
art time in
order to get
them used to
more than
one color. I
might also try
to do color

combine colors,

Domain 4:
Language and
Approaches to
he/she is
Uses new

mixing in
order to get
them to see
their creative
Children will use the
word for the correct
being used.

Checklist: Each
child will name
the painting
material being

If a child only
use one of the
new words, I
will increase
my use of the
word in the


Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See? by Bill Martin Jr.
Cotton Balls
Clothes Pins
Cotton Swabs
Paint Brush
Paper Plates
Paint (pink, blue, green and yellow)
Plain White Paper

Lesson ImplementationAnticipatory Set: I will start my lesson by asking Would you like to do a fun activity with
me? or Who wants to come paint a picture with me?. I will be excited about painting
with them to intrigue them into coming and doing my activity. I will speak in a welcoming
and excited voice so I can make them comfortable enough to come over and do my
activity. Earlier in the week, their teacher, Ms. Kayla, read them the book I was going to
read to them. So instead of reading the book to them I am going to say, I heard that Ms.
Kayla read you a story about colors this week. She told me that in this book there were
children and they told you what they saw. I thought we could look around our room and
see what we could see. I will point out the four colors that I have already placed on the
table and ask them, Do you see anything in our classroom that matches the colors of
the paint?. Since I brought materials that they are not familiar with, I am going to explain
to them what they are and how they might already be using them. I will explain that
cotton balls can be used to clean cuts or remove nail polish, cotton swabs can be used

to clean their ears and clothes pins can hang objects such as clothes onto a rope. I will
also explain what I am doing when I am putting the cotton ball onto the clothes pin by
saying, What I am going to do is put the clothes pin on to the cotton ball, so we have a
handle to hold on to. I will demonstrate how the cotton ball and cotton swabs work and
how you can paint with them. By doing this I am showing the children that even though
they are different they can still help us be creative. The introduction will take about 3-5
Teaching Learning and Assessment Procedure: I will start my activity by taking 3-6
children (depends on the number of children in class that day) and put on their smocks
and write their initials on the back of a piece of white paper. We will be at one of their
work tables. I will introduce them to the activity and the material, as mentioned above,
which will take approximately 3-5 minutes depending how long it takes us to find the
colors around the classroom. I will then ask which color they would like to start with and
which material they wanted to paint with first. They will paint a picture of whatever they
like in whatever colors they like. While they are paint I am asking them open ended
question such as, What do you think will happen if you put a big dot over the little
dots?, What happens if I put pink paint over the blue paint? or You have worked
so hard on your picture, Can you tell me about it?. Also I will be writing down
comments about what they are doing and saying throughout the activity. The art
project will take about 8-10 minutes.
Closure: After they finish painting I will ask them what they created and I will write that
on their painting. This way when they bring it home their families know what they did and
what it is actually a picture of. I will ask them which painting material they liked the best
by say, I noticed that you really like to paint and I thought we would use some cool
painting materials today, which one was your favorite?. I validates their prior use and
love of painting but also involves their new interest in the new materials. I will also ask
them if they would like to do this again. I think it is important that they enjoyed
themselves and if they want to do it again that shows me that they really did enjoy
themselves. This will take about 2-3 minutes.
Assessment Data:











Student Initials

Cotton Ball

Cotton Swab



(used the word Q


Clothes Pin

Students really enjoyed the different materials.
Child J.F. used pink first with the cotton balls. She was kind of
nervous to use the cotton swabs. She loved to mix the colors.
Child L.C. loved all of the colors and materials. His favorite color
to use was green and would consider doing another activity with the color green.
He didnt want to be done.
Child S.P. also used pink first. She loved the cotton balls. She
didnt really like the cotton swabs. She mixed a lot of the colors at the end after
asking What happens if I put a dot of pink paint over a dot of blue paint?.
Child J.F. followed child S.P.s every move. They used the same
colors and kept looking at S.P.s art work.

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