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Robby Novak A/K/A Kid President

By Kevin Krauel

Table of contents
1. Robby Novak / Kid President
2. Osteogenesis
3. Robbys family
4. Quotes from Robby Novak
5. Teen activism
6. Pictures

Chapter 1: Robby Novak

Robby Novak was diagnosed with something called Osteogenesis
which makes your bones weaker. Robby is also an orphan adopted by
Laurie Novak and by David Novak. Robby and his sister, Alexia, were
adopted. Alexia was adopted in 2003 and Robby in 2004. His new
mom and dad said Hes been an inspiration since he could talk. You
might also know this kid as kid president, the kid in the suit. On the
internet some people might call him a YouTube sensation. Robby says
he just wants to make the world more awesomer. The videos are
endless! He will always try to add some laughs in his videos along with
things to make people be nicer to one another. This kid just wants
joy, happiness, generosity and pretty much anything nice. Kid
president met Barack Obama on April 1st. Robby has made many
videos. My favorite is 20 Things You Should Say More Often.

Chapter 2: Osteogenesis
Osteogenesis is a disease that harms the bones in your body and
makes them weaker than they should be. Osteogenesis/OI can last for
a life time or for 25 years. This cannot be cured, but treatment may
help. OI is very rare. OI's definition "is a genetic disorder characterized
by bones that break easy for none too little apparent reason." With OI
you can have a couple fractures in a life time to several hundred
fractures. This cannot be spread from person to person. This is a very
bad thing because you cannot do the things that a normal kid can do
like play sports, or anything that could hurt you. OI makes you have
low bone density. Studies show 50% of people that have OI have spine

Chapter 3: Robby's Family

Robby's family includes Alexia (his sister), Laurie (his mom),
David (his Dad) and himself. Robbys parents say he has been an
inspiration since he was able to talk. His family thought it would be a
bad idea to adopt him and Alexia because both of them suffered from
OI. That could not have been more wrong. Robby and Alexia were not
the first children that David and Laurie adopted. They already had
biological children and other adopted children. The orphanage had
asked David and Laurie to adopt Robby and his sister. The people at
the orphanage knew that David and Laurie were great parents to
their other children and that they would not give up on Robby and
Alexis. When Alexis was adopted, Laurie had to carry her out of the
car because she has casts on her legs and could not walk. While Laurie
was carrying Alexis, she thought to herself what are we getting
ourselves into? Laurie now knows it was a great decision and
wouldnt change a thing. Raising children is hard, but raising children
with special needs is even harder so they needed some real special
parents. David and Laurie have been great parents and it shows in
how positively inspirational Robby is to the world.

Chapter 4: Quotes from Robby Novak

Chapter 5: Teen Activism

Teen Activism is teens doing good things to help the world. The origin
of the word Activism started in Germany. Teen Activism is amazing
because it is helping everybody. Teen Activism is organized for a social
change. The Activists want to do something good because of bad things
that are happening in todays world. Robby just wants people to get
along and dont be judgmental of other people. For example: dont
judge people on their looks or hardships they might have. The
Activists are choosing to go out and make a difference to better their
future and everyone elses too. Teen Activism is a single moment of
inspiration or a repeated experience. Teen Activists get their support
from small groups, parents, friends, schools, churches and
communities and many more ways.

Chapter 6: Pictures

"The Inspiring Life of the "Kid President"" CBSNews. CBS Interactive, n.d.
Web. 13 Mar. (
"Kid President." Kid President. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Mar. 2016
"Bone Disease Doesn't Slow Kid President's Campaign." VUMC Reporter.
N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Mar. 2016.( )
"Menu." 'They Truly Have Unbreakable Spirits' N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Mar.
2016. ( A&E Networks Television, n.d. Web. 8 Mar. 2016.
( )

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