Lesson Plan: Curriculum Connections

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Name: Katie McCurdy

Cohort: B1

Lesson Plan
Lesson Title: Introduction to Angles Grade: 4 Date: Tuesday December 1st 2015
Subject/Strand: Mathematics Unit: Geometry Location: Classroom Time:

(length in minutes):

60 minutes

Lesson Plan Description

(What are you teaching? How does it fit into the context of the unit? What are the big
ideas/essential/enduring understandings?)

We are now moving on from quadrilaterals to angles. The students are required to know the basic
benchmark angles. This lesson will include an anchor chart with the definition and drawing of each
angle (right angle, acute angle, obtuse angle, straight angle). After this lesson on the four basic
angles, I will progress into a youtube song that not only gets the kids moving but also interacting
with the various types of angle. The last component of the lesson will be to start an activity that
combines both art and mathematics into one. The students are given each a black piece of paper
and 4 different pieces of neon coloured paper. The students are to create a legend with what angle
each colour represents. Next they will next cut out strips and construct the four different types of
angles we have been talking about. Lastly they will glue the various angles onto the black piece of
Ontario Curricular Overall Expectations

(numbers from documents and details)

Geometry & Spatial Sense - Identify quadrilaterals and three-dimensional figures and classify
them by their geometric properties, and compare various angles to benchmarks
Ontario Curricular Specific Expectations

(numbers from documents and details) selected & listed from the Ont.
Curriculum, refined when necessary, has verbs that are observable & measureable, has realistic number of expectations (1 to 3), have
expectations that match assessment

Geometric Properties - Identify benchmark angles (i.e., straight angle, right angle, half a right
angle), using a reference tool (e.g., paper and fasteners, pattern blocks, straws), and compare
other angles to these benchmarks
Geometric Properties - Relate the names of the benchmark angles to their measures in degrees
(e.g., a right angle is 90)
Learning Goals

Discuss with students: What will I be learning today? (clearly identify what students are expected to know
and be able to do, in language that students can readily understand.)

Today I will learn

How to differentiate between the basic benchmark angles

That an acute angle is less then a right angle (90 degree and is generally half of it)

That an obtuse angle is greater than a right angle

That a horizontal straight line is greater than an obtuse angle


Success Criteria

Discuss with students: How will I know I have learned what I need to learn? (Clearly identify the criteria
to assess students learning, as well as what evidence of learning students will provide to demonstrate their knowledge, skills and
thinking, in language that students can readily understand).

I can: create and explain a straight angle

I can: create and explain an acute angle
I can: create and explain an obtuse angle
I can: create and explain a right angle
Assessment How will I know students have learned what I intended?

Achievement Chart Categories (highlight/circle the ones that apply):

Knowledge and Understanding;
Assessment For, As, Of Learning (Circle One) (Describe way(s) you and/or your students will assess.)
Assessment Mode
Written, Oral, Performance
(Write, Say, Do)

Lakehead University Orillia, 09 02 15

Assessment Strategy and

Task for Students- What are the

Assessment Tool - Instrument used

to assess task and record learning

students doing to show their learning?

e.g. turn and talk, role play/individual,

e.g., rubric, checklist, observation sheet, turn/talk,

role play etc.

students will be
writing/constructing their own
angles using black and neon
coloured paper. A legend will be
included indicating what angle
is what. Students will also be
performing the dance

Students will be performing the

actions from the song that
correspond with the various
benchmark angles. The activity
will give a good assessment of
the students understanding of
the benchmark angles and
what they look like.


The final product of the angle art activity

will be assessed on the correct
construction of each angle as well as the
corresponding legend associated with
the picture. I will also use an observation
sheet to monitor students participation
in the youtube dance video of learning

Prior Learning: Prior to this lesson, students will have

* Been educated on the various types of quadrilaterals

* Been educated on the attributes of quadrilaterals
* Had practice drawing the various 2-D quadrilateral shapes

Differentiation: Content, Process, Product, Environment, Assessment/Accommodations,

All students can partake in the first two aspects of the lesson. This includes the talk about angles as
well as the angles song/dance. After those have been taught Nicholas can begin working on his specific
tasks and goals associated with the geometry unit. He uses a lot of online math programs that he
seems to not only enjoy but also be successful at.
Learning Skills/Work Habits Highlight/circle ones that are assessed: responsibility, organization, independent
work, collaboration,




(for word wall and/or to develop schema)

I will be recording on chart paper the four definitions as well as pictures associated with each
corresponding angle. The angles include: acute, right, obtuse, and straight angle, as well as the
definition of angle itself.
Resources and Materials /Technology Integration

List ALL items necessary for delivery of the lesson. Include any
attachments of student worksheets used and teacher support material that will support communication of instruction. Include the use
of Information Technology (ICT) in your lesson plan where appropriate.

Paper, pencil, laptop, projector, youtube video, black paper, coloured construction paper,
scissors, glue.

Learning Environment

(grouping; transitions; physical set up)

For majority of this lesson students will be seated at their desks. When I introduce the youtube
video to the students I will allow them to stand somewhere in the classroom away from the other
children. This is because the video is a dance incorporating the various benchmark angles. Once
that portion of the lesson is over I will get the students to quietly and quickly return to their
seats. I may even encourage the scoreboard points to achieve smooth transition back to their
Cross Curricular Links

D.1 Visual Arts - Creating and Presenting: apply the creative process (see pages 1922) to
produce a variety of two- and
three-dimensional art works, using elements, principles, and techniques of visual arts to
communicate feelings, ideas, and understandings
D1.1 Creating & Presenting - Create two- and three-dimensional works of art that express
feelings and ideas inspired by their interests and experiences
Three Part Lesson
Identify what the students are expected to think about or do. Write the lesson description with
enough detail that another teacher could replicate the lesson without a personal discussion.
What Teachers Do:
What Students do:
Minds on: Motivational Hook/engagement /Introduction (5-15 min)
Establish a positive learning environment, connect to prior learning, set the context for learning, pre-determine key questions to guide
Time: 11:55-11:20(Indicate time breakdown of instructional

Okay cottagers we are moving on from

quadrilaterals now and into angles! Can you
share with me what you know already about
I am quite impressed with how much you
Lakehead University Orillia, 09 02 15

A few students share facts and information that

they already know about angles.

know already cottagers! First I want to begin

with the definition of an angle itself. An
angle is formed by two rays that have the
same endpoint (vertex). In this definition
what to do we think the rays are?
At this time I will draw a basic angle with the
That is right the rays are two lines that
come together at one point which is known
as the vertex. A point where two rays meet.
Now that we know the definition of an angle,
can anyone share with me examples of
angles theyre aware of?
Very good, a right angle will be one of the
angles we are talking about today! What do
we think is meant by a right angle?
Very good one ray is going up vertically,
and the other ray is going out horizontally.
This means that a right angle will always
measure 90 degrees from the horizontal line
up to the vertical line. We measure the angle
counterclockwise. Can anyone share any
examples of an object or thing that would
have a measurement of 90 degrees?
Those are all excellent examples cottagers!
You are really understanding what a right
angle looks like in the real world. The next
angle I would like to talk about is an acute
angle. Has anyone heard of this term
Thats okay! An acute angle is any angle
LESS then 90 degrees.
At this time I will draw an acute angle on the
Once again you would measure this angle,
by starting for this line and going clockwise
until you meet the next line. I have a
question cottagers, what would half of 90
Very good, one way to classify an acute
would be to have any degree less then 90,
and half of 90 is 45. So that would be one
example. Can we think of any angles that
are shaped like this?
I know this one was harder to come up with
examples for, but one that I always
remember is a slice of pizza! If we put two
slices together we would get 90 degrees!
How cool is that!
Next we have what is known as a straight
line. This measure is very large, its 180
degrees! That means it is the same as two
90 angles. What do we think a straight angle
would like?
Very good we do know that it is a straight
line if we were to draw two 90 degree
Lakehead University Orillia, 09 02 15

A student volunteers the rays are the lines!

At this time one student volunteers a right angle.

One ray goes up and one ray goes out to the side.

Some students share a piece of paper, the chalk

board, the door, the desk
Students have not yet heard this word before.

Students reply with 45

A slice of pizza, or a pie, a tree.

Students respond with a straight line.

A pencil, ruler, half a pizza, half of a pie

Students respond with greater than 90!

At this time I will draw 2 90-degree angles
together proving that they form a straight
So a straight angle is drawn by using a
horizontal line. Again its angle measure is
180 degrees. Can we think of examples of
straight angles?
I know thinking of these examples is a
tricky task to do! But guess what again we
can use the pizza example! In this case it
would be half of a box of pizza. Next we
have an obtuse angle, if an acute angle is
LESS then 90, then an obtuse angle is
________ then 90?
Very good an obtuse angle is greater then 90
but less then 180. This means it can be able
angle measure between 90 and 180
degrees. Can we think of examples of obtuse
Very good those are some examples of
obtuse angles. We use protractors to
measure angles. They are special
tools that help us measure exactly what
degree an angle measures. Now I have a
video for us to all watch that is about the
types of angles I just taught to you! At this
time you can get up and find an open spot
because we will be dancing!
I have the youtube video all ready to be
previewed on the projector. We go through
the video a couple of times because the
students love it so much. Getting them to
use their own bodies to construct angles is a
beneficial thing to do!
Awesome work everyone, if I could get you
all to sit back down at your desk. I would
encourage a smooth transition because we
dont want to see any unhappy scoreboard

A fan, 4 slices or 5 slices of pizza, boomerang,

scissors, time on a clock

Students get right into the dancing and reenacting

of the dance associated with the benchmark

Students quickly and quietly transition back to

their desks.

Action: During /Working on it (time given for each component, suggested 15-40 min)
Introduce new learning or extend/reinforce prior learning, provide opportunities for practice & application of learning.
Time: 11:20 11:50 (Indicate time breakdown of
instructional elements)

Now that we have been taught about the

various type of angles I have an angle art
activity for us all to do!
I will show my completed piece of the angle
art activity.
Okay so here is my completed product. What
I want you to do is take recreate an example
of each of the angles I talked about with you
today. Can someone remind me what these
examples are?
Very good I am so happy you remember the
four different types of angles. These angles
Lakehead University Orillia, 09 02 15

Students say: acute, right, obtuse, and straight


are also referred to as benchmark angles

which are used all the time to make
comparisons too. The goal of this angle art
activity is to take each neon colour (there
are 4 neon colours) and with each colour you
will make one the angles. On your piece of
art I want you to have a legend which states
that the angle and its corresponding colour.
For example in mine if I used hot pink for an
obtuse angle I would show that in the legend
at the bottom of the page. Each of you will
receive a piece of black paper, four different
strips of neon colour, scissors and a glue
stick. You will also use a sticky note or small
piece of leftover paper to create your
At this time I will hand out the supplies
needed to complete the task. I will also be
available for clarification or repetition of
instruction because that is common at this
age. Once the materials have been handed
out the students can start on the activity.
One thing I want you to keep in mind is that
the colours and angles do not have to be the
same as mine, and you want to be strategic
in the placement of your angles to make
something similar to a collage. The neon
colours stand out next to the black paper so
the finished product truly is an art piece!

Students start on the angle art activity.

Consolidation & Connection (Reflect and Connect) (5-15 min.)

Help students demonstrate what they have learned, provide opportunities for consolidation and reflection.
Time: 11:50-11:55 (Indicate time breakdown of instructional

Okay cottagers, do not worry if you werent

quite able to finish the angle art activity
because we can finish it up at the beginning
of next classes angle lesson. I am quite
impressed with all of the lovely pieces of
angle art I have seen so far. Keep up the
good work. You can begin to put away your
math, scissors, and glue. You can also take
the scrap pieces of paper and put them into
the recycling. Can we please do this one row
at a time starting with the front row, then
the second and then the last row.

Students begin clean up and put their math work


Extension Activities/Next Steps (where will this lesson lead to next)

The following day I will allow more time for the completion of the angle art piece. We will also talk
more about angles and get the students to do a worksheet or activity to again assess their
comprehension levels in relation to angles.
Personal Reflection (what went well, what would I change, what will I have to consider in my next lesson for this subject/topic)
The Lesson:
The Teacher:

Lakehead University Orillia, 09 02 15

Link to the youtube video


Lakehead University Orillia, 09 02 15

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