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Meeting Notes 4

By Maheen Hashmi

Meeting Notes 4
Date - 12/11/15

Start Timing - 3:30PM

Location Oaks park High school: Media Studies

Present Jaimie, Ganesh and Arrani
End Timing 5:30PM

Meeting Notes 4
For this meeting we had come together as a group

at looked at the blog of how it was coming across

and paper work.
For the paper work we had discussed what we
will need for example images or have a letter that
we needed to be given out the actors for example
and a location letter to the department area of
where we will be filming our production.

Meeting Notes 4
On this meeting we had also decided when we

were going to start filming our production and

we had filled in a call sheet that is used for when
booking equipment.
We also looked at what kind of make up that I had
to do for the ghost girl and what make up I will
need to bring for the next meeting.

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