Karina Galperín. "The Dido Episode in Ercilla's La Araucana and The Critique of Empire

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once that ey bind the ormaent nd cance script argh Ps sed to sik the Span ace ilove reading fhe mapmakes "otra wicks sills convincing: he open ede ee 0 | oy afseing ths Sources His anal woul bene om atonal tn Tin acsearle pits forthe history of agri inet, the Kory of dng: the nig of form an ncton sevice vg, 2 paul probler To lok st ra a tobe an ply the ge Sone and echngac of art hiss thir asi would prove the sushor wih another eit of nt int these ch and cl mame) Inthe end Pad describes the Spanish imperasaiation othe pratem | of mapping the cic a le, for enspeshereoutice Spi, Ihe te mang Abram Orel obstinate reed t alow Spanish pea comments and eased eienc f Can dain a he Pai ten | they tok aang of Cain carte). Beyond the weld of maps omever, thre is abundant evidence ofthe materi ety ofthe Cason Paclc Hat provide a courterpoit to ths soy To ge But one example, theresa curbs st of eden vestmt inthe clon ofthe Pe oy Eses Meum in Sem, Masachscts (acesn nos AE 987). The fatments are made rom Chine sik bce, which moukt have aed from the Orient #0 Spin by wy of Mano vel reaching » pai church snore Csi wre wi ut bd weve ad soa with ‘Spi. ma ngs and rims. The aes brocade pater of ld cow ‘nd ns rampant ona ld ofc disney ia ba | ‘his comet i Toks for ll the ld Me opal Spanish cree Frey tne the unkown pet wove thee resent ewan fle celebrating the sc of the Spanish Pai a he erated the a. bjt ke the Peso Ese vse provide angie complet orang he ‘ore and repesenatins even a5 they explode an arena new questions tnd problems. Ar horas inclng Thomat Dot Kain ed Sota Sabai, have en wo explore te ace word trough une hye a objects uni (Cavin tas sade to be mpd ‘pomin pan and bombo apes folingscre). As the Pace ates ‘oreand more schol rm dierent li each ae fing wl ene Strom he eh, or n0 single soup of ureter apo fe teils or pinting=—can reveal the compet and Itronnetednes of the Pcie Wo, Talon all ogee, the Paci tr a schol erepie at wl kia reve the his 3 peri Spin THE Doo Erisope IN ERCILLA'S La ARAUCANA AND THE CRITIQUE OF EMPIRE Karina Galperin Unser Fran Tels, Sas ies ABSTRACT this oxy canine te Di pte lm de {leat Lec eth ne tog he ers ‘ham cotta cps sel be eo oer eer resins “isthe poe ely ciel the Sumo pa aca te oh [Ft ed a ihe he Wl ino ae Quen ‘lan, bra toda othe “a” a the Medetanean work dhe ‘rv ad th Oca Te gga desing th po wie + ‘Stan snave pea snl eed ee ten eben {vie pry Suh ohn Ep Tee eae ‘Sal Dein pout opens npr Tai Noth ke pel conga tare ander Hel ene ec in fom Cia han ia oe oe id rt of he rata the prt pein ote rh rot Tn ice nt ojos ane a baepean ese em ‘ein rn nm ea, ‘escratun fost By ding tin Ee mb dns Ninel om The Dido spade in he hid pat of La Arcana consis 9 stange rroment within Abas de Ells por! Seningy digs and dion {Si ta ge ar na net fromthe New Wold soundings where the eonkotaon ewes Spaniards and Araucanins tlas plas, neers allows the pt 10 focus. the mos amour anal huractr of clase icin det let upon rua sue ins onn poem. Un thi ep, eat interwoven ween New Word vet rel doesnot present tema porta of the Phoenician queen as dep by Vig book LV ofthe Aen, ut he intent endorses pre-Vinglan itoringaphicl ttn of Dido that cuit widely crs Barope inthe Middle Ags andthe arty modern period thcgh he Fon tthe Pili ior Pompe Pg byte Roman historian Justin (pablo the oth ery AD) Thi eran of Dido was fist recoded ina frgment of the Gres Skin bistoron Tinaeas of Torin 390-9609), it cat hong Tog’ ow lost Philipic History (Gas century BC) which usin’ Epitome beige’ Tn ths "histoiel”venion, which informal the cristo ‘oF the queen ia book I of the Ani bt fou which Ving famousiy ‘para in book 1V, Dio isnot a woman inex iked to uni esi and exesive lot but acon eae and deotd wife who wd ‘athe omit suid than bry the meron of er deat abd ad the wel-bog of her own empire. Tit erative rendering of Di served 1 the has for her vepesentaion in works suc a Boi’ Gee ‘kara ent at De lars males ans vy poplar ay ‘moder Spin at La de Mali bs documented wee ceil 9 may sound sey, he “Deese of igo" the acount of te cha gues tage istered awl oh to itera ender Vit sis acount ofthe sufi ver? Davi Quinton ofthe few crt who hs conseiate on ti page jn La rac, points out how Eclat Da wit the Araeian soins ofthe amos episoe intercalated in he po sn tha ‘hem esubisbes connection between Crags td Areca, "the Turban foe of emt” (4) Inthe cntest of thi raing the Dido iia pd tn ei a ml he san oa oe nw a ee Garin: rae tbo Ers00E 1 ERCHLEA’ 2a anaveaNa © 35 cpisde makes exh the ant Vigan sance ht Quin finds throughout ‘he poem ad tat, according to Bim, togetir with ts oon appeal 0 Lc’ Phar, etties La Areca ea epi ofthe angued hat calito queion the valu andthe veo of the vicior(2-#3), My tok da on Quit for the andy ofthe Dido pugs, ronidng at {nterpreation that th fers rom rd complements hive Dy asng Dido's try takes pce nthe Medierancan, wo reer to ‘he metropolitan senate this pa, pee a digress ‘roel bu with eds conestio to the Chilean bent intone rele aout Pip I'simpeiaentepies Trough he or of Dido, roposs La Arsusna insite ost cider the Sth American events topter with ote imperil conics inahing Spin nthe Old Wena ihe how Spunads bate sinry in bth sesnation. I thi ene, the euode of Dio shold be ed toate wth the account ofthe ates ‘of Sunt Quentin nd Leptin the sco pact of La Aron, wth Sh ‘ahora sipcat thm and ele ainy. A he sae ine, by dint of earl aft and comity within the poem rca dees Di withthe Armaan womnes--andthregh thet wi the Aaucains in general through the erodes peprapbical ting he alo enties her withthe “ines of the Meiterancan world The gography tat Ec ‘wings ino Bis tes inti mi-Vilian digesion and whee he plies =| ‘utter olf wopan empire coves terior oly inked with Span iy comermprary conte in the Mediterranean ate In ths context he gure of Dido sade to rele to th Ontomane an Moor achrials of| Spain in the meopaltan sens The nw cpite ta regi he Dido ‘psode—rebte to Cypresy Tans and Noth Alc, and bse on justice, rd he ejection of gracd—isloated in «space heal imbued ‘sith poli ane malty mining or stent cntcy Faroe ia genera nd forthe Habsburg in pra, Tn th sie wy tht Reda Pan sug ato coairhe erary tackgrund and gti fonctions of the Chess terry in La Area, ‘esos ka in nd the reece ale fhe iteray a so ‘gaphislgevgraphy in the oom Padrin, "Lave Ameren Se" 564. The ses where the story of Dio occurs sgt much move tan might fs tance spear to ener Frm innocently poreayng he voyage of ha ctr fom a difentIratre and ve, the grogaphy over which the story of the Crtapnan queen ix staged in La Annan dla ers to theconiine European conta alaopide which Eri prope com sing the New Wodld eens. By ivan in thi epi etry ley atmos completely ues Ottoman jason afer a ew decades Of unst be Christan contol, Breil tony acne the Arcanian wth te Contemporary ic worlds move tht ceany contest une Scoring the ary aby aad postal complex ofthe Ameria in the poem Sura and more portant he war Both the ade and he Inoparh of bow ephemeral and reverse mary shlveents ae jae hes, thin the pcm. the Spins secre a rescuing lk mwa questionable itary ov the Chilean falas in Cae, Ts, within the Fame of the thid prof the posm econ i, the mos pes tie abou! the Spanish projet andthe one tat shuts the mt between the New World aod Euope—the impli entiation beeen Dis the Acacan, nd Iss the Span vor in Chile of any dciie triumphal chee. Inthe epsode of Dido, Ela pis the tramp t (Cee with neorons Chis dees oer Har, ein that este ofthe poet approsdhs, he chooses phan once aun the gly Df eontemporry Habsburg domination by characering a sh more recoup ees thn one would expect in albany Dido and the We of Propcy The min cont in ris poes-the war betwee Spaniards and Ara caniansoccur athe New Work prighery of Habbargposeon ey {a rm the meropoltan center of the Spanish tpi. Hower oth polite an erry ens, Faroe occas peal le oy Aa !rgubly oe ofthe mest ease poems he Spans radon dd ot go unnoticed that Beas wt the second prt ith the prophet ‘pisces of he gods Bellona al he indian srster Fin xl ie orate ents that mak tlie what wating pie the New Work onside Spanish mitry enterprises back ine With Bellons, Ec brings othe por dead acount ofthe Spi ata ofthe French Sy of Sai Quen i 7, dei and pt omen in the lalbed war beeen the Habre and France that woud enn 59 with the testy of Caten-Cambrsie andthe esting Spanish hegemony over aly. Wah kn comes Lepento 5 5 geal a Chistan cry oer te povesfal Otoman Beet that 2 miier of Pip. Cardinal Dig de Espinosa, went fr to compare twit eh bill fet of the Ean Carn: rae biog arso0s 1 encALLA’ a atavcana © 35 Pao in th Rd Sex (Dae 00) (Later, tomate en of LAr can, cla ses is sight on Europe aun in recurting te amneation of Forualin 80) I hasbeen argued tthe incon of he events brings to the poem the met racnant~and monly incontetabeSpansh vow reson the metoplian ge nore utah» vidos eotntrearnie fo the Cian events fm which he pct ems ake increasing its In this et Arc das ont gestion Pip Is imperil pj in is emery (sila woul not el any ambience tv the Eoopean nero) buen Ameian project (Lage 79) "The famous tndian amorous elses hat ssn Le Avoca rom the second art on support ts vewpoin. Foc Ramone Lags, ti pee ells roving serusion with the rot and grand be discovers inthe Spann of Cie hat propels hit ook for terse martes the ‘Shion of Aret or Beta. His empathy toward the aan hee ts faction a2 ng of he pret’ increing jin ofthe coda of his compte resing ragmentton of iting the no pst (of the poem mane in of beac illine Bat thi dione ta since afc onthe Chilean exmpaig and othe whole impel eslogy (hag 72-8. ‘The Dido digreson, 3 aio cris have pine ut, i iepacble ‘fom the amoeous episodes with Indian hres I inked o them bth ly fcaton ad Hematic fiy David Lupe notes tt the episodes of Les (232) and Psi (373) should be read i ight of Dido's tr. ‘hoy were designed he ear "ofr the side ane of erp whose ge cena pane is devoted othe scaly an, no Vig, ids” (ot. But why doce Ela ince Dio within thi seria she | ‘he only woman in a moro eo ia La Annisinn wh oui of “i aie aes cap el pi Po eae a see ie test in sc nog nen ‘ince ooh colnet rapes eis he ‘ote Se ef i me edi ie Cig el nae ae emus fr pri tino apes eh Decaf na te pew Ca tered pene nay al pe py Regimes 62% wnsrate anv wire the New Wolcott? Wy docs the poet avoke tis gure and closely ‘net bt troup of erin a rebtonto whom, bese thi shared phason ore fel, anor and chaste iby alien? The ‘Sat woy in which rela sabi a eam alot vias i ‘ain Between his Dio aod the Indian erin bas fog cod te ‘ot w-minor deta hat wthin this srs of tres, above al, Di epee fess diontce Lin Schwa de Leer hae demostoted the ray ature ofthe Indian wonten in Ercil’s poem. They ae no carer linge by ie indi the poet might have mt in the American | vas once thought, bur pure tious reson modeled On preigius female chances of dsl and RenaaeeBaropean irre 3) Woe the Arocaian women zeemble Doan in thi see thy do onsite a semrtic roup~they rember in the wy» apy mor ‘he ecg. Adis rece Knd of elton sei aning shin the poem Ba dierent in origin a presi, ht we shoul tk int 1p a dn ype fe ta ma at cin ‘ete oni nr oper erecta agrees ‘Aton danse eet ee se Niner meine enwpnaeinkone he koe meee ‘Lica cel cea ns arsenide Seni Fh mai gan om rn ‘sna, ple Serb Oa seta apo oe en, ale denned or rane aac ar oe easton ‘eyeviews a eng sce Seta in rasan anne ag Ropnsag ashen aon + x98 p1D0 risoDe 1 EncHLLA's La anaveanA S37 count when examining what Exil cing wes, ate in Lt Arne ‘ec toconzect wo sich dapat world ‘Quint hy cba tha evn hi shared yale, ti Diels care ‘eats a barerian in eatin to the Spi pie that ks her 6 the Inlanhereine of te amorous dies. The beans of he sods, ven icra following Earopsn Ierary model issey and ‘sirataly fer otheresim af the Arcs They are Chien they Sire In che et by vite ofthe retionshie with Anactian me and thei tg stores el from the Spanish presence inthe New Wold. Thee i tubing Ameen about Dido, however bees the ton of her sory in the pos detal hat the pot his cana when he mensions he "no peda cope” where Span seer el er (32483) fa tery terms she diets ws the most pretiious European terry elon 8 ‘ieee of her relationship to te Ae che deal epic mt eevee By Rennsance ator and ener Intra terms, Did bigs wi er the content ofthe Roman pie an renowned ae wih the Carhag nan. In ioral ems conterporar Eclipse reader aay fiom Sth Arca othe confi Madicanen rel, Inti ere Elli’ lncson of Dio within «ais of tore excel fis on rate heroines fils the double purpose of nking her tage ad aso ‘setng them apart of pcg hem within the sme suc shen wt ‘ut ang wo point ou the erences Or betes, rel lcs tees "erin he same group ape beats thie dole bond allows the poet teste therm oo wo, to wo ples ces ali. in hs Wa the jactapoiion of Dio andthe Arcanin herines rant Ercil’ ‘eset nk the South American ett and jen sliced by the Spanish congue) 0 brow snzpbial conte. Ooce we ee Spi's Chilean confit tng isp fom Sis OK! Wold suey, we ‘ether ivi to conser the Span resece in Chile as pata wider Imperial energie, We can thao red the epde of Dio apt fhe “ec of epi popu” as Nicolas eal (Pos of Epi 6-1) ‘Along wits Belone's and Fn’ ions, he Dido epunde isin onthe eo tert the periphery wth the center when einige Spenish imperil poe. An Uke thee vont ln highligh the dak se of pir te mot rings pont Beloe going deeper ine the episode of Did, then itis wath examining once aan the hati f Sunt Quentin fad Lepit a they appr in Lat Arana in he vison of Blo and Pon Recent tis, wih the exception f Nop who ls the bates ‘of Sant Quentin and Lepanto wth the tadion ofthe "encoaiashe rophcy” characters of "imperiai epics” (Pao Empire 6), a sal into queion the scenglyeebratry nature ofthe nations of hee combat thin the poem. From vas perspec, author sah ‘Quint Fuchs. nd Pan stress bow these prophetic moments pei Fins express ater din ee ofthe Spanish empire, For Quo, Eis pose juxtaposition af the Vig td Lacan medl drought i reo of tebe generates coatadictry and problenate det tions, sich asthe ane beter the Spanien apt ad he Awacins| inch 5) Fuchs emphasis the at hay dit of concentrating Lepanto Fon avods showing the pet the outome ofthe Chen er (Ames ad Emgire 39-4). Hence, ese this ede aa fale of ‘dsl epi prophecy, in which vain the foure "would Teal he ‘eader sly fom the ime ofthe nara to the glans present ofthe Foes pane” (4 Instead of ancipting the aquisition of fate ‘etre iin its insel to enumetting end swing) pee and pst posesions “Where the rade might expest stron prophecy of Span ‘sh conquest inthe vious and described” Fuck ons, "Exlapo vides insta nop-corptal ft of plic-nasy wt few webs th (46). Paro, for ipa, pinpoints inthis episode eel eat llow tim read it as puro of peographipanegyis ined a uneoetng he hallows rather than he vies of empire” (Spacins Wired 8) Althese endings howee, take for granted htt ter the sutra fame of thse episode othr elnip to ctgtapi orthe charge ters though which we gain aces othe bts, cr eve hee epioer ‘robles eeseation af the Cian ees that lows us toler ‘hem a8 etal imperial moment Ines Pde,» rt vo sn stongy emphasizes the disidet character of the rion of he lan sor ‘re dss the acount ef tepanto "Els enon ecb ‘of Spins imperini the Ad Word” Spins Word 02} Neneh, "elev tha th Sis Quentin an! Lepntoacouns present a eit penpectine ofthe Spanish visors in Harope as Eel’ vow of let Sys imposton in dhe Americas. Not onl des Fil at sid the European fats a lines counterexamples 1 the enous bry of "he Chilean sugges a ether perhaps onssutnce of is own expe: eng n the New Word cam envon Spanish mamens of gory a "ope ony sought al daeening lee ofthe South Arian eens Popes the Chitin wa dita puch El int eel ined inn at poston tht ves ene rete trios dine for eve wetnner ef he rsh at ing ‘athe ond pao fe poe, woud be ce opener Ps ‘at he on in ati ti ese cae perry, ih a is bray, Become ie pou fw Tim oh ween cose cent pcs ord) Aa tery ot ato cunts ofS Qt Lp, oi tres cul et vid to in he Europea enerpi a proeon of Sui Now Wd ede Wht se Sth Ar ha Dereon al mpl nde ses ie te nis nd Shvame dst i oh ods ce ple “Te bute fsa Qn inc of Ace poms ek wry Pie pa ay ee esta the postr the ver being be ae {Gu werd ateido que sume Felted lor ota yams 2 ian pogo y bere, {tan built ae (0-8) Nothing sem onder his rphant pi ntl tun wen aera ‘ery duoc fg the Spain aleve vitor. This dna, howe, [shot floes as one would expec, by pore pave of the bey and deny of the vctors nen, wethe pot nde pes to os on te “anise, wht esos eno ghey bt rend the ame et ht Bxi “ssouncestroughou the oon In the Spaniards enggei the Aeris ‘Arson the ascertain th vicory. since sie, arent “eoen con a Farr, espera sce de ser rem dea comin gent de gar (5 amemphass) Te he ast wo tne sina josie (ater all endesing would be roth but an cepted abit of wa) the lowing ae, eh tr iss tence on the destructive nai of ges, deny the Spanish soles any pone exoneratin, The pot contnac by obsving anonyme edn "idl gers in thei untied sear fr boo itn or ber pets pant ‘eran lon cor coo pols etna 7 do | Syl ompind y dian, ‘in reser aaes ese, [scans deatos ocean | Ya Sea sin pr corrnde anata, (8389-8) Aeon hve of he noes ppen” pnd) te desc etl ofthe scons (eats er aon eno dea) nde lek oh ut of ‘hemp oops Cn sco pe ra dee the ofthe poet nh co opt dee oe emg | Sin tt tbc apna i tet xi bt it be ns es ra og dng a Ne | Aly fee ch contin tor moe sun a hep ‘odo pli horde voy om th ph ping an ral omega He peed ena datng Oe te ns sa gee visi on pret ny ome soy elaglna pee dion bee pues enti y puis ‘send digntey peur of pies cama neo. ta-4 my eps ‘Te tyme puting “itorise” with “odin” when chractring the Sania underscores the way in hich he nomen of lbiton the ost ofr his ees porta fhe victors ited by moral wees Furthemor, jst ae doen the trated moro sti tin the ‘Ne Wot rll gic tur hi companions een toward the woe tnthiscase French wom, who Become a pec for the vanished in| ‘Si Quentin, Though thm, the post exprenes the Spaniel sppaling| lak of meyer ha Bri demands ofl vitor nthe oducts to the eo of Dido The poet fins the ry how to thee Women| ‘sey epee Neos rags camaeyGueas, (cs distant cer ont, evn yucca linac oi modern ‘ts omen peda por a, ‘Nomis defend se arojan treendo que mayor gansia haa ede estenca se bac (24 ‘The emphasis on the comand abuse ofthe wea vides y hoanes lence”) spd the oc distance between himself and the Sanne implied by “cena” which balcncel in 4 mtry way his dient ‘ih the valves of hi compart complete resi ctl pcnee of the {okie ighing in Earope forthe ume nner cus athe in Chile, ‘nom they begin to semble icy. The Bal emark about how the King hid ited an ore before entering he Frenchy ugg his os to spect is mujeres cs de rsoonee” (244) a8 onder that they hey eal by tepssng thee Bi nts, mater ery hile The per medal ode fast the ferns iced by Pips a ier ha psig the ender tol compassion forthe angie athe tha en wit cos of dubious qual A ods pas ito ascent ‘envano por die reman Yr ies Fancoer tomeone {hlesconraisas se aan. 6375-4) ‘As we cans, hen, the acount of Sit Quentin rises very fr ows tal anes opi clan, Wht ever in the mind of he ude nthe lr ut he undenibemery of Spin, Ela does at doe te eine with he echoes of reoundingvcoy but withthe shame fanaa bral plane, As Paden acy observes, when a the end af ths ambigioas eungh Salona step to show the oe art i font y Philip Hu tengo “sauce the poet away front Bis American subj mater 20d teat the compostion ofa mettopoitan ep” Ela insists on highligh ing his Americ locus of enunciation (Spacior Wor 203), Thi iniseee ‘is crucilyiaportant becase this gopaphical lncton fas poli and ‘oral meaning Sen fom the Amer, Sant Quentin ao knge appease ‘ ungue and exceptional laos season in which pun day forte test ofthe werd their tht mae worthy fe reat mpi ate, Decomss une more eee in which Fel’ computa dint diay once agnin~ the many hermes inthe New Wald ~the sade tha expin why the Habsburg Empire wil never dre the gander of Rowe Something snr exces withthe account of Lean, The naration af ‘he ble long ose the whole feat 2) andi des ary chara adiied bythe pct Sint Quel, we ave secs as pote 2 combat of may anonymous sles dominated by lw puso sa fgg unde the onder of views King wo cul aly patil contain Is umestaind oop. This sat he ce with Lepat. Lean rep, seta as calc ded wit nuipe commendable scorer by ‘ume. This ion ofthe poe swe a eer 72 Rela de gu le Gey sacs ob al de Lapa on which rel’ acount | "ese, mesons oe by one the sro erealtes cn boro the fet ‘ofthe Holy Luge [a the alliance betwee Spaniards, Venetian, sd the pal Sate tat ought in his ate wale an is on bord the Oto ‘an formation? The altar statue tha xl sie to this comb et gic ena i iy re hes te ny ‘ris poston wind on et epost ‘ee i te he ay lu as Sr De oe Seed Coe tl desi a aaron eee eg pone in ni Bg ta svn. patter SES wi il Grin: rae o1D0 urisoDE I encnLLa's ta azaveates —P ay any fr exends ta of Suit Quen, and the Chri trope inthis tele are inno way subj othe same ror ecbhe athe Spni lies sn Face: They ae hero mba on ol memombl snd mately ‘ces ation aint an infidel opponent. However the acct of Le pane docs nt sussed compl aera nid ean, ‘AL ths pst inthe poor bythe nd ofthe second pat of Li Arcana and wll inte the Bcc contain withthe Chien reel Ela mo Tooger sens capable of leniingwheleectly wih any mary ener rien aera git case may be Any iano detrotion| fod death moves him and clans aeson more than the net esa try. Ts lost tthe exact mide of camo 2 the mist of te atte Era ern his ue to the “aia gente” (4) he oe and obcure solr wo ght und the ones ofthe Mustous command fe cls doc not ae them a protagonist of beri dees a he Se the eae ofthe high ankng combatant, among whom the Christine ae leary distnguiaed fom the Otomans, the good rom the ei When fects on he yeaa inthis La Arte depart fon Here's sccountrela psn lls, Spars ed Otoranalte wrt ‘bets of enormous vee posed by a dpa wrath wh iety fightin dre andto hand combat Dead bodies cover he Hood 5a men atakeach othe with aus ener spears Ang tough the ir ple ener sles mardesangre sbi airs, comedies pnt muta 264928) se acme y fen in sess nos ayendo mueten sega ‘tos pro hie ron fg 4302-8) ‘nin por sitar bj coma eve map dete aves ‘en por br sin tempo a aeraio (inca unde su frend, 2450-4) ‘Sarasin pa ye ong i ah a {ep Ean rina on on Kn er EIN hmong ere ‘The beabiy of the derption, similar o Lacan apsing the ede 0 he blondy ely of wa, comes pt ops Herter’ act fbn rich, ne ty “a fon partes clan muctos con cts dures de “Seat” G9) Bt oly in part Baath Dave pinout bow Here, Ue Ra nhs Aurind chews all phar cn the ded of hand. hand combat nis coun’ of Lepanto 70-7)" Yet Fala tony exh ithe oro of wa but even spe i aration a his pot facing the reader company fin ameatng he nfo lives oto vilnce. nespecey, egtt forthe dead adie aos prot ove he page of ‘he porous bt: The acount of Lepainoterie a dame nate takes hee an anomaoos pase ul sr aga quem embeds Alin del mundo ysl inn, Cana gater un emg presen, ‘eto cnn homed clin Holler cor yo pend cos turd olor engin, cst nega nutes econ Por oer el dso de gal (353-8) ‘The moval quetion inthe Bist fous lines engages the vee with as inviton to beol,ogter wth th os the derastating scene of dese cette mrad i eegr gmt enc ouytepse faci aan tomer hehe SEEN ony ai ee ew ed comer a iws es,ene er Oo ‘pete inet ay hr le enn oe eT { Gers: ra otng evteone excite 4 ansuense 9 45 tion esuking from the bate an to share he poet dens The et Gur lines, for trp, asin t nate the poets reaction. The hore and stare bythe sn Belong, im, the port And they etn the rte cota ate aco Like the sn, cil wld rahe rove inl tio th hasta ane op watching even ihe ont the ant athe fst stv ofthe tot a great Chinon ve tery wit a the end ARough te tory Quy rexumes ts aera ‘By he ia defet ofthe Otto enemy eer gute sande td paling this somber ones af hora a tthe ly moment in fic in which Lepnts moves the raraton hich continue to aunt thet of the maton. ade eis he alee spit tha gone conn tine would dieu to expt f hit peor ron, "The oncion othe aot ofthe bate iss om ating any ‘spre ftps, perhaps hese hy theme Ba congas Ing the send pr ofthe pow ha alent bare agoiingl vide that Lpano, 0 gue Devel, ad eon “a ret speci a lorie one ver tin the ed lenge (20) Faced om the at ary ‘tons (Oe ight andthe sbbsequot persecution by Don Jaen de Aus {55 Barn, and Ori) tard the ed af the cant ily coms rem turty and incompletely to Eel As soon a the Ontomanssuender, nse of aon the pe owns and ing the glare of tramp et remember tht Hern’ accos cloves with angen alba dea doa ‘seta po tora dl senor don Tan), Fin wees sis tbe a ‘Cis esa with rh apd makes the vio of Lepsnts dpe ever nf. ais ste epi of Fn dy the same pet ‘rence for ona and provisional tnt hat Jie Cone ints the ending ofthe thee prt ofthe poom and tat Quint reals set one rove sig ofthe Lacanerge rene wth which Ella hgh th ton tn, contingent character of inpeal tre” = Tarps sinh a pie bn as ‘Sect cpa ed re ty sag Sat i eis posible to interpret, then the opted i about he pesmi ad dts sharacter ofthe a two par of Lat Ancona 0 3 ieent hele The eon for hie somber mond ay wel He i rails personal ‘aperene nthe New Wars Laon sg hens thi the poem reine fo mania te epi lhaonment whe the poet somes ah je nes tothe eos he narrate (7274) But toa so ein he dal Cont sonophee which hen para te po eres writen ec rend The hid pt La Arson aspen Made in 592 Yes alr what Ele iesies a» rng pont betwee the impheat| ‘Sl fhe esto Habsbrgr andthe dfs, las Spin of thee sveceots” nao sal easre a «res the sunning eet of the “Ariads invencle™ (hmperal Spin 28). tn dramatic shan, 98 emai the proces af suceive niay fares sed y Spin ‘ard the ene fhe sateen cet, alare tht progresivels ween sn emi tot decades tere had een thought fa vile This po os, ower, as alain progses when the ssn pat ote poem vs writen and plished in 878. The dee of the 87 tasphany ngusted withthe vce of Lepact, was coming tase wth the shang dicey ofthe ne int ty: Urdoubty hy to boosting he ble Cision morale and shag hatte Otomans cel be dled Lean for lang ime remain ano of these i lism tha captured he Spanish mination fi he weap Mee. ‘area vitor. The dewpor of tert about the be writen in he wake ‘of Lepano att tthe enormous sybils hissing even eh inthe Span minor may year srt that snodher mien ie key thea the cptre of Tani by Chars Vin Foner, ut lng afer Lepant,epechlly ste the oman congue of Tans in| | CGapern: rn otoa EPAODE IN ERCLLLA' Ha ARAVCAWA © 47 vit became psinfaly apparent tht dhe “gran bls naval” err id ‘ct for Spine mach desired contr fe Medteranan Se: Pres thy horas are alot soa eee Weak diagnos of pats: the ete Cova vcr ofthe star entry a ery Heed on eects" Buh verde wat nt len tse of Eri sont ics rt the pos hit can be nerd from his poem. he wholly seat nperil poe that many Spaiacds conto oaheme da ing the ft Half ofthe 7s under the impale of Lepuno ala looked ‘mel apd dons thee) of signicant nue of sient ‘eat eric. nth sense, fb worth menoning the devastating leer ‘ten by the Fre asad Saint Gvard om November 6, 574. ‘ich be comments the pas plans tack Bet, oto Fria a ‘lg with spt and ans "sal belie whe Lae (Bead {68} teen tte the, ta the dalaonrentdplyed in he xo ta hid pas of a Arana partly a el frelon New Wot ‘pera, But the dgetion partly afcting the mood in Spin om he Continent sh ped is ok and combined wth at Eels in the Sew World projected ont the poem 4 lpubriou ad cial nage of Habsburg ines energie ide andthe Medieranean Context fe canto ad ore thn dod ey, the poe of Dio rods the contest af the Eaton wat to La Anca, The wy his eid proceeds fr les expt than thos ofthe sions of feloa and Fon. Heres rill pelo the Od Word sting through at ancient geography slrendy started wih peril coi, behind which one can acta ‘hoes hay te yam arte st, “Spin a morse ta AE ye a pee incr one nee me sc Sepang ine irae oh Pa na at pee me fete idee wp st toe Mees gh nyt el age nonin Bee hen adios raat th pote of Dio een ow Cie et ire Armaan fen at sd Bee econ Tan ender apelin sx ph cops bte epee ‘helene ty of Dio teh consent hp pantie Rent income io ing El lg oe tas Ro chs ty ese ow beet wht he cmon th dso ne of Dao Sb Vil poe V oi on ic nd rgd ae pnd te the Sp sie Tea ng, Comping as (Signs conta fe ange gion iin he oem ee Dor Hs ng esta pte ye debe Cot pal gigs hsm mpotan: tcl ot ye stan “his acm, onion von af ir ny iy alin sine dei nat, Dd en ine gen nae ooh tee for Arn whe used he nl decanter pe ‘edhe Terre eens ds ce eit wemor par eges ibe sido Eps den sos anes gue fe Dido” Sages he oe ‘essa vit ta widow wi ods fe me and it npr nd no cnn en et oth apd he goad eae ber de bh Th rs otis concig ogi ting int a svgh xin why Era dels thorugh ngs Soe nan mds Pi ond Sch ode ee ‘th Dh peeing elm nn se aso Sera ine dite int Oscar Ppl seth niyo te it a ir a ov ch nen ene ig esp. I fa ht Pama stn ble pt Majo 2m foot ofthe mb se nse the pe {spe as a hen he eh ed, Sheth tit hess ord pane Co nd este yas fo bar re ene Sh hogs ht eae ome oa toed tre she fis Chag ith ny Bad a eos ne {rs thee wih ne aan, Short ee een ining all ats pine De ie sat se he ee ‘a vgs vr agtintCatae, Aras fay vee ee "is eel en tbr ele er mi pl ues) Garin: x42 o1b0 rs008 I HRCELLA' La AeaveaaA —P 9 oa sale mora epimers” 47-8) fs peeing her Kinga fe alo help o Shae "Te the inking iste th what comes Before and afer is seat to Eris makes dlberate er to eae his euler pret the onion fc ven though he eso of Dido oecpis he length of tn ent canty it nonetiles appear x= dpc, divided la 0 has (the soon bal of ano 3 ne the fit of cant 3) tsar ent 2th the soy of Lava and 3 with ht of Cauplcn. Wt trigger the ere ‘ion about Carthage Eri’ encooner with Lava, «ten-year-old [Aacanian wos ho js ot eres asad in Cate and ho, posed by anual Bes the pot 9 Rp her pts ed to her ong fe. The ink between Dido and Lau andes by he ot hi {RIT rests om ti sacl conju iy Te fre of Dig mean anesthe vw of the Arann woman, who acorn othe poe ‘ren surpass the ache tne ("pues no gnc aaa Hi Dio ia econ mis rg su rari” [3.437]. nds ses 5 pointed ‘out befor the pie of Dio tegeatesthe ref interpolated amorous Store tht, nthe bio ofthe ta marae ald tee vat 08 poem thei dominated by war an temperary ep the al a7 (ease) cides with lve sores emer om ermal characte. The lnk of thi episode with what lows, tecptre ofthe fin dr Cav palcin and is subaquentinpalemens nod execton, very diet aed Tee obvi Her, the pli ssociion sugested bythe text ot eevee wo women ete ara sujet Between vo pala lenders who cen front of tae peopl, on ste pect emtatimen of public and pate vite, heater meniotig the brats of Spanish ongisadots thrgh the extreedinry Beatty sed op him. Thus the episode of id, imma prceing that of Coup, cain by ry location ing tht ok ett othe Phoeiin queen 8 | femnl,aoroue gue: ned lita the oli, "mclie”| dmerion ofthe character un, therefore, of he spade a «whole i ‘rth noting ths apc, te nips Ei pao on Dis polis ore scott obi claielpredeesoe. Vig main move fd been to anf Dio as quten of bok (2 Dio stemming in lg pat fom the same pre-Virglan tration norming La Arcana) ft the Dido 2 shandon lover of boo VI bok 1, Vig tet to Did a gee in| ‘only sn insane ompared othe svete Hint heeled 1 {gun Ia Eris epnde The Can pot iit cls her Rea, ‘enphssing over snd vee again the public character of her peso ‘rao the Vigan version, wich prises and eomorllae Dido as {Comin tore As for Did’ inten with Caplin tn ‘enforces he itn feminine aie led abun he monet dest” very wile Fears him ely into «mother by ha ing hl ver to i, inagan te sh js be the ewer | end of er sb To, oma ij, que Fado ‘mgt lt amor ms abi ia ‘ee sensible dle yee ag 0 es pcs se, ei, ied gu mara er sede em a ad (834-6 empha) Homes, ot evry eal inks he episad of Dido thos of Lan and Cupolicin. Among ther things «vast geographical dance seperate ham. The ae wo take sen South Ania wile the fone brings ‘he tex the Medheraneat world ein es ofthe main an La Aaicana but quite far o seis reader ack home by vite of Proximity an ising source of contemporary pele ons. As it ere, “ironing ange to Europe fom the ade he Oto “Tuts dine in the ely modern petid Enope’ politi and epe lly Spas, «profound way, much more profound i ft than is encour with the Ameri (Ei. OU Wie andthe New 7 A si of ‘hiss the eordinatyproliraton of texts onthe Ottoman Empire pb lsd ring those bolt yen, ad the ipeeive muerte ‘san other “news tens” ect information about the Meet ncn, which Otimar Hey interpre a eidence of he Eo inet wth whch the Propean publ owed the onli wth he Otoman Epi fd the Noth Afcan forces a9). Ae for ool, Eurpean—cven Spm [Bhreders were fics ith works cn the Otomans and As thei Jas ere hay hh ee ae ig le ty poppin et en Gare THe viva apnone ov enciti's 14 anaucana 5 9 umber mulipidLetten 280 and sop), wilt wa compare ‘ris or text onthe new icoveed Americas lnés* ‘Thejoureeyathe Aca utes het the ateton ofthe Spi _maopolitan reader tthe tne of conenporay cones i the hoe Jar thugh story ta encourages an asicitin been ast and pre st, At in Els tine Dds cial Modine was ao te of Imperial rival, The caer confootton between Carthaginians end Romans rca the present one between Spin andthe Otome taking place in he ane repo witha sar dam. Een thos | Vig who mest memorably sented Dido with Reme’s North Aan ene ses and withthe si gene James Daron reminds that rer es to Dido si Dios story tend appear in the content fps ty {o Carthage’ 6.” Ennis Nevin, Ct, ad Tt the Roman | ho mention Dis before the derton of Cartage i 48, te all ting abou the Punk Wars and forte Cartge thee ney 7) “This bice shea andthe ssocation wih he Ea also ude the story of Dido in La auc ila closes ths ps by rcling Cat thages tre ts atts 9 Rome: "vi ae paleo ya eri | {w= tzmpo Rona en 9 mayor grandes / le ova em gta tao y ‘Sect (3546-8, Bt of ou inthe eaten of La Arman Rome inl siiicat a point of compro fr Spi inthe sme way hat the pst onl ates ii sheds igh om te present in which thi poe 0 tenacious anchored nhs wy the dass Meer cntonition eween Rote and Carhige ele 9 the more contemporary conti ‘emnen Spurs and Ostman an the same tage: Rome becomes ent fe wits Spas and Dido with lam, Fart ths rt of storia tec etd ro tet amet vnc. cence ‘Gheiteherlasiocrlunant sae lvodlnd ieee orbit knace wh Pt Wace ini | ad se br shes neton ne! cP ‘Sp laos ol fe nen Sean reef arr tetslation sab consent wth he ow oe hat Renitanc pc agp {oelgon inthe oenettion oF ierence as ut fs apt acc ‘moda clea epic t the new monotnS Cone. As Tebie Gregory Mv “Te dstnaton betwee te and ae elon fost conte ts fierce in Renisrce cic porn the line dividing eres and vera alls and others, ut andthe” (4). Even if oly by Ira Atining he, reader of Ls Arcana would have easly transposed the sncen ley beeen Rome and Carthage tothe peso gle teen Chsstinity and Isa And a Desmond ses Vig us ido ato “a parr temindr tit the navative of Roman desea inthe Msiteranean was a0 seuss myth of econ development and expansion” (2), thtough Dido's section withthe Mai word Eel exposes analogous ide earcig pan domination “Te conection betwee the Carthaginians snd the Otani implied sos suki though geography. Inthe Dido eps, Exiles the reader fallow Dio amber ourner ao the een hal ofthe Nee ean So testy tht war under Trish cota tava te end of the yes Theron, the Mederencan that Excl ring othe et through Dido ts pacelong-saested wth conic and that moment ple tireatening the mings of Spud since most ofthis eon had recently btn lest is a Medieranean, then, thet allows the metopsan| reader to imagine the vile nd posse outcome of thew between he Spanish cloizs an the Atauanian in the distant South Arica er teeyin term of ey ad mee fala oni. incor 0 Veg Dig, sedentary and fd in Cathe, rc’ Dido—fithfl tothe eeVirgiian eatin, according 1 wich Dido mean th wandere"—spends mor ofthe atti an te move (Dai 50 65) Unt he eves the ship in Cathe the et mabe et eid ts offer tiles msi though reference uf ene eogphil spi ity Sometins the fees mere note os way ht eit com ‘rss this ido to Vig ate qc lina y sored omer. (3765-6) ‘Agua oche yest comico viento présper I arma. (3771-8) Capra: ru atog ants00e 28 FRCILLA' ta akatcnss 2 5 ssa vi de tic lpi ‘on fomblevienatgaa (2915-6) Lapin veto e pope nae, con ie, vd pec, tocando con mr ney lee ‘alga conan bse (345-8) But very soon the eefrences bosom more piscie 4nd toting to laces ait bern centry rear of LAr int mre fama to ther than the South Arercanhcasons: Departing om Tye a ‘he cat ni ofthe Mediterranea, Dido moves ween rl soon soe inCyprs From her she conic tote west touching unspeied coal ‘Point log the ey ab ally ends er joumey wits he flowing dete opwpbial dscns: Ton lune adn bordeanda ‘ori co de Asem {sempre er te ga, at por enireet Geno y Langa, Tega en sao «Tez co ama, port al deal asin (830-8) A this moment of topographic intention emen Cyprus end ‘nis rl sates hisaudenc tiie the map one which Dio a gate On thie map places Hee Cypra Dj (el Cio") and Tae ‘plc referenced, wile others soc a Mat and Tp, exterly important to Spain in sage apn the Ota ae suggested "ho he pal tor of he que sourey. When we ane ld that tthe sight of Lena in Sey Dio retaras toad the Afcan eat, ber ‘hip mist orb psy Malia detos hat wood ake hero Tp ‘yre imo that ene reching the ast she tna we api naviaing Along the North Aca herdine Say olan in Cartage: The dresion| ‘of Did’s voyae, rom the astra end ofthe Mesiterancn tthe we, slrendy dees be it he Ooman Empie and is North An lis Since by as se diecton and though the sume piss Burope expected the coming fhe Turkish threat As Henry Kamen obser “Ila the es tem Meiterunean the Tacih nave contd thi ets push mee Sede (9, But, ev more importaly fr this deniction etme Did and, the erry olin! ia thi epiode invokes some othe meth 8 rind othe Spans ender the mn unui. Gal ios ofthe Chisin flere i achieving longer castro of te Meiteranean. pews, where Dio stops tthe end feat hd een under Vent coma since Ly bat ws invaded aed conquered for good bythe Ottomans inthe simmer of 90a part of fee at uta “mpg o ects abd lands key for cnraling commer aster the caster Medteranean The Chistian loss as ignifeant ot oly ete impli aust lot Vn but abo bcs sel Span veh pric elosenes Re and Venice ane Dor, Pip Ison in charg ofthe fet sent aid Ven, forthe resounding deft (aude "068-8, Maa the lad eto which Dido's shim pan er cing "ls ‘dots Sine” was or ong tines pie nd feed tat fore Tass "tack As Braudel ans, “The mame of Bale natal came to ind ener there wit any question af = Tuk sel” (ou). Thee es Fnlly serie in May o 16, when an Ottoman fore ined the ind, and eventhough i was expected the news of hs imo “bi ‘urope Ike « hurricane” (ir. Although Ml rested and the end "ean in Criian hands, the Otonn ast was ec as pif ering f how dangerous treat the Tari foncessntndd befor aly and Sai Srl sua Karen i, “Cieno" (Djerba) and “Lampadoes™ (Canpedus) the two ands Sexwcen which Dido navigates on her way to Carthage, fate Spa's inpoence before its Meteraneu Iai vs Djs wa ef te fuse lity ations, ad it pil dis the tender ten ‘ion t9 Trot the lice where the 59 miyexpion wes ocd ven though tend uptaeting Dj. And Lampe wines thi lige reference to Teplby vite of nation right in kono he ingotance of Trp cant be oer, Nex Alger it was poly the mos pone Beber sate in North Ate, xpi ar the cosy Drag tok centzl fit in 56 Frm Tepl Drage. wh sso onto Dj asin the European cast fom iy to Catala nd Ven, sand very son figures sacha the Duke of Medina vieoy of Stl stare to pts etn The conquest a Trp ws then comin ee YinLin onder to en Dragu'thveat on commer in the western Meet | ean Homose the Spa attempts tcptring both Tripl end Deka fed mse. The attxk on Ds in Ho cami in» memo ceisop tht Kamen cones "he bigger cnster ever sufeced by Spain| ‘sd sal” (56) And the plas to occupy Tipo seeming fase not Tong ttre, were ui abandoned Acorn o Brae, the rea a spain lam was "theta or the domination ofthe cena Meier pew" and Tel, here Tarksh raed ad sch ato ep, wa ow more fly hl hi eve” (85. "Te Afcan oust appt of Si (ferret nthe pow aI ata de Ae een) alors to a spe of cnskiated Usmicdminatn, Bot the most resonant ame on his pet Us and inthe Dido pode in eer i Tun both bee ofthe prominent plc it oeups i the sn) {ido and so because of the enero ater and sao npotane ical ora Tong kin, ogter wih te neighboring green La Galt, a ‘he mary, posal an sono he fhe Haba In, Ces msl decided ele am expion ro congue Tunis andthe pt amend to the devatting Berber sacs onthe Medteranean eon, I 34 the famous soma Barbro, nae ifthe ea by Sli the Mag rice, ad deposed Malay Hanan ally of Chas V who governed ‘Tanie—and the Iamic menace cane extremely serns. Bat what was scaly at sake a Cares V's expedition was the prseration of ao of propolis between Chetan ad san. This camps which fathered the cram ofthe nobly of Tay, Hunde abd Cs he Pot (Grain de aga tok pat in havea) nally ide poms ls he Spanish amy pred Tani and La Glets Ba he epics ‘ated by these much publicized iors quick vrs, Barros hi lf managed ecg bfre he fal Tania very 00 wen ‘ain aesling Minor andthe Spnsh oa. Abd wen in, Chas V ou to complete what he had ahi in Tari by eaptring Ales «| Som wrcked his let bere ech ts deinason As James Tey spl, "The presige nied at Tunis vas wiped outa Alger and the ‘cettonl don i tat the waren Mederanan vas pe madera fer Fsropn siping ut the greet Cesta tory at Lepano (sit en then a Ini ng, he apr of Ta an interpre rea Sekine iy dee a ot al | 56-2 mnapanec nave | ite 00 visor (any Hecte Chats V proms the iepettion wh ‘nang sd sg) ed nae a eg ero Hate rane wl inthe eho ade Br {50 (een 0p fe tt anny fy ti Rea foros of Age, Ul) Al, eon they by ene hn a Nol Hani son has Vs rtp My Hoan (tle ("ys the Spat a ome toate he an a foment tha hae Row Ac seam weeping be Spi ny rad 93), Ant th yep el 0 ay ens, heeled eacion wh whch hep ca ‘non ij econ th nora he tad eee norge Tn tb Ononuns ini eran poner cong te a fon Jt of Asin Aording te Eon,“ il Tn Pht ha a enought Medteranin expiant tr Spit sna al peo snatching fm Trssh hands es esten prt ep De Alte pls ail fr he inept he Mab slo ste te wae the Ann the mh ost eh Eko se ob wt th Tens ami den semtaly ese thanks to the glé coming fm he cong Pr dw te Genoes ‘asks whe unc cae os Ameo. wilewe en ‘mobi he Ne Na miner hore scan cone Her Cons ramp wa pa fe nines ent Ages Ciacy ns Kaen 7, teil ‘hoe Meitrnem bean xen ad projet om the Soh Aneen ‘gon whch a Arman ter lion rage iter gs thn of ontot nd ssined ney, The bya ts seca ones te amas fs pte with wih eee eee Stadio his pate pom ne engin fa ans se ao te inosine ny cnn al ses 2 Rada te Ora pti of het scenes alpine x99 ea see fo wider trp prgete, reve themes at tansy and evel Thi i eprodooes oa diferent eel a etre that ha sles ben dented athe vey surat of te poem in the acount of Lean and inthe ending oe pens tne pats, the teach cn the ncorpeten of th aratan an ory and te ensuing cone sion hat nothing is seed and isto emai an open ook” (Quit) (ne could a hat th pnd of Dido un wells inthe sae "web of| proghecy” of a Arana, emp each by arms bei Ine Americas ud thre ay pce uel om and pst by ft not nly aks eptimacy but sls pac ey. Andi ssn, De ‘opie tha Dig wil funé—ar we hall oon sos be ected = a “Seat to Pip mpi projet «peste in Le Arun nd ‘wl spice military inpstion with consents and negation cil doesnot establsh an exp relaton between geography and pire i the Did episode, ashe 50 patently des inthe ease of Fn Rather, bere hints nse evoking a landseape dase to the eae ut ‘amazed by temporal dtc, without any apacent pla conn tim othe contemporary wor of Eel’ ender But he do ot aw thediance to becompite Hermaks size fo "waste he tat geogt Phy ine the comtemporary Indkape by anachronistic wing moder mest esate pacer in the ancien rita, da ding he eae 0 ons hs spade tthe Riser ey of bi own sme For ere Cordage called "Tunea™ 357) befor ele wo a "Carag," 2 este tht sit impose o dag the contemporary speci a pei elerane ofthe tertoey whee this episode cer To this ne El overs the strategy of Gris’ sonet “A Boscin desde le Goleta heen rom La Glee ital f—he Tolan re loses spoon Carthage thot ever mentioning eer La Gots o Tunis. As Hels sige tht ove opposite to Exas—divert the ead’ ale from the present Yo concentrate sly on the destuction of the ance Phoenician cy (a) ‘vw ave en, cla votes nea tne deg the pa of Die’ forny, ming he reader navigate wy along an enemy North Aan each nonce described together wih i nhaian, | tstremly Lid tems This lead hapens wea Dig sps in Cypes sehr the poet cl the Cyprosthe "dpito pueblo amigo” 2907) ee ‘hovgh, a menned previo, the sand hd by then Ben under Oto ‘nan onl for amos wo deca It athe, in that “a” pas, here Eri has hls Di pecetaly erat he fate mothers and wie for herempie in sk contest wth has eon in whch te Pony Sen queen kidnaps egy vgs gh elo ling the and (Dense 29) in Gacos poem dance om the inert pjet sad den Seaton with the vanquished ae exprened by, among shor means we csr of Crh the bjt of wrath denrcion Bt gle iets the opposite stategy vo convey a la ides, Where Carcs ‘hoo to emplsize the evasion resting om imperaneatcn {or tater intentions Roman and Spans, Ela prefs t ene ‘Thus deste Tunisin benign fishin, ichewing th sof dea ‘ion Uadhionay ascaed wih Cartage i's Cages ht thse rene ft eet pe nce for the future: ™ Donde viendo apy co de rue pants oa Yeast cn. lone al perce y muy temp, Peo dt hermano yl ees Por vere dite y puri su ana pode ets, Saclendn en bch y somo. 50-8) ba his pd hn he Meer rsp a he Euepene nn tc wat bs oan “hens a ae ‘trend Chin ant wt se cae Cams tea gata sar to Neon Carl nonin co te eral” Ee oe satsive spay to ee ho shteig etm Maieranin ns yl wean {nhs 7) om hs indi moron es ee bowie adhering swat ae fan te Cnc Se ea, Sey the Capa nd inhatiens se is ec se. Inc the land and is inabans serve any ea baclpound ondihn oF pousbilty fr what ely mater in rail’ aout: hee SEES one tt te eth | | Galen: Tw wi00 Reso Hn FRCILLA’ Ea Aaaeease —P 98 nso nt rg an een ie snd ese cp eee one Siow ccm secon whe Oona Pape eng mt tem ts cy fre at ara a be Spl frat irate i te Tk pe te a ay at et inetd he ae tity he cgay in cr rpetain ces ed tn Wate tall nhighghng he cing oe gst, Sevens tobe tha saber ced nth png a pov oe eves bet y peng ie ga ae” he ‘erm ceed y Euan el Tt ey tah enc iS Nr oe ply pn wren ad he Arr Si on ae ete cake Coto are imc men iy open he se th) nd Chu a ify ge se any hye Sin apd hr, hy npn ea ach ote Dua! “ep sr” ty pe on of fel ag Ie noe pi nda, eyes ins rnd ein’ congue s pub en ras se mastvie Yen pry den pois vive (3015-8) And hey ve set cong of hn oct on mt Cage hel ner td {rw enn tt ny, dn ated wa ay ae Sep ts ie pn pee wy th ais teste aan of Do width Onsen Res srt ys se a tnt cy Chats Wan lp anc see er onc tn cone ost eae std et mi api a oop ww anew Oma Enns Sr Ac ‘Tosca were sun nnd hea ws a of fe sag nue te Hage eo th ‘more than ane meaning For expt, when Philp I rece warning of | posible Tash ene gt ae frightening of the Tr et in Maks athe nd of 5th ng respoded by comminoning the cnr ‘on of ship hate dearst-woul ed ft cat woul conquer Can ntingpe ad woul iter each the Hol and. The ship cones tenn ofthe Hy wr apt an, wat mime “Arg” in eleencs toe legend ofthe Arona ad he Golden Fee Dut especial the peste ofthe azonate theme in Vig prowl prophet fourth eo, thi clogu the yt anounets that anew npr Rome the ew Tro}—wonld emerge when the Arona set sil ai. By men of the tanto impr, Pip equated hs owt empire to that of imperial Rome and te eneny ofthis neve Rote was ands am (Tene 5-2) According Mare Tanne, Habburgs belived th was hgh “thedesrton ofthe Moslem pte andthe Chrsanzation of Aenea that “the onivenal harmony dat was propia” by the Ronan bard would be atsned (7). In the same wy, Roy Song shows how scien of tapestries designed to commerorste Chas V's congue of Tan in 53 ‘we mdse on anor sch series called The Stryof Sp, a which Sci 'n vcory over Hamil ouside Carthage 202 BC nated in vu form. Sony concles that in bath ene the vce wre of valiant Romans oe Cragin, not fang knights ve ine Tah Te woul be eter oy, perhaps tat wba the wo visual competion sexomplh i © tun thse eriimphy at the same fine he mph ‘of Romans ave Carthaginian and also a Can soldiers ee Tat ‘el” “This soalogy beeen Rome snd Spin wa aso main the pid with he opposite mearing «meaning akin tothe one Evil vances in the Dido episode in whch the poet y aligning bins with he Phen ‘cc bv igs ims with Rome's tes. Lape fires tht he Hab burg peopapmiic propio te Roman epcy ect in the se ‘eemh centary with 2 dsident cureet of “ssined and. logue

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