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Many leaders today (role models, presidents, bosses, etc.) have to decide whether
which style is most beneficial- to be loved, or to be feared by their followers. In history and in
present times, it is estimated that 71% of leaders that got murdered were feared. Yet,
Machiavelli in
The Prince
notes, It is better to be feared than loved if you cannot be both.
However,after reading the statistics of how many feared leaders have gotten assassinated,
one would most likely lean towards favoring the loved side. This is because even though
work may get done faster through fear, being loved has more pros since a leader is
respected, he/she is very successful, and there is less of a chance to be killed.
To begin, one has the needed respect when he/she is loved. When a leader is loved,
they have the respect that they need which leads to success in their goals, and this leads to
them being on good terms with their followers. For instance, George Washington was
respected by the colonists, which led to the birth of the United States and Washington being
the first president of America. As an illustration,
statesThey trusted him
because he had demonstrated a noble and incorruptible character and he had also shown
himself to be an exceptional leader...Of all the founding fathers George Washington alone
demonstrated fully the threefold characteristics of a visionary leader and the intellectual
and moral capacity, over a long period of time and in the course of manifold difficulties, to
maintain coherency between long range ideas and goals and short term actions. This quote
shows that because George Washington had the valued respect from the colonists, he was
one of the greatest and most successful leaders in American history. Finally, to complete
ones number one dreams and goals, they need to be respected. Despite, being loved can get
someone the respect they need, Alexander the Great was evil but a respected military leader
because he was a well known fighter. As
states,He possessed a ferocious
temper and from time to time would arbitrarily murder close advisors and even friends.
Also, toward the end of his many campaigns, he senselessly slaughtered thousands whose
only crime was being in his way. Though he was an unquestionably skilled and highly
respected military leader, Alexander the Great was feared by those around him for his
paranoia and dangerous temper. Alexander was the first king to be given the title "the
Great." This quote shows that Alexander was successful because he had the respect of his
followers being a great fighter even though so many feared him. Therefore, this proves my
claim is incorrect because a feared leader had the needed respect. Though Alexander the
Great was feared yet respected, George Washington won the key to people's hearts by being
respected, and is one of America's heroes and founding fathers. To show,
states, George Washington had all these qualities, and it
is therefore somewhat ironic that although he was truly a great leader, he never aspired to
be one...The reasons given can be gleaned from the writings of those who were there, and in
the main they appear to be George Washingtons character, his trustworthiness, and his

reputation as being the best colonial military commander... Washingtons greatness can be
judged by the way in which he fulfilled three important roles during the foundation and
early years of the United States; Firstly, as commander in chief of the Continental Army,
secondly as president of the Constitutional Convention, and thirdly as the first President of
the country. Washington was unanimously elected by the delegates to the Continental
Congress to command all the continental forces, raised, or to be raised for the defence of
American liberty. on June 15, 1775.Even though Alexander the Great was successful and a
highly respected military leader, George Washington had the qualities of a perfect leader,
and he was extremely crucial and successful in the birth of the United States because he was
respected by his followers. To add on, he was commander in chief of the Continental Army,
president of the Constitutional Convention, and was the first President of the country. In
summation, having respect is important. It eventually leads to a great, successful leader
which leads to a victorious leader that doesn't get murdered by his people. To end, this shows
that being respected and loved creates a perfect leader.
Secondly, being loved creates a higher chance of success than being feared. For
example, many loved icons and leaders are successful because of their fans. An example of
this is the New York Yankees old captain, Derek Jeter. There are many people who arent even
Yankee fans who admire Jeter, and a whole bunch of Yankee fans that admit that he is their
favorite player. To proove,
states, In 2006, Jeter was the
second-highest paid endorser in baseball, having earned $7 million in endorsements. Also, he
was ranked as the most marketable player in baseball according to the 2005 and 2010 Sports
Business Surveys...Jeter is considered to be one of the best players of his generation. This
quote shows since Derek Jeter has the love and support of fans, he is a very successful
athlete. Nevertheless, if loved leaders are too successful, they can be too caught up in their
new life which can lead to them becoming selfish, abusing drugs and alcohol, partying
negatively, and to be in debt. These effects all have a bad ending for the leader. To clarify,
stated from
, Jeter's personal life has been a frequent topic in gossip
columns and celebrity magazines since his rookie year in 1996. In 2002, Yankees owner
George Steinbrenner criticized Jeter for staying out until 3 a.m. at a birthday party during
the 2002 season, saying that his star shortstop "wasn't totally focused" and that "it didn't sit
well" with him. This quote shows that since Jeter was so loved, and so involved,
Steinbrenner said he wasn't totally focused on his career (which is what he is mainly
known for) and took advantage of it by staying out until 3 a.m at a party during the 2002
season. This demonstrates why being feared can create less of a hassle in the success of a
leader, as being loved can. Still, Derek Jeter is one of the most successful athletes living, even
after this
event. To elebrate,
explains,He is the all-time hits leader
among shortstops and his .317 career batting average through the 2009 season ranks as the
fifth highest among active players. He has been among the American League (AL) leaders in
hits and runs scored for the past ten years. He is the all-time Yankees hit leader, passing Hall
of Fame member Lou Gehrig in 2009. Jeter's personal life has been a frequent topic in gossip
columns and celebrity magazines since his rookie year in 1996. Although Derek Jeter may
have not been completely focused on his career one night, he is one of the best athletes, he
has the support of many fans. He started his own foundation and is admired by many. As you

can see, by being loved, Jeter is very successful and has many fans. Derek Jeter is known as
one of the best baseball players in
All in all, loved leaders have the respect to gain
success and fortune.
Next, a leader that is loved has less of a chance of being killed, a feared leader has a
much better chance of being assassinated. Statics show that fear can easily turn into hatred,
which increases the chances of a cruel and feared leader to get killed by their followers. In
The Three Little Pigs, the wolf was feared by the pigs, and at the end of the story, he got
executed by them. As
states, Then the wolf was very angry indeed, and
declared he
eat up the little pig, and that he would get down the chimney after him.
When the little pig saw what he was about, he hung on the pot full of water, and made up a
blazing fire, and, just as the wolf was coming down, took off the cover, and in fell the wolf; so
the little pig put on the cover again in an instant, boiled him up, and ate him for supper, and
lived happily ever afterwards. Because the wolf was feared, he was eventually killed.
However, if he was loved, than he probably would have survived, and wouldnt have been
killed by the pig. In summation, one that is loved has more of a chance of not being murdered
by his/her people. On the other hand, there are still some that believe that loved people can
be taken advantage of and they are the ones that have more of a chance of getting killed. For
example, Abraham Lincoln was loved, but since he was so loved, he was taken advantage of
and got shot in the head. It was almost like he let people know that he was weak enough to let
anyone in his life.For instance, w
says, Shortly after 10 p.m. on
April 14, 1865, actor John Wilkes Booth entered the presidential box at Ford's Theatre in
Washington D.C., and fatally shot President Abraham Lincoln...Lincoln was the first
president assassinated in U.S. history. If Lincoln was feared, John Wilkes Boothe wouldnt
have been brave enough to shoot him in the head and end his life. Even though Abraham
Lincoln was assassinated, he was extremely successful and was killed from pure hatred.
Being feared can actually make a leader hate and eventually kill themselves. An example of
this is Hitler. Because of all his feared actions, Hitler learned to hate himself and committed
suicide because of this. According to
, Finally on April 30, Hitler
and his new wife committed suicide. She accomplished it by ingesting cyanide and Hitler by
shooting himself through the mouth. The bodies were burned as Hitler had instructed. A
week later on May 7, Germany surrendered to the Allies. According to British historian Allan
Bullock, Hitlers death was anything but a heros end; by committing suicide he deliberately
abandoned his responsibilities and took a way out which in earlier years he had strongly
condemned a cowards. Since Hitler was feared by so many, he decided to commit suicide
because of his ruthless actions. If he was loved by his followers, he would have not hated
himself and wouldn't have been a coward, and ultimately wouldn't have shot himself.
Hence, feared leaders have a higher chance of being murdered for their devilish actions and
wicked words. But, loved leaders have the respect they need which turns into great success
which then usually results in not being murdered.
To end, being loved is the key to peoples hearts yet oppositions argue that being
feared is better since some evil leaders did have the respect from their followers, loved
leaders can get too caught up in their new life (which can result in less success), and some
feared leaders have less of a chance of being murdered. However, being loved i

because it positively results in almost all leaders being respected, being extremely
successful, and lastly, loved leaders have a much less chance of being assassinated than
feared leaders do. In order for one to be the best leader they can be, being loved is the way to

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