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Germany will either be a world power or will not be at all, said the head of the Nazi Party and
the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, Adolf Hitler. He was the Chancellor of Germany
during the Third Reich and the chief mastermind behind World War II. Known to the world as
the indomitable Fuhrer, he was responsible for the mass and systematic extermination of
millions of Jews and non-Aryans, whom he deemed unfit or inferior to the ideal Aryan race.
The founder of Nazism and a staunch anti-Semite, he made efforts to build a territorially larger
and purer nation for German folk through his megalomaniac ways which prompted and also
ended the World War, leading his country to abyss. He was also a prolific writer, artist and a
militarist, known for his exceptional leadership talents and his effervescent nature. This German
leader rose to prominence from the rank of a mere soldier owing to his exceptional oratory skills
and went on to become one of the most feared despots of his time. His dream to establish New
Order in Germany was a culmination of his long and tyrannical, yet fascinating dictatorship. He
transformed the face of the-then Weimar Republic into a single-party autocracy, based on the
dictatorial ideology of a total Nazi German hegemony. Hitlers early years with the Nazi Party
and his aggressive foreign policies were considered one of the main factors for the outbreak of
World War II, which ultimately led to his downfall and a mass destruction around Central and
Eastern Europe.
Childhood & Early Life

Adolf Hitler was born in Braunau am Inn, Austria, to Alois Hitler and Klara Polzl. He
was the fourth of the six children born to the couple and was only 3-years-old when the family
moved from Austria to Germany.

He was a very bright child and was very popular at school, but often clashed with his
father over his interest in fine arts. This led to Hitlers detachment from his family and he
became a reclusive, discontented, resentful child, with an unstable temperament towards his

He was deeply attached to his lenient, hard-working mother, whose battle against cancer
and consequent demise in December 1908 was a shattering blow to his already upset life.

It is believed that young Hitler showed an early interest in German nationalism,

condemning the authority of Austro-Hungary. This nationalism would later play a major role
in Hitlers policy formations.

Hitler tried to enter The Academy Of Fine Arts and got rejected twice.

Vienna & Early Anti-Semitic Views

After spending four years in Linz, a Jewish colony, he dropped out of school at the age of
16, and moved to Vienna with dreams of becoming a painter. He applied to the Viennese

Academy of Fine Arts twice and his rejection both times shaped his pathological hatred of
Marxists and the cosmopolitan Habsburg monarchy.

He was homeless for some years and sold his artworks to earn a little wherewithal for
sustenance. The prevalent racial and religious prejudice in Vienna at the time is said to have
sown the seeds of anti-Semitism in him.

Later, hawking sketches in low taverns, he lived from hand-to-mouth and compensated
for the frustrations of a solitary bachelors life in despondent shelters and cheap cafes,
listening to others discussing grandiose dreams of a greater Germany.

It was during his years in Vienna that he was able to discern the Eternal Jew symbol and
started believing that Jews were the root cause of all chaos, corruption and obliteration in
ethos, politics and economy.

On the day of a meeting at the 'Wolf's lair', 20 July 1944, there was an attempted bombing
during the meeting. He survived but was injured; he later went to meet Mussolini at the train
station where he recounted the incident to Mussolini.Added By Felix5389

Role In World War I

In May 1913, Hitler left Vienna for Munich and joined the 16th Bavarian Infantry
Regiment when war broke out in August 1914, serving as a dispatch runner. He proved to be a
courageous, able soldier and was awarded his first Iron Cross for bravery.

Twice injured, he landed up in a hospital in Pomerania, temporarily blinded and was

driven to powerless rage owing to the 1918 German Revolution as well as the countrys
military defeat during World War I.

After recovery, he was convinced that fate had picked him to rescue a disgraced nation
from the manacles of the punitive Treaty of Versailles, which he condemned.

In the summer of 1919, Hitler observed the uprising of a small yet powerful group,
known as the German Workers Party. On September 16, 1919, he entered the same party and
soon changed its name to the Nationalist Socialist German Workers Party. By July 1921, he
had imposed himself as the partys Chairman.

Rise To Prominence & The Nazi Party

Hitlers powerful oratory talent was discovered and he was made the chief speaker of the
Nationalist Socialist German Workers Party. He also gave the group its new symbolthe
swastika, a Hindu symbol for prosperity. His fervent conviction, boisterousness and
theatrical quality of speeches, established him as the Fuhrer (leader in German) of the
movement, with over 3,000 members in the party as compared to the initial membership of 40.

He decided to organize his party on the basis of powerful squads such as the stormtroopers called, the Sturmabteilung (SA) and Hitlers black-shirted bodyguards, the
Schutzstaffel (SS).

He focused his propaganda against the November Rogues, the people he considered as
internal enemies, who signed the Treaty of Versailles and who, according to him, were
responsible for all of Germanys domestic problems. His views of the Versailles Treaty gave
birth to socialistic ideas of the Aryan race supremacy and extreme-nationalist policies.

By 1923, the Weimar Republic was on the verge of collapse and Hitler sought to
overthrow the Bavarian government in Munich, by bursting into a beer hall in the city. This
eventually grew to become the infamous, Beer Hall Putsch, where 3,000 of Hitlers men
attempted to putsch (or overthrow) the existing Munich government.

He was arrested and tried on February 26, 1924 and was sentenced to five years of prison.
However, he was released after nine months of prison term and dedicated his only major work,
Mein Kampf, to his loyalist, Rudolf Hess.

The failure of the Putsch, the ban on the Nazi Party and his jail term, made Hitler
stronger and he vowed to come back with the army and the police under his command.

In 1925, the ban on the Nazi Party was lifted and Hitler regained permission to speak in
public and established himself as the ultimate arbitrator.

In the 1928 elections, owing to the onset of the Great Depression and the consequent
threat to the German economy, people chose not to vote for Hitlers Nazi Party and he won a
mere 12 seats.

Despite this defeat, the Nazis began to win over large industrial and army circles and with
the backing of the press, Adolf Hitler received tremendous nationwide exposure. Cunning as
he was, he played on the national sentiment of revolt and of a desire for strong leadership,
using all the modern techniques of mass persuasion. He thus, presented himself as Germanys
sole knight in shining armor.

Consequently, in the 1930 elections, the Nazis won majority votes, winning a whopping
107 seats at the Reichstag. The same year, he officially acquired German citizenship and ran
for presidency on April 10, 1931, but was defeated by von Hindenburg.

In 1932, after the Nazis emerged as the largest political party in Germany with nearly
fourteen million votes to their credit, he was appointed as Chancellor of Germany on January
30, 1933.

Once in the saddle, Hitler moved swiftly, wiping out rivals, ousting free trade unions and
the Jews from any role whatsoever in the political and social workings of the country. He even
won a majority at the last democratic elections in Germany on March 5, 1933 with the help
of nationalists and a generous use of intimidation, terror and persuasion.

Hitler was considered the undisputed dictator of the Third Reich and by the beginning of
August 1934, and after the death of von Hindenburg, he had all the powers of the state in his

In the next four years, he enjoyed a dazzling string of domestic and international
successes, outwitting rival political leaders abroad just as he had defeated his opposition at

In 1935, he abandoned the Treaty of Versailles and began building his army by recruiting
five times its permitted number. He built the Luftwaffe and supplied military aid to forces in
Spain, which brought about the Spanish victory in 1939.

The German armament program led to full employment in Germany and an uninhibited
expansion of military production. This, reinforced by his foreign policy successes like the
Rome-Berlin pact of 1936, the Anschluss with Austria and the liberation of the Sudetan
Germans, brought Hitler to the apex of his popularity.

Hitlers tactics bludgeoned the British and the French into the humiliating Munich
Agreement of 1938 and the dismantlement of the Czechoslovakian state in 1939.

The next designated target for Hitler was Poland, an ally of Britain and France. In order
to deal with a possible two-front war, the Nazi dictator signed a friendship and non-aggression
pact with Soviet Russia; this he later breached.

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