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5.住宾馆 At the Hotel

Situational Conversation
A: Xiǎojiě, wǒ yào yí ge fángjiān.
Miss, I ‘d like to have a room.
B: Nǐ yùdìng le ma ?
Have you booked it ?
A: Wǒ jiào Mǎlì, qiántiān dǎ diànhuà dìng de.
My name is Mary. I called and made reservation the day before yesterday.
B: Wǒ chádào le. Nǐ zhù duō cháng shíjiān ?
Yes, here it is. How long will you stay ?
A: Wǒ zhù sān tiān. Wǒ xiǎng zhù gāocéng de dānrénjiān.
I’ll stay for three days. I’d like a single room on a higher floor.
B: Hǎode, nǐ de fángjiān hào shì èr wǔ yāo bā, zhè shì yàoshi.
好的,你的房间号是 2518, 这是钥匙。
OK. Your room number is 2518, and here is the key.
A: Xièxie ! Wǒ zěnme shàngqù ?
Thank you ! How do I go up ?
B: Zuǒbiān yǒu diàntī, èrshíwǔ céng.
The elevator is on the left. You are on the 25th floor.

  Copyright 2007~2008 
前天 qiántiān n. the day before yesterday
住 zhù v. stay, live
单人间 dānrénjiān n. single room
怎么 zěnme pron. how
左边 zuǒbiān n. left
电梯 diàntī n. elevator

Key Words
昨天 zuótiān n. yesterday
今天 jīntiān n. today
后天 hòutiān n. the day after tomorrow
右边 yòubian n. right
标准间 biāozhǔnjiān n. standard room
服务生 fúwùshēng n. waiter
寄存 jìcún v. deposit
服务台 fúwùtái n. information desk
订餐 dìngcān v. order a meal
北京饭店 Běijīng Fàndiàn n. Beijing Hotel
日坛宾馆 Rìtán Bīnguǎn n. Ritan Hotel

  Copyright 2007~2008 

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