Word Reporter-2

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Word Reporter

Name: ____Luis Alberto Castellanos________________________________

Book:____THE DEVILS HIGHWAY____________________
Chapters: ____1________________
Your job is to look up definitions to unknown words and create an excellent sentence using
During the Lit Circle Meeting, Do the Following:

Make sure everyone in your group copies down each word and definition


Together create a new sentence and write this on your vocabulary sheet


Make sure the teacher checks the group's sentence for accuracy

1. Word: _______________shebang______________________ Page ___22______ Paragraph

___3_____ Sentence from the book: Who runs the whole shebang from her neat desk in the big main room
out front.
. The definition is: Eve r yt hi ng i nvol ved in wh at i s under consi de rat i on usual l y used i n
t he phr ase t he whol e sheb ang

My sentence is: I'll bet each of them know something they think the other doesn't so's they want the whole
shebang for themselves!
Our team sentence is: The manager whos running the whole she bang.
2. Word: _______mantra______________________________ Page 24_________ Paragraph
______2__ Sentence from the book: Thats the mantra.
The definition is: A word or sound repeated to aid concentration in meditation.
My sentence is: Mantra is a word with an old origin.
Our team sentence is: Mantra is used in the Hinduism and Buddhism.
My comment or question about this story is: Great story!. How you get all the information and records
about these persons.

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