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Name: ____________________________

Period: _____

Picture Dictionary
Select 4 words from the list. On plain white/manilla paper you are to write a new sentence, using each word
and draw a picture to go with your sentence. You will also need to identify the part of speech for the word
(Noun (n), Verb(v), Adjective (adj) Adverb(adv), ect.).
Things to Remember:
*** In the sentence you must underline the word.
*** The picture must be hand-drawn and colored.
*** The sentence should make the definition of the word clear.
*** Form of word may be changed (Singular-Plural/ Present-Past) if needed.
*** Poster/ Booklet form are acceptable.
*** Final product should be neat and colorful.
Word fits appropriately into sentence (part of speech matches)


Sentence makes definition of word clear


Word is underlined in the sentence and part of speech identified


Presentation (Neatly Done/Colorful/Decorated)




Word fits appropriately into sentence (part of speech matches)


Sentence makes definition of word clear


Word is underlined in the sentence and part of speech identified


Presentation (Neatly Done/Colorful/Decorated)




Word fits appropriately into sentence (part of speech matches)


Sentence makes definition of word clear


Word is underlined in the sentence and part of speech identified


Presentation (Neatly Done/Colorful/Decorated)




Word fits appropriately into sentence (part of speech matches)


Sentence makes definition of word clear


Word is underlined in the sentence and part of speech identified


Presentation (Neatly Done/Colorful/Decorated)




Name: ____________________________

Period: _____

Vocabu-Crostic Poem:
On plain white/manilla paper you are to write an acrostic poem, using each letter of the words chosen as a base, and building from
them a rhyming poem. The rhyming lines of your poem should be at least 3 words long, using any viable rhyming pattern, and help to
define the meaning of the word that they are built off of. You will also need to decorate your poem with colorful and fitting borders or
Things to Remember:
*** BOLDFACE the letters of the word you have chosen.
*** The rhyming lines should make the definition of the word clear.
*** Form of word may be changed (Singular-Plural/ Present-Past) if needed.
*** Each line must be at least 3 words long and rhyme.
*** Final product should be neat and colorful.

Word clearly defined in the poem


Rhyming Pattern Used


Each Line at least 3 Words in Length


Presentation (Neatly Done/Colorful/Decorated)



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