Hamilton Township School District - Lesson Plan Template: Monday

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Hamilton Township School District - Lesson Plan Template

Name/Grade: Alyssa Zippo/8th Grade

Week of: 2/29/16

Subject/Course: ELA




Best Practices


L.8. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 -DO NOW (grammar) at the SmartBoard (helps me facilitate student -Assessment-Technology-Use of Data
learning during grammar days to see what they dont
Comprehension/Analysi RL.8. 1, 2, 3, 4, 10
-Use of Data
s/Application of memoirs, W.8. 4, 5
-Review Ch. 3/4 Checkpoint Questions (these worksheets were
SL.8. 1
Holocaust history,
already corrected - discussion of review will be based off
Holocaust survivors, and
majority incorrect)
grade 8 vocabulary words;
-Chapter 5 (p.66-76) reading check questions (formative - what they -Differentiation
-Grouping strategies-Use of Data
and setting, characters,
read for homework over the weekend)
plot, theme(s), figurative
-Finish reading chapter 5 using the audiobook as students follow along
language, etc. in a text
-Stop and discuss plot, characters, settings, literary elements/devices,
etc. (discuss with peers within their groups) (helps facilitate
student comprehension to decide if it needs to be retaught)
tion of proper
-Complete Active Reading Flow Chart
HW: AOW#13(3/7), Book project questions(Tomorrow), Final book
project - test&key(3/7), Complete flow chart(3/1), Study for Ch. 15 Night test(Wednesday)


L.8. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 -DO NOW (grammar) at the SmartBoard (helps me facilitate student -Assessment-Technology-Use of Data
learning during grammar days to see what they dont
Comprehension/Analysi RL.8. 1, 2, 3, 4, 10
s/Application of memoirs, W.8. 4, 5
-Differentiation-Grouping Strategies-Distribute review sheet & discuss
SL.8. 1
Use of Data-Technology
Holocaust history,
-Review for ch. 1-5 test by using KaHoot on the laptops
Holocaust survivors, and
HW: AOW#13(3/7), Final book project - test&key(3/7), Study for Ch.
grade 8 vocabulary words;
1-5 Night test(Tomorrow)
and setting, characters,
plot, theme(s), figurative
language, etc. in a text
tion of proper

Best Practices: Differentiation, Technology Use, Formative and Summative Assessments, Grouping Strategies, and/or Use of Data.

Hamilton Township School District - Lesson Plan Template



L.8. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 -DO NOW (grammar) at the SmartBoard (helps me facilitate student -Assessment-Technology-Use of Data
learning during grammar days to see what they dont
Comprehension/Analysi RL.8. 1, 2, 3, 4, 10
s/Application/Synthesis/ W.8. 1, 4, 5
-Grouping Strategies-Assessment
-Distribute ch. 1-5 Night test and review format and directions
Evaluation of memoirs, SL.8. 1
-Paint chip vocabulary activity (Students work in groups to find a
Holocaust history,
words part of speech, definition, 3 synonyms, and 3
Holocaust survivors, and
antonyms THEN have each group share their paint chip and
grade 8 vocabulary words;
text the class their word)
and setting, characters,
HW: AOW#13(3/7), Final book project - test&key(3/7), Ch. 6-9
plot, theme(s), figurative
language, etc. in a text
tion of proper
L.8. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 -DO NOW (grammar) at the SmartBoard (helps me facilitate student
learning during grammar days to see what they dont
Comprehension/Analysi RL.8. 1, 2, 3, 4, 10
s/Application of memoirs, W.8. 1, 4, 5
vocabulary homework
SL.8. 1
Holocaust history,
-Journal entry #12
Holocaust survivors, and
-Before You Read Chapters 6-9 read background information and
grade 8 vocabulary words;
vocabulary preview aloud while students follow along - have
and setting, characters,
students repeat each vocabulary word for proper
plot, theme(s), figurative
language, etc. in a text;
-Distribute Active Reading - Hopelessness worksheet for students to
complete while reading ch. 6-9 (identify if students are
tion of proper
comprehending the text and are able to apply
-Begin reading chapter 6 using the audiobook as students follow along
-Stop and discuss plot, characters, settings, literary elements/devices,
etc. (discuss with peers within their groups) (helps facilitate
student comprehension to decide if it needs to be retaught)
HW: AOW#13(3/7), Final book project - test&key(3/7)

-Assessment-Technology-Use of Data

-Assessment -Use of Data

-Assessment -Use of Data

-Grouping Strategies -Use of Data

Best Practices: Differentiation, Technology Use, Formative and Summative Assessments, Grouping Strategies, and/or Use of Data.

Hamilton Township School District - Lesson Plan Template


L.8. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 -DO NOW (grammar) at the SmartBoard (helps me facilitate student
learning during grammar days to see what they dont
Comprehension/Analysi RL.8. 1, 2, 3, 4, 10
s/Application of memoirs, W.8. 4, 5
reading chapter 6 using the audiobook as students follow along
SL.8. 1
Holocaust history,
-Stop and discuss plot, characters, settings, literary elements/devices,
Holocaust survivors, and
etc. (discuss with peers within their groups) (helps facilitate
grade 8 vocabulary words;
student comprehension to decide if it needs to be retaught)
and setting, characters,
-Distribute Close Reading - Figurative Language worksheet and have
plot, theme(s), figurative
students independently complete
language, etc. in a text;
-If time allows, begin chapter 7
HW: AOW#13(3/7), Final book project - test&key(3/7)
tion of proper

-Assessment-Technology-Use of Data
-Grouping Strategies -Use of Data


Best Practices: Differentiation, Technology Use, Formative and Summative Assessments, Grouping Strategies, and/or Use of Data.

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