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_he c ie a i LEG ACY LeQONGY/ eed) i SEAS 1 by Matt Leacock and Rob Daviau The worl is fling apart. Four diseases are sweeping the planet and your teams on the ton nes. Worse yet, one disease has shawn signs that it ay become resistant to any treatment. Pandemic Legacy is a cooperative game where al players must work fogeer to develop cures and prevent disease outbreaks, before 4 diseases contaminate humanity. You will all win or fose together. an you survive the year and save humanity? STARTING CONTENTS BES 4 Pawns 61 Player cards 4 Reference cards cards (48 Cty cards, 5 Epidemic cards, 8 Event cards) (one par player cola) 48 Infection cards 62 Legacy cards 4 Civilian cards 5 Dossiers and 1 Sticker sheet Eradication O' side 4 Cure markers 1 Outbreaks 96 Disease cubes y marker 24in colors 1 Board woPF ta 1 Package hox with 8 numbered packages } 6 Research stations ‘You will need a pen. It is not included in this box. OVERVIEW fa HOW DO YOU PLAY A LEGACY GAME? Unlike most games, which fully reset every time you play, Pandemic Legacy cates some elements forward from one game to the net Decisions you make in game 4 will be therein game 2,3, and every game played with your copy ofthe game, Difeent groups will make diferent cisions and will havea diffrent experience, What results isa game Unique tothe roup tat plysit. Sometimes you will write on pars ofthe game. Sometimes you wil put stickers on cards or the board, Sometimes you wll even destoy tar up) acatd. These changes are permanent ‘Also, atthe end ofeach game, the group will make twa Game End Upgrades to prepare for future games, You vill pu stickers onthe board, cards, and character, ‘As you play, you wil learn about other ways the game will change, ‘Also, some elements of play are hidden and sealed off before your very frst game, AS you play, you wil fnd instructions that tll you when to open these packages. Do not open the packages inthe box unt you recive instructions to do so. The dossiers also confain hidden information that wil be revealed as you play. Some rules, labeled A through Y, are missing throughout tis rulebook ‘As you play, you wil gain these missing rules an stick them into the rulebook, From tat point on the rules wil be permanertly changed. IF YOU'VE NEVER PLAYED PANDEMIC... ‘We recommend that you play afew games without any of te special “Legacy” tuls to get afel forthe decisions you vl have to make Read this rulebook then play without using the following rules: * Game Months, Legacy Deck, Dossiers * Objectives, Funding, Game Calendar, Panic Level + Scars and Lost Characters + Game End Upgrades ‘The object ofthese warm-up games I to cur four diseases before any of the game-lsing condition ae rigger (noted on page 14a these rls) ‘You should play atleast wo games tis way to get ae! forthe game before adding the additonal ules. IF YOU HAVE PLAYED PANDEMIC. ‘You wil see that game 1 of Pandemic Legacy plays ike Pandemic witha few changes, explained in the net few pages. WHAT STAYS AND WHAT GETS RESET? Writing on the boar, putting stickers onthe board or on cards, and possibly tearing up ar destroying components are permanent changes. Inall oer ways, the game resets for the stat of each game. The pieces ‘on the board, card in hand, outbreaks, ec all lat tet. GAME MONTHS Pandemic Legany is broken into 12 months, lating with Januar. i your group succeeds in a month, you move on to play the nex month. you fail you get one more chance to suooeed in the curent month, Stat ‘anew game wit the curent st of rules and objectives forthe month you Just lst you ose again, you must move on to the next month for yout next game, THE LEGACY DECK The Legacy Deck contains cards that will describe what happens over the course ofthe game's 12 months. tls aanged in a spedtic (order —do not look trough or shuftle these cards. ‘Alte stat ofa game, draw the cards and rea them ‘neat atime, until you gett cad that says STOP ‘onthe back. Ths cad wil tll you when to continue drawing trom the deck, which might be mid-game, atthe end ofa game, oral the start ofthe next month. The Legacy Deck is ‘one-way trp. Even ifyou repeat a month, do not put Legaoy cards back The tray was designed with two spaces for used Legacy cards: one forthe sed cars, the other for cards that wil be used in future games, ithe Legacy Deck becomes sctered, have someone who isnot paying the game put the cards back in order using the numbers in the comer of sei Some To ensure this does not happen, once you've removed it from its packaging, leave the Legacy Deck inthe storing tray. THE DOSSIERS The ive dossiers contain the stickers that will go ont the game. As you go through the Legacy Deok, you will come across carts that have dossler umber of eters ‘on them. Wen you do, open up~and tar cof using the precut comer—the dossier doors matching the numbers (or ltrs) ‘on the card, one at tne, resolving each one before opening the next. Some of these dssier doors will contain one-time stickers, Others wil eae a card that wil be used from time tot in future games. THE PACKAGES There are eight packagas in the game. As you playthrough the Game, yellow boxes wil instruct you to open specitc packages, Important: Before your very frst game, place the Open Package 8 sticker ‘on door 8 ofthe package box, in the frame designed frit. OVERVIEW 2 OBJECTIVES ‘Ath beginning of each game, you will have an objective (or objectives) you need to complete in order to win. The numberof objectives ‘needed to win in a month is shown on the board for that month read Ian objective is marked as menctory, must be completed inorder to, win. You donot need to decide which other objectives you are trying to aocomplish atthe beginning of any game; you may wat to sae how the game unfolds Some objectives wil remain in play until the group comptes them; others will expire atthe end of particular month. As the year unfolds, 1a objectives wil be introduced FUNDING ‘ALthe beginning of each game, you will dd Funded Event cards (othe group's choice) to the Player Deck equa to your Funding Level. Your Funding Lev! i 4 atthe begining of te first game in January but will (9 up and down from game to game. The minimum funding is and the maximums 1, GAME CALENDAR Use the game calendar to record your progress, wins and losses, players, involved, and your current Funding Level. The game calendar can be found on the tack cover ofthis rulebook. DaAaAMAAaAaAaAMS ‘GAME CALENDAR REMINDER TOKEN ® This token is used oscasionally during games to remind players to remember something, THE GAME BOARD REGIONS ‘The board is broken up into six regions, each roughly equivalent to a continent. These will come int pay later. OBJECTIVES SECTION In one comer ofthe board isa section where objectives are placed. January will lat with one objective, Other objectives wil be added and removed in future months. DISEASE TRACKING AREA Use this area ofthe board to apply changes to any ofthe four diseases. PANIC LEVEL Cities are panicking as these diseases take hold. Whenever an outbreak coour inact, its panic level will go up by one. The ist time a city panics, plae the level sticker (unstable) n the panic lve ticker box tear the city. Aller tat, place the next numbered sticker over the previous one (level 2, then level 3 et.). The eects of panic levels are shown below ‘These efects ave cumulative, LEVEL STATE EFFECT Unstable Noefiect. 325335 Aloting Players cannot take Direct Flights or Charter Fights in or ou. Research stations are destroyed and cannot be rebuilt &H Collapsing Discard + card ofthe city’s colorto enter this ity wit the Drive/Fery action 9B_—_Fallen Discard an atonal card ofthe citys color to enter this city withthe DrivelFerry action (fora total of 2 cards), HH your characteris inacity when ital, i is lost. See Lost Characters on page. Q ‘By placing the evel 2 pani hve stick, he cys panke ‘evel goes rom unstable oroting. CHARACTERS Each player has a specific character with special abilities to improve the teams chances. Each player begins game 1 by creating a character. To create a character: Select Character card (sach one has ferent special abilities) and give your character a name, ‘These characters will amy through from game to game and they may become last (see belan). You donot have o play the same character in every game, “aos wa ct nt ‘Semen yor at eee ba an bakgpa a), SCARS Characters can be mentally or physically amaged aver the couse o play. ‘When this happens, choose an avllale scar and adit to your character’ card. Characers are scared when they are in a city that outbreaks and may be scarred in other ways that willbe noted in future rules. ‘Whenever you must place a scar on character that has no room frit that character becomes los LOST CHARACTERS Hyou have to puta scar on your character and it has no more soar slots, ori your characte isin city when it als, your characteris lost ‘When your characteris ost, destoy (rp up) yout Character card, It cannot be played i this orn future games. Discard all cards you have, {ake the Civilian card maiching your pawn, and place your pawn ina cty wih a research station (his may be your current ity), Ithere ae no research station inp, place your pann in Atlanta your character was lst during your turn, continue wth your tum, keeping any remaining acions you have, CHARACTER REFERENCE Refer to this section alter you've eared how to play the game far fine points regarding each ofthe characters. Dispatcher ‘The Dispatcher may, as an action, either: + move any pawn, fis owner agres, to any city containing another pawn, or + move another payers pawn, iis owner agres, asif wee his own The Dispatcher can only move other players’ pawns; he may not direct them to do other actions, such as Treat Disease \When the Dispatcher moves a player's pawn as if it were his own: ‘* use the Dispatcher’ scars and upgrades, not those belonging tothe ccharater he is moving, «* cards that need tobe played or ciscarded (for Direct and Charter Flights ‘or to ener a collapsing or fallen city) come from the Dispatchers hand. ‘Acard discarded fora Charter Flight must match te city the pawn is ‘moving fom, is Generalist ‘The Generalist has slo for 4 different character upgrades and gets § actions per tum The Medic removes af cubes, nat 1, ofthe same color ven doing the Tea Disease action, Ia disease has been cured, he automatically removes all cubes ofthat color trom a city, simply by entering it or being ther, This doesnot take an action. The Medic also prevents placing disease cubes (and outbreaks) of cured diseases in his locaton. The Medics automatic removal of cubes also happens during other players’ tums. Scientist ‘The Scientist needs only 4 (not 5) Cty cards ofthe same isease colar o Discover a Cure. mq Researcher SPI? en ccina the sare Knoles acto, the Researcher ‘may give any City card from her hand to another player in the same city as her, without this card having to match her ity The transfer must be from her hand tothe other player's hand, but it can occur on either player's turn. A il _ SETUP You may notice that some steps are missing. They will be added later. Research Stations y 1 Read the Mission Briefing When playing a month for the first time, raw cards ofthe top ofthe Legacy Deck until you reach one that says STOP. Read the mission briefing and integrate new cards (it any) to the game. 2 Set out the board and pieces Pat al structures (itll youll only have esearch stations) nearby. ‘Sepaale the cubes by olor into 4 supply ples. Place a research station in each city with a stating research sation sticker. (You begin the game with one in Atfanta.) In future games there may be other pieces you plac. J Place outbreaks, cure makers, and objectives Plaoe the outbreaks marker on the “0” space ofthe Outbreaks Tack. Pace the 4 cure markers “va” side up, at the bottom of the disease tracking area, Place all Outbreaks Marker currant objectives in the objectives ara, Outbreaks Track Select Funded Events, add them 5) tothe deck, and deal out Player cards ‘AS a group, decide which Funded Event cards are going into the Payer Deck. The Payer Deck can have as many Funded Event cards as your current funding level. (Your funding level is 4foryour fst game.) Shuffle these Event cards and City cards together and deal cards to the players to form their intial hands, Give cards according to the number aa of players: be fof players Cards ia 2playergame 4 Splayergame 3 hes Be |In Pandemic Legacy, players keep their hands faceup at all times. G Prepare the Player Deck Stack as you can, Shtfe 1 Epidemic card into each ple facedown, Stack thes gg piles to form the Player Deck, placing smaller piles at the bottom. 8 a a 5 a Select Characters and Starting Location Disease Tracking Area Have each player selec character and player color. Give them the covtesponding Reference card and paw. Place their pawns a any one research station, Plyets wl stat tar fist game in Anta) Al he characters must start together. Place any retraining characer cards and pawns back in the box. | Ifthere are no research stations, players statin the ruin of lena Infection Rate Track Ay Plave infection rate marker Mae and infect 9 cities Rate Marker Place the infection rate marker on the let-mast °° space ofthe infection Rate Track. Shutl the Infection cards and flip over 3of them. Put 3lsease cubes ofthe matching color on each ofthese cites, Flip over 3 more cards: put2 disease cubes on each ofthese cities. Flip over 3 more cars: put 1 disease cube on each ofthese cites. (You wl place a total of 18 disease cubes, each matching the color of, the ely) Place these 9 cards feu on the infection Discard Pil The other Infection cards form the Infection Deck. Infection Deck Infection Discard Pile Use disease cubes matching the card colors. Player Player Deck. Discard Pile Cede BPE oe Q Use game winning bons Bide etic Aart Winning a month will result in geting a borus forthe next month played ‘Mra playar is dane infecting cites, the player on ther ft The grou shoud use hk bons now. Youwont ave bors fr yourfst gare) ees eee een ee mee Tg opinion and ids. Howeve, he player whose tm tis ides 10 Besin play Rien Your hand can have City and Event cards init. ity cards ae used in some actions and Event cards can be played at any ti ‘Take all the pawns and bindly select one, Tht player goes first and play proceeds clockwise. ON YOUR TURN jist OTHER ACTIONS Build a Structure Discard the City card that matches the city you ar in to (E place a structure tere, In January, the only structures you have avaiable ae research stations; more will come later. Tae the structure from the pilenestt the board all suctutes ofa type have been bul, you may take one ‘om anywhere onthe board and move i to you curent You may do upto actions each tun city Each city may cotain one of each typeof structure ‘Select any combination of the actions listed below. You may do the same & Treat Disease acion several times, each time counting as 1 ation Your characters -: spacial ables may change how an action is dane, Some actions involve Perens Eee inthe cube supply nextto the board, this disease color clscardng a card from your hand: al these discards go tothe Player has bon curd (ee Decnera Gre ogi eneieel Deere cubes of tht color fromthe cty you ae in. \f there are cubes from several cured diseases in a city, MOVEMENT ACTIONS You must sil Tet Disease arc foreach ered colin 3 Drive / Ferry Temove tes cubes E34), Move to acity connected by white in tothe one the ast cube of cued esease is removed rom the you are in, board, this disease is erac id. Flip its cure marker from its val side to its "Q side, The isl time you eraicale a disease, invent a name frit then writ it new name on the boat in the disease tracking area, radiating a cisease also gives youthe option to ive la positive mutation athe endo! the game as one of ae your bonuses. Positive mutations may only be applied to enon at apts terete! diseases that wee eradicated nthe ust-played game, ; Eratcating a disease isnot nde to win, Howe, SQ Direct Flight when cities ofan eradicated disease are infected, no SYA, isa a city card to move tote cy raed on the card new disease cubes are placed thare(se Epidemics and You cannot use Diet Ft ino ut of cy tat i Infections on pages 1-12) Removing the ast cube oa retin, callaping, or lle. disease ta isnt cured has no etc Charter Flight BB, Share Knowledge Discard the City card that matches the city you rein to Sr ‘move to any city, You cannot use Charter Flight into or ive the City card that matches the city you are in to out of acy tha song, collapsing, o fallen. anater player, or ony ‘ake the City card that matches the city you are in from Shuttle Flight another player. Move froma city witha research station to any other city ‘The other player must also be inthe city with you. Both of that has a research station you need to agree to do this. Ite player who gets the card now has more than 7 cards, that player must immediately discard acard or play an Event card ‘Bample: you have the Moscow ty card and are with another payer 1 Moscom, you cn gv his card to ‘that plyer OW another payer has {Me Moscow card and you both are in ‘Moscow, then you can tke frm that layer: nether case, you bot must agree before handing the card ove. Discover a Cure ‘Atany research station, discard § City cards ofthe same color rom your hand to cue the disease ofthat color, Cover the disease icon (shown atthe op of the disease tracking area) wit the matching cure marker. I no cubes ofthis color are on the board, ths disease is eradicated Flip its cure marker to its eradicated side If no action is required to Discover a Cure (due to positive mutations) then aplayer may discard the needed cards from their hand immediately, even if itisn' their tun. When a disease is cured its cubes remain onthe board and new cubes can stil be placed during epidemics or infections (see Epidemics and infections on pages 11-12) However, treating this disease is now easier. lay Example: On the frst tum, George does 4 actions: (1) Drive 0 Chicago (trom Atlanta), (2) Drive to San Francisco, (8) Treat Disease in San Francisco, removing a blue disease cube there, and (4) Treat Disease in San Francisco again, removing a vm AMERICI second blue disease cube. George has finished the Actions step of his tum. Play Example: Later in the game, the red disease has been cured. 3 red cubes remain on the board in Manila, where Anna the Scientist (pink pawn) begins her tum. Anna (1) Treats Disease in Manila, ‘removing all 3 cubes with one action (since this disease has been ccureo). This eradicates the red disease, so the red cure marker is Aipped over to its "O” side é George, the Researcher (turquoise pawn), sin Chennai having built a research station thre. Goorge has the Cairo card in his hand and offers to Jet Anna take it from him if she can get to Chennai (being the Researcher, George can give any card {rom his hand). Anna discards her Manila City card fora (2) Charter Fight, moving er pawn to Chennai. Anna then (3) Shares Knowledge with George, tking his Cairo card. Doing this gives Anna 4 black cards, which is not enough to cure a disease. However, Anna isthe Scientist and needs to dlscard only 4 cards ofthe same color to cure the corresponding disease. Anna (4) Discovers a Cure, discarding her 4 black cards at the Chennai ‘research station. Te black cure marker is moved to cover up the. black virus onthe board to show that thas beon cured. Anna thas finished the Actions part of her turn. RULE STICKER L RULE STICKER G a _ RULE STICKER M RULE STICKER H RULE STICKER N RULE STICKER | RULE STICKER J ee RULE STICKER K DRAW CARDS i ‘After doing 4 actions, draw the top 2 cards together trom the Player Deck. 1, as you are about to draw there are fewer than 2 cars lft in A the Player Deck, the game ends and your team has lost! (Do not reshuiflethe discard to form a new deck ) RULE STICKER P EPIDEMIC CARDS lf your draws include any Epidemic cards, do not add them to your hand {and do not draw replacement cards for them), Instead, immediately do, the fllowing steps in order: 1. Increase: Move the infection rate marker forward 1 space on the Infection Rata Track. 2. Infect: Draw the bottom card from the Infection Deck. Unless its disease color has been eradicated, put 3 disease cubes ofthat color on, the named city. the city already has cubes of this color, do not add 3 cubes to it Instead, add just enough cubes so that it has 3 cubes of this color and then an outbreak ofthis disease occurs inthe city (see ‘Outbreaks on page 13). Discard this card tothe Infection Discard Pile. HHyou cannot place the number of cubes actualy needed \ ‘onthe board, because there are not enough cubes of the ‘needed olor lt inthe supply he game ends and your eam tas lot This can occur during anenidenc, an outreak, or inection (ee Outbreaks and infections below). 3. Intensify: Reshurle just the card inthe Infection Discard Pile and place them on top ofthe Infection Deck, \ When doing these ster, remember to craw fromthe if boom of the Infection Deck and to then reshuffle only ¢ the Infetion Discard Pile, placing it on top ofthe existing Infection Deck. Itis rae but possible to draw 2 Epidemic cards t once. inthis case, do, all he steps above once and then again. In this case, the secand epidemic’ infection card will be the only card ‘to “eshufle’, ending ontop ofthe Infaction Deck. An outbreak wil then ‘cur inthis city curing Infections (see Infections on page 12), unless an Event cards played to preven this (see Even Cards on page 15). ‘Aer resolving any Epidemic cards, discard the, RULE STICKER Q INFECTIONS (isis ce Flip overs many Infection cards rom the top ofthe Infection Deck as the current infection rate, This number is below the space ofthe Infection Rate ‘Track that has the infection rat marker Flip these cards over one at ate, infecting the city named on each card To infect acy, poe 1 disease cube matching its color ato the city, Unless this disease has been eradicated Ith ct already has 3 cubes Of this color, do not plage a 4 cube Instead, an outbreak of this disease cocours Inthe city (see Outbreaks on page 13). Discard this card tothe Infection Discard Pie, Play Example (cont): Anna ends her tum by infecting ‘ties. The curent infection rate is 3, so Anna fps over the top 3 Infection cards: Seou, then Paris, then Alger. The red disease is eradicated, so Anna simply discards the Sout card, Paris has a blue cube oni, so Anna add a second blue ‘ube there and discards the Paris card. The black disease has boon cured but not eradicated (black cubes ae stil on the board)~ so Anna must infect Algiers. Since 3 black disease cubes are already in Algiers, ‘Anna does not place a # cube there, instead, a black disease outbreak happens in Algiers. OUTBREAKS (iis sss ‘When 2 disease outbreak occurs, move the outbreaks marker forward 1 space onthe Outbreaks Tack. Then, place 1 cube ofthe disease color on every cty connected to te city, any of them already has 3 cubes of the disease color, do not place a 4 cube in those cities, Instead, in each of tham, a chain eaction outbreak ooeurs after the current outbreak is done. ‘When a chain reaction outbreak occurs, rst move the outbreaks marker forward 1 space, Then, place cubes as above, except do not add a cube to cites that have already had an outbreak (ora chain reaction outbreak) as pat of resolving the current Infetion card ‘As a resul of outbreaks, a city may have disease cubes of multiple colors nit; up to 3 cubes ofeach colo. the outbreaks marker reaches the last space ofthe Outbreaks “Track, the game ends and your team has ost INCREASE PANIC LEVEL Increase the panic level of all tes that have an outbreak. the game would end due to outbreaks, only increase the panic level forthe fist 8 outbreaks more than 8 cts would outbreak (due to chan reactions) players may choose which cities outbreak and increase their panic evel stopping when you gat tothe outbreak Ia citys panic level reaches level 2, remove any research station present in that city. I there isa starting research station sticker in that city (explained on page 14), cover that sticker with a destroyed esearch station sticker, When an outbreak occurs ina city at panic level 5, do not place a sticker, but resolve the outbreak as usual In ater games, iis possible for cits to become isolated so that outbreaks initio not fect any acjacent cites. n this case, increase the panic evel of the outreaking city but donot aise the Outbreaks Track maker CHECK FOR SCARS Characters staning in an cutreaking city receive scar TURN END ‘Aas infecting cites and discarding Infection cards, your tun is over, The player on your lft begins ther tun ley Example (cont): A black disease outbreak ‘occurs in Algiers. Ana moves the outbreaks ‘marker forward 1 space, puts the nex panic level sticker for Algiers, and places 1 black ‘cube on every city connected to Agirs: Machi, Paris, Istanbul, and Caio. Caio beady has 3 black cubes, so Anna does not place cube there. Instead, a chain reaction ‘utreak occurs in Caro. ‘Anna moves the outbreaks marker forward 1 more space. She puts the next panic level sticker for Cairo. She places 1 black cube ‘on avery ety connected to Caro: Istanbul ‘Baghdad, Riyadh, and Khartoum ~ but not Algiers, as Algiers has already had an outbreak hile resolving ths Infection card. Then, Anna discards the Algiers infection cad. ‘You win as soon as you meet the necessary numberof objectives. The ‘game ends immediatly, even i tis the middle ofa players turn or a seties of outbreaks. ‘There ae many ways forthe game to end andthe players to lose + Immediately when the outbreaks marker reaches the lst space ofthe (Outbreaks Tack, + Immeciately if you ae unable to place the numberof disease cubes actually needed onthe board, Any flue cubes andor outbreaks don't happen, ‘if player cannot draw 2 Payer cards ater doing thet actions. RULE STIC WIN OR LOSE, THE GROUP CHOOSES TWO GAME END UPGRADES AT THE END OF THE GAME. IF YOU WIN THE GAME = You getthe Win Bonus for the next month, This is described on cards in the Legacy deck. You start your next game tthe beginning of the next month. + Your Funding Levels cut by 2 (minimum of 0) as you clay have the situation in hand. ‘Record your new funding level IF YOU LOSE THE GAME ‘If thi isthe first time the month has been played, you must tr the ‘month again not, move onto the next month for your next game, ‘Your Funding Level i inoreased by 2 (maximum of 10) as this mess needs ta be fxed ASAP ‘Record your new funding evel IN EITHER CASE (WIN OR LOSE) ‘Choose two upgrades (see next section). + Clear the board ot al game pieces. + Discard all ity cards. These all reset for he start ofthe next game ‘Do not put any Legacy cards back in the Legacy deck, even if playing the same month. Just continue where you left of inthe Legacy deck + if plying the same month again, your mission briefing and objectives ae the same, Set up future games as described in Setup on pages 6-7. GOAIMIE END GAME END UPGRADES ‘Win or lose, you choose two upgrades atthe end ofeach game. You may choose the same uparade twice. UNFUNDED EVENTS Select an event sticker to add to any City card inthe Player Deok, This ‘card is now both a City card and an Event card and canbe used ether ay, but not bath. These City/Event cards are availabe every game (eye Unaffected by the funding level). Each City card can only have one ticker. ‘STARTING RESEARCH STATIONS ‘Select a city curently containing a research station and ada stating research slation sicker, A research sation to every city with one of these stickers during the setup of all future games. When placing a stating research station sticker, plac it closet te city (similar tothe one printed on the board for Allanta). Do not place tin a panic level sticker box CHARACTER UPGRADES ‘Add an upgrade toa character. Each character has room for 2 upgrades (except the Generalist, who has 4), Players may sick an upgrade over an existing upgrade, Upgrades can only be appli to characters that were in the just-played game POSITIVE MUTATIONS It youve eracicated a disease during this game, you may give that disease ‘a positive mutation to make it easier to find a cure in future games. Pu the positive mutation sticker on the disease tracking area ofthe board. Diseases that gan the Eficient to Sequence mutation are cured as soon as one player discards the necessary numberof cards, This does not require ‘anacton and can happen on another players tum, CARDS PLAYER CARDS ‘As you play, you wil have the option to place stickers on City cards. Each City card can have one sticker. When you playa City card with a sticker, You choose whether itis being played asa City card or using the fact ot the sticker, never both, Players may always examine discard piles HAND LIMIT it you ever have more than 7 cards in hand (aftr first resolving any Epidemic cards you may have craw), discard cards or play Event cards until you hae 7 cards in hand (see Event Cards), Only Player card count towards your hand limit EVENT CARDS Playing an Event card isnot an action. The player who play an Event card decides how itis used. Event cards canbe played a any time, except in between drawing and resolving a card, Example: During infections, te first Infection card drawn causes an ‘outbreak. You may not ply the Remote Treatment o prevent this. Aer this outoreek happens however, you may use Remote Trearent before flipping over the next Infection card. After playing an Event card, discard ito the Payer Discard Pile STRUCTURES Each city may contain one ofeach type of structure, RESEARCH STATIONS a You need tobe ata research sation to use the Discover a Cure action. You can also use the Shute Flight action to travel between two research stations. Destroy research station ina clty iti is tng, If it was a staring research lation, replae the starting research station sticker with acestroyed research ston sticker, You cannat build research station in act that sroting, collapsing, or falen OVERLOOKED RULES * You do ot draw a replacement card after drawing an Epidemic card. * You may Discover a Cue al any Research Staton —the color of its city des not need to math the disease you are curing. = On your turn, you may take card fom another player, if you are both in the city that matohes the card you ae aking, * On your turn, you may take any ity card from the Researcher (ony), it you are both inthe same city. * Your hand limit applies immediately aftr ge another playet. © Characters gain 2 scar from standing in a city that outbreaks, WHAT HAPPENS IF WE MESS UP A RULE ‘SINCE WE CAN’T GO BACK? In mast cases, it won't maiter A litle rule confusion here or there or a card let out ofa deck or something forgotten will not greatly affect your game, Just not it and move on. card from In some cases a missing or confused rule will have resulted ina whole gama being too easy or too hard. In this case, the group should decide whether to increase their funding for next game (if you accidentally made 4 game too hard) or reduoe funding forthe next game i you made a game tooeasy), CREDITS Game design: Mat Leacock and Rob Daviau Artwork: Chis Quills Graph design: Philippe Guerin Rls Layout: Mari-Eve Joly Eng: Jear-Franois Gagné Piaytesters: Seri Alder, Robby Anderson, Ces Aylot, Margaret and Richard Bliss, Michal Broz, Brett Burgess Dany Calderon, Chris and mare, Nathan Fueg Rich Fulches, Mark Goetz, Jason Grant, Mickie ran, Chris Grim, Philp Gross, Sey Hemet David Heron, Carissa Joseph, Jesse Josephs, Tim eating, David Klob, Shawn Murphy, Collen, Donna, Rulh and Tim Leacock, Patio Neary Steve Nix, Dave Nolin, Jonathan Ovens, Bryan Reed son Schkay, nm Skahen, Ken Tiel, Slephen Weldon, Kt Yong, ad lan Zang Gen Con Patt: Ryan Conder, Matin Leser, Paul Maen, and Nichols Ket Special Thanks: Tom Lehmann, Bath ile, and John Knee, Loam he rules to tho orginal gama onlin at wang, com/pandeic-onlne-rues hin (© 2015 F2Z Entertainment ne 31 tue de la Coopératine Ficaud QC JOP 1PO anata re 4) 4 & | ff & ff & GAME CALENDAR Ifyou win, advance to the next month and decrease your funding by 2. If you lose the first half of the month, play the second half of the month and increase your funding by 2. Ifyou lose in the second half of the month, increase your funding by 2, then proceed to the next month. Funding cannot go under 0 or over 10. February March October December

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