American Slavery Powerpoint

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y Raggett

American Slavery

What is it?
The definition of
slavery is a
system under
which certain
persons known
as slaves are
deprived of
freedom and
compelled to
perform labor or

Slaves cleared trees, starting crops, and picking cotton

Slaves were generally Africans transported or
descendants from those transported from Africa

Slavery existed in the United States in the 18th and 19th


It mostly took place in the southern states

what is it known for?

the separation of the Northern

and Southern states that later

caused the civil war
the plantation south
the brutal treatment of slaves:
whippings, executions, sexual
abuse, shackling, hangings,

what is it's history?

began in thirteen colonies when Declaration of

Independence was signed in 1776

laws for slavery and slave codes started in 1705 with
Virginia Slave codes
between 1777 and 1804 anti-slavery laws were passed
in every states north of the Mason-Dixon Line
the country split in two: slave and free states
in the 1800s the cotton industry grew causing more of
a demand for slave labor
in 1850 Federal Fugitive Slave Laws were passed
slaves tried to flee the south through the
Underground Railroad
in 1860 the slave population in U. S. was 4 million
on January 1, 1863 President Lincoln announced the
Emancipation Proclamation

what culture is associated with it?

slave women
African or descendants of those

transported from Africa

the size of the household
determined the work they did
and their living conditions
primarily worked in kitchens
were expected to perform the
major portion of the slave
holding women's responsibilities

what group is associated with it?

southern slave owning
women or wives
lot of freedom and free time
supervised work of house
ruled the household
sewed clothing

What are the practices/traditions of

the group associated with it?
They generally dont raise their

children on hand
Children receive care from

house slaves
Young southern women were

never taught how to take care of

They grew up under the care of

slaves so did their children

Young girls grew up in the

shadow of their mother

They followed in their mothers


Is it associated with a religion, philosophy,

belief system, or other devotion?
Slave owners believed it was their Christian duty to teach and

proclaim the bible to their slaves

Preachers emphasized the appropriate behavior of slaves, they
acknowledged them as people and property
Emphasized masters to be appropriate paternal treatment towards
Churches taught male dominance
Mostly Baptist or Methodists
Slaves were generally allowed to attend mass

Slave owners believed in their natural superiority to the African slaves

What impact has it had on the

world? (United States)

Slavery began when the country did

and grew with it

It created an economy for the south

The south seceded from the Union

and created the Confederate States

of America
Created a Civil War in the U.S.
Racial Discrimination
Civil Rights Movement

How would you feel if you

were involved?
If I was a slave:


Wouldnt know what to do

Try to escape through

Underground Railroad

If I was a slave owner back then:

Good life

Upper class


Wouldnt know how to help

Gaineswood Plantation

in Demopolis, Alabama
Grew cotton
Had over 250 slaves

Slave Trade

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