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The Jazz Age

Chapter 8

Unit Guide

Michigan Standards
7.1.1. TheTwenties; Identify and explain the significance of the
cultural changes and tensions in the Roaring Twenties including
cultural movements, such as the Harlem Renaissance and the
lost generation
the struggle between traditional and modern America (e.g.,
Scopes Trial, immigration restrictions, Prohibition, role of women,
mass consumption)

Learning Targets
You will be able to:

Explain how the following topics impacted or changed society and the
culture of the United States during the 1920s:
The Red Scare and Nativism
The Role of Women
Modernism vs. Traditionalism (Urban vs. Rural)
Prohibition & Crime
The New Popular Culture
Mass Marketing, Advertising, Consumption and Credit
The Great Migration & the Harlem Renaissance;
Growth of the KKK

Essential Questions:
How did society and life change during the 1920s in the United States?
How did life differ from rural regions to urban areas during the 1920s?
Why was Prohibition not effective and what can we learn from this noble

The Jazz Age

- Chapter 8

Required Tasks (for The Jazz Age Unit)

1. Read Ch.8 The Jazz Age pgs. 257-283
2. Complete Ch.8 Review, pgs. 284-285, questions 1-21
* Can be done on paper, in the Google Classroom, or in the Online
3. Write a paragraph response to Question 22, Ch. 8, pg. 285 - Compare &
* Can be done on paper or in the Google Classroom

4. The Twenties Graphic Organizer Project This is your TEST

The Jazz Age: Content Vocabulary:
(You should be able to identify, use and explain the following key terms)

Content Vocabulary
supply-side economics
mass production
assembly line

for Chapter 8
Model T

The Jazz Age

mass media

Resources for learning content:

Chapter 8 The Jazz Age Reading : Textbook United States History &
Geography Modern Times Chapter 8, The Jazz Age, pages 257-283. History 104 U.S. History II There are 10 video teachings
about The Twenties and The Jazz Abeall can be found on the class website in
the Online Teachings tab. ***(Remember you must use my Online Teachings
tab to be able to access these teachingsyou cannot select or advance teachings
directly from the site.)

Google Slides: There is 1 long Google Slides Presentation with a GuidedNotes available on the class website in the Online Teachings tab to help you.
Classroom Study Groups: Students can choose to work with a group of
students to complete readings, reviews, etc.
Classroom Discussion Groups: Students can choose to work with a group of
students to discuss, evaluate and analyze unit content and concepts.
Online Discussions: There will be a variety of discussions in the Google
Classroom site to help you increase your understanding of unit content and

MEYOUR TEACHER: Dont forget to ask me questions, both about the

current unit or about strategies for learning; Especially if you need guidance
setting up an effective plan to learn the material.

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