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Sastry Karras Astrological Series

Article # 28

Chhadakas Astrological Analysis with Examples

Document Created on: Monday, March 14, 2016


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Sastry Karras Astrological Series

About myself
Born in Amalapuram, E.Godavari District, A.P, Sastry Karra grew up in Hyderabad, A.P.
My father (Late) Karra. Venkata Rao, uncles and grandfather were all well versed in
vedic astrology. It was my family tradition to provide predictions using vedic astrology for
At the age of 16, I showed interest in astrology, learnt the basic calculations and then
predictions from my grandfather.
Being an IT professional, I developed my own software that performs the standard
planetary calculations, different types of dasa calculations and validates hundreds of yoga
combinations mentioned in various classical texts.
I am currently residing in New Jersey, USA and spend my free time by providing free
predictions using Social Media viz. Facebook.
I also wrote some articles explaining the techniques used for predictions and they are
easily available for free in website.


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Sastry Karras Astrological Series

In UttaraKalamitra, Sloka 19 states that: The full Moon, Jupiter,
Saturn are termed Chhadakas for the two houses (2nd and 12th)
adjacent to each of them.
Exception: If Jupiter is residing in its OWN house, he will be a
Chhadaka for the 12th house only.

According to Bhrigu Sarala Paddhati (BSP), Saturn spoils/destroys the

house next to its Natal Position. Also, according to an article published on
Internet, Jupiter spoils one of the bhava characteristics of the house next to its
natal position. Thus, what Kalidas stated in UttaraKalamitra was partially
stated by Sage Bhrigu too.
In this article, I will be analyzing few charts emphasizing the importance of
Chhadakas in ones Rashi chart for the two slow moving planets Jupiter &
The power of Chhadakas will be clearly visible during Jupiter and Saturn
Mahadasas. Also, during the Mahadasa of the Chhadakas house lord and
Antar-dasa of Jupiter & Saturn, the impact can be noticed.


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Sastry Karras Astrological Series

Example 1:

Lord Rama, 6th Incarnation of Lord Vishnu (Hinduism).

According to Sage Valmikis classical mythological text, he annotated the birth of Lord
Rama as follows:
On completion of the ritual six seasons have passed by and then in the twelfth
month, on the ninth day of Chaitra month [April-May,] when the presiding deity
of ruling star of the day is Aditi, where the ruling star of day is Punarvasu, the
asterism is in the ascendant, and when five of the nine planets viz., Sun,
Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Venus are at their highest position, when
Jupiter with Moon is ascendant in Cancer, and when day is advancing, then
Queen Kausalya gave birth to a son with all the divine attributes like lotus-red
eyes, lengthy arms, roseate lips, voice like drumbeat, and who took birth to
delight the Ikshwaku dynasty, who is adored by all the worlds, and who is the
greatly blessed epitome of Vishnu, namely Rama. [1-18-8, 9, 10, 11] . Ref:
Thus, astrologically speaking, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Venus are in exalted
positions and Moon is in Cancer.


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Sastry Karras Astrological Series

In this chart;
Jupiter is in 1st house, owning 6th and 9th houses. Thus the
Chhadakas for Jupiter are 2nd and 12th houses.
Saturn is in 4th house, owning 7th and 8th houses. Hence, Saturn
became a Maraka for this native. Thus the Chhadakas for Saturn are
3rd and 5th houses.

Overall, for this native, the houses that have a major impact in his
life are 2nd, 3rd, 5th and 12th houses.

All those who are familiar with this mythological story can relate
how these houses are being spoiled or destroyed.


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Sastry Karras Astrological Series

Example 2: Mr. Rajiv Gandhi, Late PM of India.

In this chart;
Jupiter is in 1st house, owning 5th and 8th houses. Being 8th house
lord, it became a Maraka too. Thus the Chhadakas for Jupiter are 2nd
and 12th houses.
Saturn is in 11th house, owning 6th and 7th houses. While 6th house is
Roga-stanam, 7th house also deals with death. Thus the Chhadakas
for Saturn are 10th and 12th houses.

Overall, for this native, the houses that have a major impact in his
life are 2nd, 10th and 12th houses.


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Sastry Karras Astrological Series

Second House :- With Mars residing in 2nd house, owning 9th and 4th
houses, Jupiter being 8th house lord, clearly indicates that the nature of
death will be very violent. Jupiter on house owns Marss 4th aspect, thus
there is a strong relationship between Mars & Jupiter pertaining to the
Second house results.
Also, 2nd house deals with Kutumbha-stanam, having afflicted, and made
the native to start a family with inter-religion & inter-race marriage.

Tenth House :- Tenth house deals with Profession, relationship with state and
administration, primary activities for sustaining oneself, status in life, honor from the
public . With Venus being lord of 10th house, residing in 1st house and
getting 3rd aspect from Saturn, there are possibilities for more ups-anddowns in natives career. Based on this chart, in my opinion, the native got
an opportunity to be the leader only because of his family background and
Sun, Jupiter & Mercury residing in 1st house along with 10th house lord

Twelfth House :- With Moon being lord of 12th house, residing in 1st house
and Rahu in 12th house, Saturn & Jupiter spoiling the characteristics of
this house is very highly noticeable. Twelfth house also deals with loss of
authority, imprisonment, distant travel, foreign land, emigration, loss in travel,
paternal property, while most of these were noticed in natives life.

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Sastry Karras Astrological Series

Death Analysis :- Natives death occurred during
Rahu/Mercury/Moon/Mars/Mercury period. Rahu is in 12th house,
Moon being the lord of 12th house. Mars is residing in 2nd house and
Mercury is lord of 2nd house. Thus the impact of Chhadakas of Saturn &
Jupiter is clearly visible.


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Sastry Karras Astrological Series

Example 3:

Mrs. Indira Gandhi, Late PM of India.

In this chart;
Jupiter is in 11th house, owning 6th and 9th and houses. Thus the
Chhadakas for Jupiter are 12th and 10th houses.
Saturn is in 1st house, owning 7th and 8th houses. Being 8th house
lord, it became a Maraka too, apart from being natural Maraka.
Thus the Chhadakas for Saturn are 2nd and 12th houses.

Overall, for this native, the houses that have a major impact in his
life are 2nd, 10th and 12th houses.


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Sastry Karras Astrological Series

Second House :- With Saturn being 7th house lord residing in Lagna, and
Moon in 7th house from Lagna, Moon being the Lagna lord, there is a
parivarthana Yoga between Saturn & Moon. Thus, 7th house lord and
Matru-Karaka are inter-connected. Since 2nd house need to be spoiled,
Native had chosen to marry a Muslim (inter-religion) and start a family.
With Mars residing in 2nd house from Lagna and 8th house from Moon, the
cause of death should be violent and wounds caused by accident, in a war
or assassination.

Tenth House :- This house stands for Career and Professional growth.
During the natives extensive political career, there were a number of
hurdles, disappointments, loss of power, cheating to maintain power etc.
are all clearly visible. Mars the lord of 10th house is already residing in 2nd
house spoiled by Saturn.

Twelfth House :- This house deals with hospitalization. Saturn being 7th
and 8th houses lord, made the death of the native after being
hospitalized. Since Jupiter is lord of 6th house, the death should be due
to illness. Eigth house also deals with wounds, thus illness resulting due
to wounds. Her death clearly depicts the above conclusion.
Also, 12th house deals with Pleasures of Bed. Since 7th house lord
Saturn too spoiled this house, the desire to get married to a different

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Sastry Karras Astrological Series

religion/race/caste boy got amplified. With Jupiter the karaka for Marriage
for Women & Karaka for children also spoiled this house, there by both
planets made sure that the native marries and have kids from a socially
unacceptable boy.

Example 3: Mr. Barack H Obama, President USA.


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Sastry Karras Astrological Series

In this chart;
Jupiter is in 1st house, owning 12th and 3rd houses. Thus the
Chhadakas for Jupiter are 12th and 2nd houses.
Saturn is in 1st house, owning 1st and 2nd houses. Thus the
Chhadakas for Saturn are 12th and 2nd houses.

Overall, for this native, the houses that have a major impact in his life
are 2nd and 12th houses.

Example 4: Mr. Srinivasa Ramanujan, Mathematician India.


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Sastry Karras Astrological Series

In this chart;
Jupiter is in 6th house, owning 7th and 10th houses. While 6th house is
Roga-stanam, 7th house also deals with death. Thus the Chhadakas
for Jupiter are 7th (its OWN) and 5th houses.
Saturn is in 2nd house, owning 8th and 9th houses. Being 8th house
lord, it became a Maraka too. Thus the Chhadakas for Saturn are 1st
and 3rd houses.
Overall, for this native, the houses that have a major impact in his life
are 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th and 7th houses.

Exception 1:


Mr. Bill Cosby, Comedian @ Hollywood.

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Sastry Karras Astrological Series

In this chart;
Jupiter is in 8th house, owning 8th and 11th houses. Being 8th house
lord, it became a Maraka too. Thus the Chhadakas for Jupiter are 7th
and 9th houses. Since, Jupiter is residing in its own house, the 12 th
house from its Natal position will be the only Chhadaka (ie. 7th house
from Lagna).
Saturn is in 11th house, owning 10th and 9th houses. Thus the
Chhadakas for Saturn are 10th and 12th houses.

Overall, for this native, the houses that have a major impact in his
life are 12th, 10th and 7th houses.

For this native, Jupiter Mahadasa is between 1987-12 and 2003-12, then Saturns
Mahadasa began. The Chhadaka power of Saturn (spoiling 10th house) is clearly visible
during Saturns period. The Chhadaka power of Jupiter (spoiling 7th house) is unknown to
the general public.


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Sastry Karras Astrological Series

By Kalidasa English Translation
By Panditabushana V. SUBRAHMANYA SASTRI B.A.,
Asst. Secretary to the Government of Mysore (Retd.)
Published by B. Soobbiah & Sons 1939


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