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4 Fara’id of Ablution1

1. Washing the face

2. Washing both forearms including the elbows
3. Wiping a quarter of the head
4. Washing both feet including the ankles

Definition of Washing

It is stated in Maraqil Falāh:

Washing a limb entails that at least 2 drops of water must flow over that limb. If the limb is
simply moistened by rubbing a wet hand over it, or if only 1 drop of water flows over it then it
will not be considered washed and the ablution or ghusl will not be considered complete.2

1 Imām Abu Hanīfa, Sahīfa

Fatāwah Alamgīrī, Vol. 1, pp. 3
2 Maraqil Falāh, pp. 57

Imām Ahmad Rida al-Qadrī, al-Atāya Nabawīyyah fil Fatāwah Ridhwīyyah, Vol. 1 pp. 218. Rida Foundation

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