Oxfam On Haiti & The IMF: Oxfam Spokesperson Pamela Gomez Said

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24 April

Oxfam on Haiti & the IMF

Oxfam spokesperson Pamela Gomez said:

“Asking a poor country that has been devastated by a natural disaster to repay
assistance is untenable. The IMF must change its rules so that it can give grants
rather than just loans.”

The IMF’s Articles of Agreements preclude the institution from providing the funds in
any other form except a loan. The IMF must now change its rules so that in the
case of extreme shocks, it can disburse grants so that a crisis-affected country can
be helped without getting further into debt. The IMF could provide funds for these
emergency grants from the windfall it realized from its recent gold sales. The current
surplus in the IMF’s operating budget and further sales of its gold holdings, could
also be used. The IMF estimated in January that the market value of its gold
holdings at that time was approximately $107 billion.

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