Project-Based Learning (PBL)

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A Brief Explanation

All information on the PowerPoint comes from a wiki designed
by myself and Donna Coussons. For the list of APA references,
please refer to the wiki at the following link:

What is Project-Based Learning?

Multi-faceted projects are the focus of the curriculum.
Projects built around a driving question that guides
projects activities and learning
Student choice and voice fundamental part of PBL
with student participation both individually and in
collaborative teams

What is Project-Based Learning?

Projects should have a real-world focus to increase
student engagement and motivation
Ongoing evaluations of learning throughout duration of
the project both individually and collaboratively.
Ongoing reflection and revisions throughout
duration of the project both individually and

Multi- Faceted Projects

Projects assigned will be comprised of different components
May be smaller components leading up to larger, primary
Components may be graded as checks for understanding
through the progression of the project or as part of the larger
product as a whole
Some components may be assigned as individual assignments
to be assembled as part of the whole later

The Driving Question

The focus of the assignment/ project.
Usually a question, problem or in-depth examination of an
issue that guides research and creation
Is NOT a one answer/ yes or no solution
Differs from a traditional project in that the students are
allowed to facilitate their research, the solution and how they
want to present their solution
Teachers can still have established guidelines but they are
there to guide the students and should not lead the
students to one way of thinking.

The Driving Question


How does algebra play a role in the modern
world? Create a visual product which
explains and demonstrates your findings.

Create a PowerPoint that shows how people use algebra in

real life.

With your group, design a presentation that demonstrates

how Americans and other countries view and deal with

Describe how modern technology has impacted society in a

negative way.

How does America differ from other

countries in their view and
acknowledgement of death in society? In
your groups, design a presentation which
details these differences.
With the benefits of technology also come
the negatives. In your groups, identify at
least three technology influenced problems
that have a profound effect on society and
possible solutions for each.

Student Choice and Voice

What makes project-based learning effective is the ability for
students to have some control over their own learning.
In PBL, students may get to decide their topics, decide what
sources to use for research, create their own unique solutions
or viewpoint, or how to display their findings.
Learning becomes personal which leads to greater

Real World Focus

How many times have we heard this statement?
When will I ever need/ use this?
Students need to feel that even if the direct material is not
real-world specific that the skills, ideas, concepts, and critical
thinking are applicable to the real world.
No, they may never need to know the plot for 1984 ever
again, but understanding the idea of Big Brother,
dystopian politics, and harshly imposed restriction are
always important especially during election time.

Ongoing Evaluations
Although learning is student-centered, this does not mean
that the student is always going to get it right the first time
Periodic evaluations of learning (quizzes, mini-projects,
writings, etc.) can provide insight for the teacher and
student to see if there is improvement that is needed

Ongoing Reflection
This is a non-negotiable of PBL.
It is not enough for students to just learn the material, they
must think, really think, about how they feel about what they
have learned.
Wont always be positive, but even negative reflection is a
focus on learning

Key Researchers
Benjamin Bloom- creator of Blooms Taxonomy. An
ascension of learning skills with creation being the ultimate
expression of mastery.
Jerome Bruner- father of Constructivist Theory which
states that by making learners active participants in their
learning they will continually construct knowledge.
John Dewey- posited that children (and adults) learn best by
doing. Learning is not a passive act.

Key Researchers
Jean Piaget- father of Theory of Cognitive
Development which stated that children learn in stages.
Lev Vygotsky- believed and advocated the idea that learning
was communal and that children had stronger knowledge
acquisition when learning in groups than by themselves.

Technology and PBL

Although technology is not required for Project-Based
Learning, it does enhance the process:
Allows for more research options
Allows for increased creativity and innovation
Allows for usage of variety of technology tools
Allows for time efficiency
Allows for greater group communication

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