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10. Disease and Immunity

Active Immunity
LO To describe what active immunity is
Starter: Write this down and discuss what the
highlighted words mean.
Active immunity is a defence against a pathogen by
antibody production in the body

The bodys second line of defence

What are antigens?

Every cell is surrounded by a cell membrane. This is mainly
made of lipid, but it has special molecules stuck into it.
These are called antigens.
Different types of cell have
different antigens on the surface.
Our immune system responds
to these antigens to protect us
from infection.
Where are the antigens on
the cell shown here?

What are lymphocytes?

Lymphocytes are a type of white blood cell found in the blood
or lymph nodes and made by bone marrow. There are several
types of lymphocyte, including:
T-lymphocytes recognize antigens
and either attack them directly or
co-ordinate the activity of other cells
of the immune system.
B-lymphocytes recognize
antigens and produce special
chemicals called antibodies.

The third line of defence

Antibodies are special Y-shaped proteins produced by

B-lymphocytes in response to antigens.
Antibodies work by binding to
antigens on pathogens,
labelling them and causing
them to clump together.
The pathogen can then be
destroyed by:
phagocytosis by macrophages
the antibodies themselves.

Recap of key words

Antibodies are specific

Different types of antigens cause different types of antibodies
to be produced.
Different micro-organisms have different antigens on their
surfaces. This means that a different antibody is needed to
recognise and deal with each different type of pathogen.

Delayed response

If a pathogen enters the body, the B-lymphocyte that

produces the correct antibody for the antigen begins dividing.
This produces many more antibody-producing cells.

It takes a few days to produce

enough antibodies to destroy the
pathogen. This results in a delay
before the person feels better.

Once a pathogen has been destroyed, a few memory cells

remain. These recognize the pathogen if it re-infects, and
make the immune response much quicker and more effective.

Antibody levels during infection

Fighting an infection

Active immunity

Active immunity is when your body responds to an infection

by making its own antibodies or antitoxins. Active immunity
can be stimulated by vaccines.
Vaccines contain a small amount of dead
or weakened pathogen particles. A vaccine
stimulates the production of antibodies and
memory cells against the target pathogen,
without making the person ill.
If a vaccinated person is later infected
by the same pathogen, their immune system can destroy it
very quickly. If lots of people are immune to a pathogen it
does not spread easily in the population.

Passive immunity

Many snakes produce a

powerful nerve toxin that
can be lethal to humans.

People bitten by
poisonous snakes can be
treated with antivenin.
Antivenin contains antibodies to give instant immunity.
It is produced by injecting horses with small, non-lethal doses
of venom. Over time, the horses produce antibodies, which
are extracted and processed.
As the person didnt make the antibodies themselves,
this is called passive immunity.

___________ lock on to antigens leading to direct destruction of pathogens, or
marking of pathogens for destruction by ____________.

Each pathogen has its own _________, which have specific shapes, so specific
_________which fit the specific shapes of the _________ are needed.

__________ immunity is defence against a pathogen by antibody production in

the body.

is gained after an infection by a _________, or by
words (can be used more than once or not at all): pathogen,
active, phagocytosis, passive, antibody, antigen.

ANTIBODIES lock on to antigens leading to direct destruction of pathogens,
or marking of pathogens for destruction by PHAGOCYTES.

Each pathogen has its own ANTIGEN, which have specific shapes, so specific
ANTIBODY which fit the specific shapes of the ANTIGEN are needed.

ACTIVE immunity is defence against a pathogen by antibody production in the


ACTIVE immunity is gained after an infection by a PATHOGEN, or by


What you need to do:

1. Arrange the cards in order to describe how your body fights
Use your notes to help you
Start with:

such as bacteria
sometimes get into
our bodies

Why do you think you still get ill if you body is so good at
destroying microorganisms
J . Groves 2010


such as bacteria
sometimes get into
our bodies


The Lymhocytes start to

make chemicals called

When they get

inside us they
reproduce and
make us ill

The body sends white blood

cells to the area infected
with microorganisms


All of the microorganisms

are destroyed and you feel

The antibodies are a

special shape and they
stick onto the

Help we cant

There are 2 types of white

blood cells. They work
together. They are called
Lymphocytes and
T Phagocytes



When the antibodies stick

on the microorganisms it
causes them to get stuck
together in a lump
A second type of
White Blood Cell
called a Phagocyte
comes along



The Phagocyte
engulfs the lump of
microorganisms and
destroys them!!




such as bacteria
sometimes get into
our bodies

When they get

inside us they
reproduce and
make us ill


All of the microorganisms

are destroyed and you feel

The antibodies are a

special shape and they
stick onto the

Help we cant

There are 2 types of white

blood cells. They work
together. They are called
Lymphocytes and
T Phagocytes


The Lymhocytes start to

make chemicals called


The body sends white blood

cells to the area infected
with microorganisms



When the antibodies stick

on the microorganisms it
causes them to get stuck
together in a lump
A second type of
White Blood Cell
called a Phagocyte
comes along



The Phagocyte
engulfs the lump of
microorganisms and
destroys them!!

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