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FIDs (Flexible Instruction Days):

I know there has been a lot of confusion about what was shared. We talked
about this in depth at the November Department Chair meeting, and I
thought I would share my complete notes with you. Here is the information
that I have accumulated. Let me know if you have further questions. If I do
not know the answers, I will take them to Mark
PLANS for the day
Plans and assignments should be ready to give out/post by January
18th (inservice)
It is recommended that we post them to our schoolwires webpage,
but we can hand out hard copies if we prefer or we can email lesson
to students.
There will be a folder on All shared to drop this into soon
Should be posted only 1 at a time---theoretically preventing kids
from completing them all in advance of the snow day.
Assignment should take a minimum of 30 minutes and a maximum
of 40 minutes we are directed to remember that students will be
doing this for all of their classes, so having them watch an hour
long video is too long of an assignment
Students will have a 2 week window in which to complete their work
( 10 days)
The plan should be for 2nd semester classes (regardless of when the
snow day happens that we are making up for, it will be made up by
an extra day in the 2nd semester)
February 12th (The DAY)
Q: When will the day be?
IF we have a weather event prior to or on February 12 th, this
will be our planned FID for the year
o IF not---further information will come to us in regards to how
we will proceed
o In the future we will do this ON the snow days (plan to have
about 3 of these for next year)
Q: How is it a makeup day for snow if we already stayed home
on a regular show day?
o This date will be like an at-home snow makeup day; it will
count as a day of school, but we will not have to come into
school to account for this makeup day.
Presence/ Attendance
Put in about 6 hours of work
Be available for a part of the day to quickly reply to students (office

If you cannot complete your work on this day please call off as
sick or personal on Aesop (no sub needed)
Tasks to Complete
Teachers can report to school (any building) or log in from a remote
Teachers will need to log into one or more of the following to sign
in: remote files, outlook email, or gradebook
Send a 1 paragraph (short) synopsis of what you did to Mark by

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