Lesson 4

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Lesson 4

Unit/Topic: How do people and environments influence one another?

Date: 18/05/2015
Key Learning Area: Geography
Year Level: 5______
Outcomes: The inuence of people, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples,
on the environmental characteristics of Australian places (ACHASSK112)

Students gain a cultural awareness

Students gain knowledge of environmental influences and how the environment is used
by Ngen'giwumirri and Ngan'gikurunggurr people.
Students gain knowledge of the importance of recording traditional knowledge
Students develop their Unit of work vocabulary
Students complete a student reflection


Interactive whiteboard (IWB)

o ABC Race against time: preserving Ngangi bush lore resource
o Skype
o Word document
o KWL student reflection resource
Unit of work book and pencil
Aboriginal Elder


Introduction (Set):

5 min

Introduce the topic for the lesson and explain what will be taught. (Watch ABC video,
complete tasks before and after video, Skype session with an Aboriginal Elder from the
Daly river and then student reflection)


Main Content:


Ask students to take their Unit of work book and pencil out, open ABC video
resource and wait for student attention
Before watching the video ask students to write down in their book How you
describe the area you live? What landforms would you find around where you
live? (Write questions on IWB word document)
Ask some students for their answers (make sure to select students with their
hands raised), write answers on IWB word document
Start watching video
Pause a 0.45 min; ask students how the Ngen'giwumirri and
Ngan'gikurunggurr people use the Merrepen Palm, write answers on IWB
word document. *continue video

10 min

Pause at 1.45; ask students what landforms can be found in this region? and
what are three reasons that this country so important? Write answers on
IWB word document. *continue video*
Pause at 4.13; ask students to write down some of the ways that the
Ngen'giwumirri and Ngan'gikurunggurr people use local plants and animals.
Ask some of the students for their answers and write on the IWB word
document. *continue video*


Once video is finished ask students to write down why it is important to record
traditional knowledge of the land and animals.
Ask students to write down questions they may have for the following activity
when they Skype an Aboriginal Elder (walk around room checking each
students questions *make sure they are relevant and respectful*)
Main Content (Continued)




Open Skype and contact Aboriginal Elder

Introduce Aboriginal Elder to classroom, explain their background (where they
are from and what their traditional name of their people is)
Ask the Aboriginal Elder to explain the way their natural environment has
influenced the way their area has been used. What landforms are significant to
their area? And Why?
Ask the Aboriginal Elder to explain how they used their natural environment to
tell time or the seasons.
Open the floor to students to ask questions of their own (make sure to record
the question and answer down)
Say goodbye to Aboriginal Elder


Ask students to pack up their Unit of work book and pencil.

Ask students to collect an iPad each to complete their student reflection
Ask students to open up the KWL resource in their bookmarks and type in their
names and the topic (Environmental Influences)
Explain to students to complete the K (what they know), W (what they want to
learn) and L (what they learnt).
Once finished ask the students to share file and to email it to your address
(write email the board)

Formative Student reflection
o Students are able to complete reflection using relevant vocabulary for the unit
Student participation
o Students participate in classroom discussion and willing to try and answer
teacher directed questions.

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