Nozzle Projection

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Q. AutoPipe Vessel has its own standard for the projection of nozzles.

Is it possible to customize this

standard in such way that the projection depends on the insulation thickness?
A: Under Vessel Properties dialog box in the Geometry tab, there is a field called Dist. Insulation/Flange
where the user can set the distance of the flange face from the insulation surface.
The distance between the flange and insulation is set as 75 mm as shown in the example below.

The explanation of this field is accessible in help page (shown in the third figure below) via the ? button
on top right corner. Click on the ? button (as shown below) and bring the mouse cursor to the field
(Dist. Insulation/ Flange) and click on the left mouse button to open the help document on this field
which is shown below.

The default value for X can be modified in the defval.doc file in the config folder as shown below:

2. Is it possible to have in AutoPipe Vessel different standards for projection nozzles (for example,
standard from Technip, standard from other engineering companies or clients...), so that you can
choose the desired standard with one mouse click?
A: No, currently it is not possible to have multiple defaults for nozzle projections, only one value can be
set (both for US and SI) in the defval.doc file in the config folder as shown below.

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