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Happiness,Affection,And Showing Care

Example happiness
Retno : Dad, where is mom?

Father : She is back there.

Retno : Mommy, Mommy.

Mother : I'm right here. What's up?

Retno : Mom, you know, I sent a job application to a big international

company near the downtown a couple of days ago and just now I got a
phone call from the company that I get accepted. I am going to work. It's

Mother : Yes, that's wonderful. Come on. Go tell your daddy.

Retno : Yes, I will. I'm so happy right now.

Example Symphaty
Basri : Hi, Ivan. You don't look very happy. Is everything alright?

Ali : Well, this week has been so terrible for me.

Basri : Really? I'm sorry to hear that. What actually happened?

Ali : My grandmother passed away on Tuesday.

Basri : Was she ill or something before she died?

Ali : No, no. She was badly hurt because of a car accident.

Basri : Oh really? What happened?

Ali : She was driving a car and suddenly a speedy truck bumped into her car in front.
So her death was really a shock for me and my family. I can't still believe that she's

Basri : Of course. It's always hard to lose someone you love. However, I'm pretty sure
next week will be better for you.

Ali : Thanks. I hope so.

Expressing affection
Dedi: Dim, when you stop playing that game?

Dimas: I will stop when its finish

Dedi: But its almost 3 a.m you played that game from 8 p.m
dont you feel tired?

Dimas: Not really

Dedi: I really care about you, im afraid youll be tired and sick

Dimas: Just do your own business Ded, I dont care

Dedi: Hope youll be fine

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