Conditionals Extra Exercises 2016

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Conditionals remedial

Conditionals the four structures




CONDITIONALS - Extra exercises

Zero conditional

If I eat too much, I _________ (get) a stomach ache.

If you put a dollar in the machine, it ____________ (give) you a soft drink.
If you flick the switch, the lights _________ (come) on.
When a dog goes outside, it ___________ (stop) every few meters to smell around!
When he __________ (work) hard, he _____________ (receive) good marks.

First conditional
1. If you _________ greasy food, you will
become fat.
a) eat b) will eat
2. If your sister goes to Paris, she _________ a
good time.
a) has b) will have
3. If he _________ that, he will be sorry.
a) will do b) does
4. If I leave now, I ________ in New York by
8:00 PM.
a) will arrive b) arrive

5. You ________ on your test if you don't

a) won't do well b) don't do well
6. They won't know the truth if you ________
a) won't tell b) don't tell
7. If I bake a cake, ________ have some?
a) will you b) do you
8. If he ________ you, will you answer the
a) will call b) calls

9. If you don't go to the party I ________ very

a) am b) will be

10. If you get a haircut you ________ much

a) will look b) look

Second conditional
1. If my grandfather were younger, He
_________ so many things.
a) wouldn't forget b) didn't forget
2. If I _________ more money, I would buy a
new car.
a) would have b) had
3. If she had an umbrella, she _________ wet.
a) wouldn't get b) didn't get
4. If we ________ a car, we would get there in
30 minutes.
a) would have b) had
5. I ________ more careful if I were you.
a) would be b) were
6. If animals could talk, I wonder what they

a) said b) would say

7. If she ________ harder, she would make
more money.
a) will work b) worked
8. If he changed jobs, He ________ much
a) will be b) would be
9. If it wasn't raining, we ________ to the
a) would go b) will go
10. You wouldn't feel so tired if you ________
a) will sleep b) slept

Third conditional
1. If she hadn't told him, he _________.
a) will never find out b) would have never
found out
2. I _________ this if you hadn't asked me.
a) would never have done b) didn't do
3. If I _________ about this, I would have told
a) know b) had known
4. If they ________ to rest they would not
have been so tired.
a) have stopped b) had stopped
5. I ________ that he's 38 years old if he
hadn't told me.
a) wouldn't have guessed b) didn't guess

6. If I hadn't seen that movie last week, I

________ to see it with you yesterday.
a) would go b) would have gone
7. If you ________ the money that you owe
me, I would have been able to go out last
a) had returned b) returned
8. Thomas wouldn't have bought the jacket
if it ________ on sale.
a) hadn't been b) wouldn't be
9. If you _________ me, I wouldn't have
known about the party.
a) haven't called b) hadn't called
10. Tina would have called you if you
________ her your number.
a) would give b) had given

Finish the sentences with a clause in the correct conditional:

1: If it is sunny tomorrow
2: If you sit in the sun too long
3: If I were you
4: If I were the Prime Minister
5: If she had studied harder
6: If I won the lottery
7: If I hadnt gone to bed so late
8: If I hadnt come to London
9: If you mix water and electricity
10: If she hadnt stayed at home
11: If I go out
12: If I were on holiday today

13: If I had listened to my mother

14: If I hadnt eaten so much
15: If it rains later
16: If I were my brother/sister
17: If I were the opposite sex
18: If I have enough money
19: If you dont wear a coat in the winter
20: If I werent studying at Collge Sainte-Anne

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