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Every Tuesday I verify everything that goes on in the classroom. But today I checked on
how much time it takes for a child on one task. I saw they spent in one task
Approximately 15 minutes. There are some tasks It requires group work Such as making
form Of the leaven But the comparison between the two images its individual work But
coloring it was In pairs. During my observation I have seen how a teacher provides
lesson for example teacher introduce the task by the pictures and by the coloure or by
the tools also she takes her instructions from her plan and checked if its appropriate or
not.she is Working with the child when it needs help .In addition when am asked her and
if they enjoy at the day care everyone answer they feel happy and excited to study here.
Also when am asked the child the things they are good they said for me everythinges
was good but they want to study more animals and letters also want to improve their
skills more than that.

Mozah Alyammahi

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