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Heat is a form energy transferred from the hotter

matter to the colder one due to temperature
difference. Heat is measured by unit of energy, which
is joule.
The quantity of heat required or released to change
the temperature of a matter depends on the mass,
specific heat, and the temperature change.
Q = m.c. T, Q = heat (J)
Specific heat is defined as the quantity of heat
required to raise the temperature of 1 kg of matter
by 1 C or 1 K.
Heat capacity is definedas the quantity of heat
required to raise the temperature of matter by 1 C
or 1 K.
c = Q/ T, C = heat capacity ( J/ C )
The heat absorbed or released by a matter can
change the states of the matter.

Evaporation is the phase transition from liquid

into gas at any temperature. The factors which
can make evaporation faster are: heating,
blowing water through the liquids surface,
extending the surface, and decreasing the
pressure on the surface.
Boiling is the phase transition from liquid into
gas at a certain temperature.
Heat of vaporization is the quantity of heat
required to convert one unit mass of a liquid into
gas at its boiling point.
U = Q/m, U = heat of vaporization ( J/kg )
The factors that influenced the boiling point of a
substance are pressure and impurity.
Melting is a the phase transition from solid to
liquid, on the contrary freezing is the phase
transition from liquid into solid.

Heat of fusion is the quantity of heat required to

convert one unit mass of solid into liquid at its melting
The factors that influence the melting point of a
substance are pressure and impurity.
If two substances with different temperature are mixed,
then the heat will flow from the hotter liquid to the
cooler liquid until they reach temperature equilibrium.
Qrelesed = Qreceived
There are three mechanisms of heat transfer, i.e:
a. Conduction : the transfer of heat through a medium in
direct physical contact without a flow of the mediums
b. Convection : the trasfer of heat by particles motion due
to density difference.
c. Radiation : the transfer of heat without any medium.
Several evamples of heat transfer mechanism are iron,
vacuum flask and the occurrence of sea and land

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