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What is PTSD?

Coventry, Connecticut Wednesday, March 2nd, 2016 1 page

By Kyle, Kevin, and Chad

What is PTSD?
Post-traumatic stress disorder is a mental
health condition that's triggered by a terrifying
event either experiencing it or witnessing it.
Symptoms may include flashbacks, nightmares
and severe anxiety, as well as uncontrollable
thoughts about the event. Many people that
suffer from this mental illness have trouble
adjusting and coping with their everyday life.

Cartoon Description
This political cartoon can been see as
mockery, however it is a way to provoke
reform. In this case the sign is revealing a
flaw in human nature. It is making the
statement that soldiers who go to war
cant go home without getting a mental
illness. This may be an exaggeration
however it does reveal an important
aspect caused by war.

An estimated 1 out of
10 women will get
PTSD at some time in
their lives. Women
are about twice as
likely as men to
develop PTSD.
Estimated risk for
developing PTSD for
those who have
experienced the
following traumatic
events. 31.9 percent
of victims have PTSD
because of Severe
beating or physical
assault. Also 31.9
percent have claimed
to have PTSD after
being raped.
An estimated 70
percent of adults in
the United States
have experienced a
traumatic event at
least once in their
lives and up to 20
percent of these

Different Types/
There is many different
types of PTSD and there are
many ways it can occur.
There are five main types
of PTSD; Normal stress
response, acute stress
disorder, uncomplicated
PTSD, comorbid PTSD, and
complex PTSD. The most
common type is from war
considering many men and
women serve in the military
and see gruesome details
not seen by the normal
eye. In general this can
occur in any traumatic
event. There are different
levels of PTSD considering
the mental state of each
person and what they were
involved in.

Symptoms could include
flashbacks to when they
were in war, nightmares, or
even severe anxiety of
their experience on the
battlefield. Also when
someone's become very
angry or sad over

people go on to
develop post
traumatic stress
disorder, or PTSD

something little. Ex military

members also try and hide
how they feel and what
they saw. Many alienate
themselves from others at
any event that could be
with friends or family.

PTSD can affect anyone. Even Caryn Elaine

Johnson known as Whoopi Goldberg for her well
know acting. However what a lot of people don't
know is that she suffers from PTSD due to her
childhood where she witness two planes collide in

Well know singer Barbara

Streisand, wouldn't perform for 30
years due to performance where
she forget the lyrics to her song.
This one incident would change
her life forever.

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