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Winter 2016


Cell Phone and Other Personal Electronics No Longer

Acceptable for Students at Atikameg School

As of February 22, partly as a response to

cyberbullying and also to the fairly
widespread sense that students remain
tethered to devices during school hours,
Atikameg School has now instituted a new
policy on student-owned electronic devices.
A major privacy issue regarding students
secretly taking photos at school then using
those photos on social media sites for
inappropriate purposes has given the school
no choice but to eliminate phones and other
electronic devices from school. Students are
asked to either leave their phones at home
or put them in their lockers for the entire
school day.

Grade 8s in the Home Ec Room

The grade 8 students are
seen here baking delicious
cupcakes in their Home
Economics class. There was
no instant mix for these
hungry students they
made all their cupcakes
from scratch! Maybe now,
they can make them at home
for the entire family!!


December Hand Games Tournament

Back in December, the
school held a day-long
hand games tournament.
All grades were involved,
as well as a team made up
of staff (many of them new
to this activity). It was a
fun and action packed day,
and in the end, the team
from grade 6 emerged as
the winners!

Strategy Games Club

The Strategy Games Club, which meets two or three times per
week, provides students with an exciting time learning how to
play various different strategy games. While chess, checkers
and a new game called Dizios are enjoyed by some, by far the
most popular game is the online computer strategy game
called League of Legends. The students are having lots of fun
with these games, and Mr. Mackintosh sometimes has trouble
convincing them that after two or three hours of playing, it is
now 6:00 and even 6:30 at night and it is time for everyone to
go home for the day!

Cooking with Ms. Cannon

The Pink Pancake People!

The Hamburger Helpers!

The Mac N Cheesy Kids!

News from the Grade Two Classroom

Its been a busy New Year in Grade 2!
In science we have just completed the unit Liquids
with our final experiment Walking Water
We found that water can walk up a paper towel until
it meets other Walking Water This was a fun and
interesting experiment we enjoyed!
With the warmer weather, we have been having a lot
of fun outside. We had fun making snowmen in the
field and playground. We worked together to create
snowballs and snow people. It has been great to be
able to do some of our collaborative learning

News from the Grade Four Classroom

This past month was quite busy in Grade 4. As a class, we celebrated Black History
Month, learning about important figures such as Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks,
Jackie Robinson and Harriet Tubman. In Mathematics, we started our long journey
as a class towards multiplicative thinking. But it wasnt all business, we also had a
lot of fun, as seen here with a drama activity called The Human Knot.

From the Music Room

The past two months have been busy here in the music class room! Our classes have
covered a lot of material, learning the notes of the treble and bass clef, basic rhythms,
triads, dynamics, the history and development of many styles of music, and have now
begun learning hands on with the guitars. Students have learned four basic chords G,
C, D and Am and with these chords our song choices are endless! We look forward to
adding more chords to our list and entering into some band music in the near future.

Super Heroes
Food Safety Course
Three of our students recently
completed their Food Safety
course. They were awarded their
certificates by Jason Bigcharles.
The students were: Layla Grey,
Angel Sutherland and Anita
Thunder. Congratulations ladies!

Grade 3 Batman puppets

for these two super heroes!


The girls club aka LIFT (living in faith together) are seen
here involved in activities and getting to know one


Earlier this month our boys basketball team competed in the GP Vanier
invitational basketball tournament in Donnelly, Alberta. Our boys fought hard
and played exceptionally well, especially in an overtime defeat against St.
Andrew's School, during their second match. Great basketball was played by all
teams in the tournament and it was a good experience for our team. Excellent
work boys.

Grades 7 to 12 Physical Education


This month both the Jr. and Sr. High students have been going through a broom ball
unit. They have been learning the basic rules and skills and have been applying these
into games. During our last few days the students have been competing in teams for
the Whitefish broom ball cup. The championship teams can be admired in the photos
below. Great work to both teams.

News from Mrs. Wilsons Grade One Classroom

This month in grade 1, we worked on character building with a focus on creating

positive friendships. From the start of the month with our numerous Valentines
Day activities promoting friendship to ending the month honouring Pink T-shirt
Day! In Mathematics, we finished off our unit in addition and moved onto
subtraction. In Science, we wrapped up our unit in Structures. The students
explored how to use many new materials, built different structures and how to
scientifically test their construction. Below are some pictures of their fun and
innovative creations!

Update from the Grade Three


The students are learning about their community and the people in it.
Recently it came to their attention that a community member is not well and is
undergoing treatment. They decided that even though we have not reached
our fundraising goal for the planned fieldtrips they would like to donate the
funds raised from our March 23, 2016 Candy Apple Sale to Erin Cunningham.
We are very proud of our students and the empathy they show.
We would like to thank everyone for all the support we have
received from parents, friends, families and the community in purchasing our
raffle tickets, attending our tournaments, buying the candy apples,
participating in our cake walks, etc. We look forward to your continued

Grades 8 12 E.L.A.

At the end of the first semester, the

students in grades 8 through 12 wrote
exams. Here, we see Jonah and Clinton
taking a break from reviewing and
studying for their ELA exam. It was a
good learning experience for the
students and hopefully, they will do even
better on the exams they will be writing
in June.
Currently, the grades 11 and 12 ELA
students are becoming immersed in
Shakespeare as we follow the exploits of
Macbeth and the oh-so-cunning Lady

Assorted Photos from Cultural Activities

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