Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan

Developed by: Lyndsey Page, Nathalie Chevarie, Laura Anderson, Pamela Morton, and Mitchell Leger
Grade Level:


Universal Design for Learning

1.2 Offer alternatives for
auditory information
A handout will be given with
the information involving the
physical landscapes, as well as
instructions for the cut paper
construction technique. The
landscape handout will also be
matched with a bristol board
of pictures for the landscapes.
1.3 Offer alternatives for
visual information
The tour guide approach will
be mainly auditory and will be
an alternative to the handout
which will be mostly visual.
2.1 Clarify vocabulary &
Key words such as
collision,landscape, and
geography will be defined
during the tour guide stations
orally for the students.
2.4 Promote understanding
across languages
Pictures will be provided for
each of the landscapes, as well
as the definitions for the
geographical terminology.
Students will be given the tools
for understanding how to
approach the topic.

Lesson Topic:
_____Physical Landscape of Canada________
4.4.1 Describe the physical landscape of Canada
SCO:I will be able to describe what Canadas land
looks like.
I will know the six different landscapes of Canada.
I will use words proper for describing Canadas land.
Objective(s) for this lesson:
Students will be able to
name the six landscapes and describe the form that
they take.

You will begin the class by reminding the
students of the cut paper construction techniques
that they have already learned in art class. Let
them know that a handout is provided should
they need it, for reminder.
Focus Question
Is Canada really just igloos and snow trails?
- Our answer if they do not get it: No, Canadas
physical landscape is incredibly diverse ranging from
coast to coast. Help the students understand the
various types of terrain and vegetations that exist.
During/Learning Activities
- Students will enter class, selecting a popsicle stick as
the do and sit at the table with the corresponding
popsicle stick colour.
- Each table will have a clear indication of what group
should sit there, as the table will have a popsicle stick
of the same colour already at it.
- Each student should have a mini passport in front of
them when they sit down. Whenever you say May I
see your boarding passes the students will raise their
boarding passess in the air and give you their full
attention. This will be your attention getter.

3.4 Activate or Supply

background knowledge

- The stations will be prepared prior to class, with the

bristol board of pictures designed and ready to go.

Students will be shown the

map of Canada to remind them

- Tables will already have Handout 1 (Cut Paper

Construction Technique) distributed before students

Required Materials, Tools and

- Handout 1: Cut Paper
Construction Technique (One
for each student).
- Handout 2: Physical
Landscapes (One for each
Station 1: Western Cordillera
- Bristol Board with pictures of
the Western Cordillera on it.
- Glue Sticks (four for the table)
- Scissors (four for the table)
- Construction paper (One pack
per table)
Station 2: Interior Plains
- Bristol Board with pictures of
the Interior Plains on it.
- Glue Sticks (four for the table)
- Scissors (four for the table)
- Construction paper (One pack
per table)
Station 3: Arctic Lowlands
- Bristol Board with pictures of
the Arctic Lowlands on it.
- Glue Sticks (four for the table)
- Scissors (four for the table)
- Construction paper (One pack
per table)
Station 4: Canadian Shield
- Bristol Board with pictures of
the Canadian Shield on it.
- Glue Sticks (four for the table)
- Scissors (four for the table)
- Construction paper (One pack
per table)
Station 5: St.Lawrence
- Bristol Board with pictures of
the St.Lawrence Lowlands on it.

of the layout of Canada. This

will be important for
understanding where the
physical landscapes are. The
students will also be reminded
of the cut paper construction
technique, which they have
already learned in art.

arrive. Handout 2 (Physical Landscapes) should also

be distributed to the work area before the students
arrive. This will ensure that the students are not
distracted during instructional time, but will still have
the information necessary for the activity. Students
will only receive these handouts when they break into
their groups for the activity at the end.
-Students will answer/ discuss focus question. C4U

Action and Expression

4.1 Vary the methods for
response and navigation
Students will be able to
respond verbally by answering
the C4U questions and when
they go up to present. It goes
beyond using the pencil to
draw or write out a response
and pushes for a collage as
opposed to an essay.

(5 Min.)
- You will remind students of the procedure for exiting
the class and heading to the lounge area. 1- Students
are expected to exit quietly one table at a time and
line up at the door behind you. 2- Students will only
line up after they have been dismissed and will wait till
all students have lined up. 3- Once all students are
lined up you will lead them to the lounge area and
have them group around the SMART board. 4- Tell the
students they will need to bring their boarding passes
for this activity.
(5 Mins per station = 30 Min)

5.3 Build fluencies with

graduated levels of support
for practice and performance
Students will be able to
present the collage, which will
be matched with synthesizing
their ideas with other students
to find the common features of
the landscapes.This allows
some students to present and
others to take a more behind
the scenes role in coming up
with what will be said.
6.1 Guide appropriate
Students will work towards
reaching the goals presented
at the beginning of the lesson
and being able to answer the
questions discussed at the
beginning of class.

6.4 Enhance capacity for

monitoring progress

- You will direct the students attention to the SMART

board, which will introduce the first physical
landscape, Western Cordillera.
- You are to tell the students that this is their inflight
video as you travel to the Western Cordillera. The
video will be a short 30 second clip found on
- Once the video is complete you will introduce
yourself as the tour guide for the Western Cordillera.
You will play a character that will explain the
landscape of the Western Cordillera. This should
include foliage, wildlife, topography, and any other
elements that have affected the overall layout. C4U
- Make sure that you make note of the pictures you
have set up at the Western Cordillera station to show
them what they are discussing.
- Stamp the boarding passes for the students as you
bring them back to the airplane (SMART board) for
their next flight to the Interior Plains.
- You are to tell the students that this is their inflight
video as you travel to the Interior Plains. The video will
be a short 30 second clip found on

- Glue Sticks (four for the table)

- Scissors (four for the table)
- Construction paper (One pack
per table)
Station 6: Appalachia
- Bristol Board with pictures of
the Appalachia on it.
- Glue Sticks (four for the table)
- Scissors (four for the table)
- Construction paper (One pack
per table)
- SMART board
- Laptop with internet access
- canadiangeographic.ca
Instructional Tools
- Map of Canada
- Plastic fake passports (One for
each student)
- Tape
- Popsicle sticks (Four of six
different colours)
Additional Supplies
- A Tour guide costume
- The Agenda will be written on
the whiteboard to the top left
of the classroom.
- The Side whiteboard will have
the outcome written on it
- The Rolling whiteboard will
say Welcome to grade four
social studies.

Special Concerns
- Stations needs to be set up
prior to class.
- There needs to be enough
tables for six groups and
enough chairs for four at each
- There needs to be enough
room for students with physical

Students will have the teacher

at the station throughout the
collage construction to help
with any issues that may arise.
There will also be teachers
placed throughout the group
during individual tour guide
presentations to ensure no
distractions are created.

- Once the video is complete you will introduce

yourself as the tour guide for the Interior Plains. You
will play a character that will explain the landscape of
the Interior Plains. This should include foliage, wildlife,
topography, and any other elements that have
affected the overall layout. C4U
- Make sure that you make note of the pictures you
have set up at the Interior Plains station to show
them what they are discussing.

7.2 Optimize relevance, value,
and authenticity
Students will be able to
contextualize with their own
lives and understand the
landscape of their own
community and country as a
7.3 Minimize threats and
The students will be given a
clear procedure for going to
the lounge area which will
ensure the least amount of
confusion and chaos. The
switch from station to station
will allow students to vary up
the type of work they are
doing, which will keep them
interested longer.
8.1 Heighten salience of goals
and objectives
Students will be reminded that
each landscape has been
broken into sections and that
they are not expected to know
each landscape immediately.
They will have a station with
clear instruction on what is
important to know. They will
also only have to present one
of the landscapes, so they will
not be required to have full
detail for each one.
8.3 Foster collaboration and

- Stamp the boarding passes for the students as you

bring them back to the airplane (SMART board) for
their next flight to the Arctic Lowlands.
- You are to tell the students that this is their inflight
video as you travel to the Arctic Lowlands. The video
will be a short 30 second clip found on
- Once the video is complete you will introduce
yourself as the tour guide for the Arctic Lowlands. You
will play a character that will explain the landscape of
the Arctic Lowlands. This should include foliage,
wildlife, topography, and any other elements that
have affected the overall layout. C4U
- Make sure that you make note of the pictures you
have set up at the Arctic Lowlands station to show
them what they are discussing.

disabilities to get from the class

to the lounge.
- There needs to be enough
room for students with physical
disabilities to move from
station to station.
- The website should be tested
on the lesson date to ensure
the link is working and it is not
down for maintenance.
- Ensure all students
understand the attention
getter, which should be used if
the students are too noisy.
- Class will be kept in the
classroom and show videos all
at once should the SMART
board in the lounge not be
working. The lounge should
still be used for the stations in
the event of this.
- Students should be monitored
for improper use of scissors to
avoid injury.
- Someone could be in the
lounge who is not in the class.
They can either leave or join
the tours, but they will not be
permitted to do the collage due
to material limitation.
- Save scrap pieces of paper to
reduce waste.

- Stamp the boarding passes for the students as you

bring them back to the airplane (SMART board) for
their next flight to the Canadian Shield.
- You are to tell the students that this is their inflight
video as you travel to the Canadian Shield. The video
will be a short 30 second clip found on
- Once the video is complete you will introduce
yourself as the tour guide for the Canadian Shield. You
will play a character that will explain the landscape of
the Canadian Shield. This should include foliage,
wildlife, topography, and any other elements that
have affected the overall layout. C4U
- Make sure that you make note of the pictures you
have set up at the Canadian Shield station to show
them what they are discussing.

- The tour guide approach will
appeal to auditory learners
through the instructions.
Auditory learners will also
benefit from the presentations
at the end. The inflight videos
will also help the auditory
learner gain the information.
- Visual learners will benefit
from the bristol boards with
pictures to look at for
understanding the landscapes.
The inflight videos will also
provide similar benefit. The use
of taping the collages to the
map of Canada will help the

Students will work within their

groups to come up with ideas
for their collages. Students will
also collaborate to pick their
presentations focus points.
8.4 Increase mastery-oriented
Teachers will be at each station
to provide immediate feedback
on the students while they
work on their collages. They
will also be given feedback
after they present their
collages. This feedback will
note of the major ideas and
any additional details that
could also be added.
9.1 Promote expectations and
beliefs that optimize
The teacher will be present at
the station with the students
and ensure that not only are
they focused, but that they
have set their own goals. The
teacher will help the students
establish what they think they
can accomplish in regards to
the outcome and help them
achieve these goals. Allowing
the students to set their own
goals will allow for less
frustration and less motivation.

9.3 Develop self-assessment

and reflection
Students will reflect on their
own development after they
have worked within their
group to decide what is to be
said during the presentation.
This will provide them
opportunity to see where they
have focused and perhaps
where they could have gone

- Stamp the boarding passes for the students as you

bring them back to the airplane (SMART board) for
their next flight to the St. Lawrence Lowlands.
- You are to tell the students that this is their inflight
video as you travel to the St. Lawrence Lowlands. The
video will be a short 30 second clip found on
- Once the video is complete you will introduce
yourself as the tour guide for the St. Lawrence
Lowlands. You will play a character that will explain
the landscape of the St. Lawrence Lowlands. This
should include foliage, wildlife, topography, and any
other elements that have affected the overall layout.
- Make sure that you make note of the pictures you
have set up at the St. Lawrence Lowlands station to
show them what they are discussing.
- Stamp the boarding passes for the students as you
bring them back to the airplane (SMART board) for
their next flight to the Appalachia.
- You are to tell the students that this is there inflight
video as you travel to the Appalachia. The video will
be a short 30 second clip found on
- Once the video is complete you will introduce
yourself as the tour guide for the Appalachia. You will
play a character that will explain the landscape of the
Appalachia. This should include foliage, wildlife,
topography, and any other elements that have
affected the overall layout. C4U

visual learner see where the

landscape is located.
- Kinesthetic learners will be
able to move around from
station to the airplane for the
added feel of learning. They
will also get to make a collage
themselves and interact with
the map.
- Interpersonal as the students
will work in their groups to find
common features in their
- Intrapersonal as the students
will decide what they think is
important in regards to the
-Naturalist as they are learning
about landscapes and getting
to see the various forms of
nature through Canada.
- Bodily-Kinesthetic as they will
move from station to station
and work with their hands to to
create the collages.
- Visual-Spatial as they will
work to form their collages to
resemble the landscapes. They
will also have many visual cues
to look from in order to make
their collages.
- Verbal-linguistic as they will
be taught the information in a
tour guide like setting as well
as have handouts to read from.

- Make sure that you make note of the pictures you

have set up at the Appalachia station to show them
what they are discussing.
- You will again stamp the boarding passes for the
students, but this time do not send them back to the
(20 Min.)
- The students will now be instructed to create their
own cut paper construction collage of one of the six
physical landscapes of Canada.
- Inform the students that at each station table they
will find a handout on the cut paper construction

In-Class Support
- While one person is writing
the agenda and the outcomes,
another will be outside setting
up the stations to make sure
everything is put together.
- One person will be greeting
students at the door, while the
others direct them to the
proper seat based on their
popsicle stick selection.
- While one person is guiding
the tour, the next person to

technique & a handout that quickly mentions key

features of each landscape.
- Have the students divide into groups based on the
popsicle stick they received at the start of class.
- Send the students to the station that corresponds
with their colour, which should be established prior to
the start of class.
- Tell the students that they will each be expected to
make a collage showing the diversity of their
- Each group will present the features they found to be
the most important for each landscape, making note
of any common focus they may have taken.
- After a group presents they will be given tape to
place their collage on a map that will be posted near
the presentation area.
(5 Min.)
- Thank the students for their participation and ask
that each group clean up their section by putting the
scissors, glue, and construction paper together at the
end of their table for you to pick up.
- Have them save scrap pieces of paper and toss out
anything too small to use.
- Students will be able to discuss with one another as
they work on their cut paper construction collage.
Discussing the various features they are designing.
You will circulate and take note of students that seem
to be grasping the vocabulary necessary for describing
the landscape.
- C4U throughout each station will ensure that the
basic concepts are being picked up.
- You will watch and make sure the students are
properly cutting the features they use for their collage
and not drawing anything.
- Students will be able to reflect on what they found
was important for their specific landscape as they
discuss the common features prior to presenting.
Students will post their collages which will be viewed
to make sure the technique was picked up.

present will get their video

ready to go for the next inflight
movie. The others will stay with
the group and monitor for any
students who are distracted.
- During the collage activity
each group will have a teacher
at their station to help answer
any questions they may have.
- While students present one
teacher will tape the collages
on the map while others get
the groups prepared to

Cross-curricular Connections
Grade 4 Art: Collage & Cut
Paper Construction
- understand that a
two-dimensional surface can
become three-dimensional by
various paper manipulation
and additive techniques.
- use a variety of paper
manipulation technique, e.g.,
folding, curling, weaving,
overlapping to create a collage,
montage or mobile.

- Students will also present their landscape to show

the collection of their information.
- You will use the presentation to see where students
have struggled and if they have understood the
material presented.
4.4.1 Describe the physical landscape of Canada
Each station will give the students the
information necessary for being able to
describe the landscapes
Handout 2 will make sure they have a
reference point to take home that describes
each landscape.
The presentation will show that students are
able to use the proper vocabulary when
describing the physical landscape of Canada.
The presentation will show that the students
understand the physical features within their

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