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STATE OF NEW YORK s COUNTY OF TOMPKINS crry COURT CITY OF ITHACA THE PI ! OP THE STATE OF NEW YORK VS Defendant J M.dob:1/5/1999 Address AC FELONY COMPLAINT ATION Be it known thal, by this Aecusatory as the Compl 1 [ihe above named defendant with hav irument, [Investigator Loretta Tomberetli cob MRolins-Young in violation of section 490 offense “Onarabout the day of March 2013, a about the early aternnon a While Io of Ihaca NY a persun is guilty of While invited ara place where posts were] received and viewed in the City of Ithaca, NY a petson is guilty of making i terroristic threat when with intent to intimidate or coerce «civilian population, influence the policy of a unit of government by intimidation or coereion, or affect the eonduct of unit of government by murder, assassination oF kidnapping, he threatens o commit or esse te be committed reasonable expect peciied offense and thereby eases a on oF fear OF the imminent commission of such offense: . ‘To Wit: At the aforesaid dite, time, and location the defendant did: To Wits At the wforesaid date, ime, and location the defendant did: ina series of on-line posts under the name of “Azure Matthew Rollins” on the Facebook website, mike numerous references to impenting, committing acts of violence atthe Iiaca High School causing students that the defendant was cooresponding with, and others that read the posts, to fear for their safety upon return to schon on Monday, March 14, 2016, ‘The defendant posted a Google maps picture of the Ithaca High School, wih the sehool identified as the searched location, followed by numerous references to an impenuting or planned school shooting, or “mass death." ‘The defendant engaged in an exchange on the Facebook website with multiple individuals, one of which asks if the defendant is going to “shoot up the school?” “The defendant replies with a winking smiteytace emoji and continues to reypond! in diologue, “Who sad [was joking?” followed by, "I'm no joking “The defendant continues communication with a party engaged in the diolgue exchange referencing for them to delete the post and forget this all happened “before someone gets hurt,” followed by the defendant posting, "I don't wamt you to feel wespnsiblie for mass death.” ‘The defendant continues to post a mock narrative of x shooting atthe Ithaca High School under the ttle, "Local een Open's Fire at Ihaca High,” where he references the use of “a hirge AK-47" and “opened fire in a cafeteria nearby.” he defendant then reasserts, “I'm not joking,” snd posts a piehure of «tombstone Isheled "a SHOT" YOU WILL BE REMEMBERED RALP." The posts authored by the defendant dil ‘ise multiple persons involved in the diologue and ores who became awate of ito Fear the wet of a shooting und “mass death” at the Ithuea Iligh School in the following days; all eontraty tothe provisions the statute of such euse male snd provided, All Conary vo ie provisions OT the Nate in such ease made and provided ‘The ahove allegations of fact are are male by the complainant herein: e #1N6-04857 Lc] 206 FOCIe a Ao BQ Upon diveet knowledge My iplainant’s information and the grounds for [ Ef Upon information and belief, with the sources of the Comy his belief being: Facebook postings, velba adovissions. [Wherefore the Complainant prays that a warrant be issued for the arrest of the sald defendan 2 FG Investigator Loretta Tomberelli | Complainant NoTIcE (Penal Law, Section 210.45) ‘of New York fora person, in and by a written hich such person does not belive ta be ire. is acrime, punishable es « Class A misdemeanor under the laws ofthe State instrument, 10 knowingly make false statement, or to make a statement wl ‘Affirmed under penalty of perjury this 14” day of March , 2015 Te ee ‘Complainant LAY Sy) YYW 902 ss 119 Vayu) Q3A19939 1¥i09 4 Ay" a= ORMPYB can u pick up my assignments from school be I'm not clming Se Azure Matthew Rollins i Azure Matthew Rollins ! LS) Big Nige will take care of ya a iy _ Azure Matthew Rollins “42 8The school buildings and plans Azure Matthew Rollins 4 It's a map of the whole vicinity fam. ci Hes Shep arena You gon shoot up the school? The + Healy ped Awh shit ' ie ptis. 3 Azure Matthew Rollins re. kee You think it's a joke like deadass don't joke =< about Shit like this Azure Matthew Rollins me If you can't take the heat, stay out the kitchen, Azure Matthew Rollins Who said | was joking? Like | mean | will be at school on Monday I'm not scared kes Azure Matthew Rollins { 2 Alright :p P Azure Matthew Rollins Nt I'm not joking. Trigger fest Azure Matthew Rollins ay | recommend WRN celetes this post and ~4 © sve just forget this all happened before : Azure Matthew Rollins | 1 You sure? cl I make a post because it's my Fb not for you guys to put your nonsense into it : Azure Matthew Rollins ! os ! don't want you to feel responsible for mass +4 death. Azure Matthew Rollins "Local Teen Open's Fire at Ithaca High” Student's say the caucasian male was wearing an all camo outfit holding an assault rifle. Some student's reportedly saw the shooter arise from the creek area by the bridge. Nigel Petingo, commonly known as Big Nige went to school that day with a large AI-47 and reportedly opened fire in a cafeteria nearby. glo 08] Hello, it's WE, Yeah his name is Jacob Matthew Rollins, he's a@ junior oles? si annah already emailed mr trumble so ks Azure Matthew Rollins ee I'm not joking. wat P Azure Matthew Rollins ea 4

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