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Our Ref:

Direct Dial:

Alan French
01472 323767


19 January 2016

Mr Xxxx Yyyyy
XY Xxxxxxx Yyyyy
North East Lincolnshire
AB12 3XY
Private and Confidential

Dear Mr Yyyyy
I am writing in response to your stage 1 complaint received on 29 December 2015. As my role of
investigating officer it is my responsibility to investigate your complaint and seek to resolve matters.
I have spoken to relevant personnel and read the supporting documentation as part of the
investigation process. I will now attempt to address each of your concerns in turn.
You will be aware that much of the content of your letter falls outside the scope of the complaints
process as it relates to your recent Liability order. Consequently there are only 2 points raised within
your complaint that can be addressed
1) The late response to your correspondence received 10th November 2015
2) Your election that all payments and future payments are to be made to current years council tax
Complaint 1: The late response to your correspondence received 10th November 2015
Whilst I have found no evidence of your allegation that the delay was a deliberate act designed to
secure additional payments I do find that the council has fallen below its high standards for
responding to correspondence in this matter. The situation is as Mr Smith detailed in his letter 21st
December 2015.
The response had been prepared however it had not yet been sent. I agree that this should have been
picked up before Mr Smith's return from illness
I do uphold this part of your complaint.
Complaint 2: Your election that all payments and future payments are to be made to current
years council tax liability
As you know from the liability hearing 30th October 2015, the research you have undertaken in to
allocation of payments case law and other information on the internet and freedom of information
requests the allocation of payments is made upon payment.
Therefore election to payments may only take place when those payments are made or at any time
from the payment being made until the Council takes legal action to establish the debt.

Information, Governance and Complaints Team

Municipal Offices, Town Hall Square, Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire. DN31 1HU

You are aware that the easiest method of making that election is to pay the correct amount at the
correct time. As Mr Smith has said in the letter dated 13 November 2015 should you make payments
that will not automatically be allocated to your current year we will be pleased to allocate those
payments to which ever year you elect if made at a suitable time.
As regards your December payment this has been used to reduce your current years liability.
I do uphold this part of your complaint
As part of our efforts to continually improve services we consider learning from complaints to be an
important part of developing our services to the community. Should you feel that your complaint has
not been satisfactorily resolved, you can escalate to stage 2 of our complaints process where it will be
reviewed by a senior officer. Please contact the complaints team should you wish to take your
complaint to the next stage at the address below, by telephone on (01472) 326426 or email
Yours sincerely

Alan French
North East Lincolnshire Council

Information, Governance and Complaints Team

Municipal Offices, Town Hall Square, Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire. DN31 1HU

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