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Stonegate HOA Board Meeting

January 14th, 2010

6:30 PM
Caldwell Free Methodist Church

1. Opening
a. 6:30pm – Roll Call
i. Present: Brent Orton, Jim Porter, Amanda Gigray, Karla Baker
2. Financial Report
a. Not a great deal going on
b. Discussion of changing the due date for JDubs bill to the 5th of the month
c. All those over $120 will send CCNR quotes
i. XXXX – Lien on property
ii. XXXX - Mr. Orton and Ms. Gigray will visit with before we put lien on
iii. XXXX – Payment plan current
iv. XXXX – 240
v. XXXX – Mr. Orton will talk to
vi. XXXX – Home is for sale – Lien on property
vii. XXXX, Ms. Gigray will talk with
viii. XXXX - Ms. Gigray will talk to
ix. XXXX – Lien in place
xi. XXXX - Mr. Orton will visit
xii. XXXX– Mr. Orton will talk to
xiii. XXXX- Ms. Gigray will talk to
d. Cost of lien - $6
e. Motion: Ms. Gigray motioned to change the due date for this year’s first half assessment
to February 28th; Statements will be sent out containing a reminder to those who are late.
Second: Mr. Orton. Vote: Unanimously approved.
f. Motion: Ms. Baker motioned to accept the financial report. Second: Mr. Orton. Vote:
Unanimously approved.
3. Current Business
a. Discussion of moving the 1st assessment back
b. Motion: Mr. Porter motioned to meet on a quarterly basis unless otherwise needed, in
which a special meeting can be held, and items can be handled via email. Second: Mr.
Orton. Vote: Unanimously approved.
c. Annual meeting discussion
i. Budget preparation – via email
ii. Moving annual meeting to March
iii. Move annual assessments to March and September
iv. Discussion to move budget year from March to February or keep budget to the
tax year. Will keep at tax year
v. Give 5% off of annual dues for those how pay at the annual meeting
d. Mr. Orton discussed option of talking with Irrigation Company about a bentonite liner.
e. This years meetings January, April, July, and October
f. Annual Neighborhood Cleanup Day 4-17-2010
4. Close
a. The next meeting will be the Annual Meeting on February 18th, 2010 at 6:30 P.M. at the
Caldwell Senior Center.

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b. 8:18 P.M. – Motion: Mr. Orton motioned to adjourn the meeting. Second: Mr. Porter.
Vote: Unanimously approved.

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