Resume Color Senior Project

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Keir Kloss Resume for Senior Project

My long term goals are to continue my education in Graphic Arts and obtain a college
diploma, and also to work in graphic design, animation, or production design in film,
television or game design industry.

Santa Susana Magnet High School
Graphic Arts: Graphics and Publication, Digital Photography, Graphic Design ROP,
Annual Class Technical Arts Section of Yearbook
Anticipating Graduating with High Honors certifying in Graphics and Publication and also
receiving certification in Graphic Design from the County of Ventura, and college credit for
Graphic Design ROP.
Chorus Program 1 year in Show Choir and Musical Theater- 5 concerts and the 4 month
production of Shrek the Musical
Film Program 2 years
Courses video/film years 1 & II covering Art Direction, Screenwriting & Production Basics
Valley View Middle School - Ceramics and Art Classes with at Awards 8th Grade

Technical Skills and Software

Computer MAC or Windows, Typing 35 WPM, Field Recording, Sound Editing, Folly
Sound Synthesis, Musical Composition, Video Editing Music Software
Adobe Photoshop, After Effects, Illustrator, InDesign, Lightroom, Premiere Pro, Flash,
Ideas, StoryCCt, Mix, Shape, Color, 8

Festivals and Awards

Spring 2014 Santa Susana High School Filmstock Award Best Art direction Award for
Lifeless Written and directed by Keir Kloss
Spring 2013 Santa Susana High School Filmstock Honorable Mention for Love In Hands
written and Directed by Keir Kloss
Thousand Oaks Ceramics Show 2012 young artist award for ceramics piece The Audrey II
by Keir Kloss
DTASK Spring Shakespeare Festival 2012 and DTASK Fall Festival Long Beach 2011

Keir Kloss Resume for Senior Project

Volunteer Work
Fundraising Events at Walnut Canyon Elementary Annual Harvest Festival and Reading
Night at the Book Fair Stage Prep, Crowd Control, supervising other High School and Jr.
High volunteers in crowd control and Carnival Booths setting up and hosting the student
Craft room and supervising volunteers 2012-2016
Filming Boy Scouts of America Annual Blue and Gold Award dinner Moorpark Troop
36042014 and 2015
Walnut Canyon PTA - Making Signage for various events - handmade and vinyl banners
made for re-use.

Job Experience
Cameo Extra: from January 2003 to present
As an on set extra, visitor or intern I have developed an understanding of production work
as part of a larger picture. I understand the requirement of versatility in regards to location,
time, callbacks, respecting the production and being alert. I feel that just the act of
observing and functioning within a production has given me invaluable experience and the
ability to make a transition into P.A. work.
Stop Motion puppet costume intern summer 2014 Anomalisa Starburns Industry

Paid Work
In the last year I have been making /designing and selling hats, T-shirts and jackets.
I have also designed flyers for several local concert events.
Additional Skills:
Driving License, Horse Back Riding, Chorus Dancing, Scuba Diving, Computing, Graphic
Artist, Ice Skating, Swimming, Archery
Music Skills: Singing; Tenor Bass, and Baritone. Chorus and Solo Singing
2008 - 2011 Los Robles Childrens Choir Over 20 Concerts

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