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20-28 Sargeant Street Hartford, CT 06105

Tel. 860-548-1435 Fax 860-548-1329 E-mail:
Office of The President

Press statement
Recently a complaint was made to the Hartford Police Department command
staff based on a member of the Hartford Police Union placing a Presidential
candidate support sticker on a piece of department issued equipment.
This incident was investigated by the command staff of the Hartford Police
Department, as well as, the members supervisor. The sticker was later removed
without damage to the property, and the officer was counseled, and our
membership was reminded of the importance to adhering to this policy in the
protection of democracy.
While it is the policy of the Hartford Police Department that It's employees are to
remain neutral with regard to political campaigns while on duty, the Hartford
Police uUnion and its membership adhere to this policy.
The Hartford Police Union does not feel our membership needs to be belittled by
the command staff in the media by stating they were embarrassed by the officers
actions based solely on the candidate the officer may have been supporting. If a
violation of department policy is to be investigated, it should be investigated
professionally, and without prejudice, and the actions of an employee should not
be commented on prior to an investigation.
Our membership firmly supports every American citizens right to support
whichever candidate they feel would be a valued addition to our government, yet
we also feel someone should not be vilified in the media based on their political

Sgt. Rich Holton

Hartford Police Union, President
The HPU Executive Board

Connecticuts Largest Independent Municipal Police Union

Leadership, Strength and Integrity

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