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Cuban Missile Crisis Study

1. What are the factors surrounding the decision to attack the Cuban Missiles?
If we attack the Soviet Union, it would possibly start another world war. Also,
with the missiles in Cuba, it would possibly start a nuclear war. Once the
missiles became operational, they are close enough to the US that they could
hit several cities and start a nuclear war.
2. What is the difference between the letter Khrushchev sent on October 26th
and the Letter he sent on the 27th? List evidence to show the differences.
The letter on the 26th was simply a refusal to remove the missiles from Cuba
and to leave Cuba alone and allow them peaceful development. In the letter
on the 26th Khrushchev says he will agree to remove the weapons from Cuba
if the US evacuates its weapons from Turkey. He talks about receiving
permission and allowing not more than a month for the agreement to made.
In the letter on the 27th, Khrushchev says he is good that the US has agreed
to have representatives meet and begin talks, agreeing for the US not to
invade Cuba, and they wont invade Turkey. There is a lot of repetition in the
two letters. They say many of the same things over and over again.
3. What are the consequences of military action ?
The military action would be seen as an attack on the Soviet Union and
possibly could start a nuclear war.
4. What are the consequences of removing the missiles from Turkey?
We wouldnt have as close of access to the Soviet Union from Turkey with our
missiles. Also, if withdrawal of the missiles was made public, it would make
the US appear weak and so it was kept secret that the US was removing the
missiles from Turkey so it wouldnt be tied to the Cuban missile crisis.
5. What are the consequences of choosing to do nothing?
If the US chose not to do anything the Soviet Union would have missiles
within 90 miles of the US.
6. What would you do, if you were President Kennedy and why?
I would do exactly what he did. He handled the situation perfectly in my

What can be learned from the decision made by President Kennedy?

That is it better to negotiate and avoid war. Diplomacy can be very useful and negotiations can
be successful. In this case, it worked out, sometimes, it might not. Also, not to be afraid to stand
up and defend your country, even it your opponent is the Soviet Union.
2. What can be said for the Soviet Union?

They seemed to be reasonable in the negotiations and had the best interest of the world in mind
also. I dont know if it was the language barrier or something else, but the letters seemed
repetitive and not very well written. However, their message was that if they were going to
remove their weapons, the US had to do the same. That seems like a fair trade and very
3. How was your response different from President Kennedys?
It wasnt, I agree with the way he handled it and I think he handled it well. It was a very
delicate situation that could have had several different outcomes. It was very wise for
him to handle the situation privately for the first few days in order to have leverage and
4. Write a two- to three-paragraph response about what you learned about the Cuban
Missile Crisis and international relations that you had not realized or considered before.
What I learned from the Cuban Missile Crisis, was the amount of power and
discretion the President has. I had no idea that the crisis was so severe and that there was
so much at stake in such a short amount of time. Had the President handled this situation
differently, it could have had a much different result. It was very wise for him to issue
the military blockade in the first place. If he hadnt done anything, it would have made
the US look weak and subjected us to many more threats. Also, they way he handled it
showed the strength of our military and our power.
Another thing was the fact that the US used its leverage wisely. They were
confident enough in their military and their position, that they could demand the Soviet
Union to remove the missiles. If they didnt have confidence in their abilities, they
wouldnt have made such demands and been able to follow through on them.
Another thing I learned was how easily things like this can happen. I wonder if
there have been other situations like this that have been avoided by using diplomacy and
negotiating in international relations. It makes me grateful for our military and our
leaders. I only hope our leaders today will be so wise. My confidence in them isnt very

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