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Tracy Chapman

Dr. Hoskins
November 19, 2015

Developmental Assessment
For this Developmental Assessment I selected Eli. Eli is a three year old boy who
turned three right before starting Play School in the fall. Eli has made some gains since
starting Play School. While doing the development assessment on Eli I noticed several
strengths and weakness in his physical, socioemotional, and cognitive development.
In physical development, Eli is able to throw a ball underhanded and catch is
some of the time. He also enjoys building with blocks. I noticed that he was able to put
the pieces of the train track together by himself. The biggest weakness of Elis in
physical development is that he has some very limited fine motor skills. He is unable to
stand on his tiptoes for any amount of time. Its also hard for him to hop on one foot.
When he uses supplies such as crayons or a paint brush he holds it with a fist which is
common for three year olds but when he uses them he has no control. He scribbles and
goes off the page. With him just turning three before coming to play school can
contribute to some of the skills being delayed in developing. He also drools which would
lead to him being developmentally behind the other three year olds in lab.
In socioemotional development, his strengths include being able to name
different friends in the child lab. He also enjoys helping to clean off the tables before or
after lunch. Another strength of his in this category is that he is able to follow one to two
step commands. I told him to go wash his hands and get his lunch box and he was able

to complete the task without having to be told again. His weaknesses in the category
include not interacting with the other children. He can be found playing by himself with
no interest in playing with the other children. He also is very territorial with toys. On
multiple occasions other children wanted to play with the train track or a train and Eli
would yell at them and I would have to explain to him that he needed to share and let
the other students have a turn. He complied but then did the same thing a few minutes
later. So with this he has a hard time recognizing the feelings of other children.
In cognitive development, Elis strengths include enjoying pretend play to learn
new ideas. He does this with his Thomas the train when he brought a trailer for the train
and used the small round blocks as hay bales and haled them around the carpet. He
can also identify common colors. I would point to different things around the lab and ask
him what color it was. Some of the things I asked him were the color of the rug, which
was blue, the color of the teachers table, which was red, and the color of the toy shelf,
which was yellow. Eli can also count to three fluently. His weakness in this category
include, shows the ability to figure things out. He lacks some communication skills that
he should have at this age. He also could use more practice with sorting objects by size
and color as well as completing puzzles with under ten pieces.
Eli has been a great child to work with and do this assessment on because I
have now seen exactly how three year olds act and their way of understanding certain

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