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Abundez 1

Sinue Abu
Professor: Jackie
English 28
March 15, 2016
Greenblatt, AlanCan. Can a federal immigration overhaul ever gather
momentum? 05 June 2015. Web online.
In the article that Alan Greenblatt writes, he gives both points of
views about the immigration status that the country is facing currently.
He starts by giving the of two views that are strong today, one favors
to get rid of all the immigrants and the other want to protect the
human rights. Republican and Democrats have never come to common
terms when working about the issue. Even though many would
immediately think about Mexico when it comes to illegal immigration
the facts are that its been China and India with the highest numbers of
immigrants to the U.S. President Obama while trying to get a bipartisan
agreement, came to frustration seen that congress was at a standstill.
The president decided to act on his executive power by temporary
allowing children brought to the country before 16 years old illegally to
obtain a social security and be able to work and protecting them from
deportation. The Republican Party was insulted when the president
acted and tried to block the measure but were unable to obtain the
votes to delay or stop the executive actions. The president was then
able to give 2 new orders which took the age limit for the Childhood

Abundez 2

arrival and a new measure to give temporary status to the parents of

undocumented children. 26 states lead by Texas filed a lawsuit and the
newer executive action was blocked by the Texas court. The minority
and Hispanic vote is on the rise and we will see if it has any effect on
the outcome for the Republican Party.

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