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Nattys Treehouse Childcare

5210 North County Road 600 West

Muncie, IN 47304

Mission Statement:
My mission is to provide a safe, developmentally appropriate at home environment for every
child to grow to be their best.
Our Philosophy:
Children learn best with hands on encounters and not by adult perspectives. Learning is not just
memorizing or mimicking others but it instead requires experiences and making connections to
real life activities. It is jumping in with guidance to be driven to be your best!
A Message from Natalie:
It is often said "that it takes a village to raise a child". I am a believer that it is the community
that surrounds a child that influences their life. Children are faced with many paths and few are
straight with limited options. I feel that teaching others is a calling because of the world that I
came from. I want to make a difference to others and inspire them to be their best, not just in the
classroom but in life. Many kids may make better choices if there was someone that
could help them see their options and how these selections will affect their future. It is due do
my village, that I am able to assist others in the world of learning.
My name is Natalie Harrison; I married my high school sweetheart in September, 2013. In June,
I gave birth to our handsome little boy . My dream has been to open my own in-home childcare,
to motivate young minds, and most of all to help our littlest people believe in themselves.
I have a degree in Early Childhood Education. I am an experienced lead teacher for Pre-K and
School-Age children at a level four childcare center. Through my work and school experiences, I
have gained new ways to explore learning in the classroom. It is my opinion that not all learning
comes out of a text book but children need to be taken under the wings of others to feel safe to
explore, be taught how to feel beautiful, how to build relationships with others, and how to grow
and give back to their village, our world.
I am the youngest of four children and I do not know where I would be if it were not for being
surrounded by great role models such as my family, teachers, pastors, and other strong
community leaders. They have all played a major role in helping me to become the person that I
am. I have a true passion and desire to want to help others. I want our youngest community
members to be driven to be their best. I am fortunate to have found my gift and am looking
forward to inspiring others.
The children will be experiencing and learning many different things as they play, I have adapted
several different goals into my program for the children in my care:
Cognitive Development
To recognize objects, people and self
To imitate actions of others
To develop decision-making capabilities
To develop problem solving skills
To develop language skills
To enhance creativity
Emotional Development
To be able to express their feelings
To develop a concept of self

To develop self-control
To develop a positive self-image
To develop the ability to stick with a task to completion
Social Development
To acquire social skills
To work with others
To respect materials
To respect other people
To appreciate and value differences
Physical Development
To develop large muscle abilities
To develop small muscle abilities
To develop eye-hand coordination
To refine visual discrimination
To refine listening skills
Natalie Harrison/ Office
Child Care Development Fund:
Childcare Resource and Referral

765-643-8022 Ex. 28

Childcare Vouchers
Information & Childcare

Hours of Operation:
Monday Friday 6:30am -5:00pm
(No child should exceed 10 hours a day, unless discussed with Orlean.)
Nattys Treehouse Childcare will be closed on all major holidays. Holiday dates and times are
subject to change!
New Years Day
Labor Day
Memorial Day
Black Friday
4th of July
Each family is allotted one-weeks of vacation time where fees are not assessed. An additional
week of vacation can be taken at one half the regular charge. You must give at least a two-week
written notice prior to your vacation or you will be charged for this time
The provider will take up to two week of vacation each year. The parent will be notified 30-60
days in prior to the vacation and parents will be responsible for securing alternated care.
Anyone that I leave the children with will meet all the state standards (drug test, cpr, first aid,
physical, background and cps check). They will be familiar how I go about my day, and they will
learn your child(ren) routine.

If I do not currently have an extra employee to cover an emergency, you will be responsible to
find your own alternate care for you child(ren). I will do my best not to call off.
The only time Nattys Treehouse Childcare will close is if there is a Natural Disaster that is out
of my control. In the event that Delaware County is under an emergency due to weather we will
be closed. In the event that power goes out for a long period of time staff will contact
parents/legal guardians to pick up their child(ren) as quickly as possible. We will always notify
parents/guardians by calling the phone numbers listed for them.
Fire/Tornado Emergency
Fire- If there was a fire we would meet at the fire pit, once everyone is out of the house we will
take shelter at a neighbors house.
Tornado In case of a tornado we will take shelter in the big closet in the back of the house.
Please, make sure your child is not sick before bringing them to childcare. If your child appears
to have an infectious or contagious condition (pink eye, head lice etc.) he/she will be sent home
and parents will be given information regarding their childs return. Please do not be offended if
your child has to be sent home due to being ill.
(If your child is running a fever 101F or above, he/she will not be able to return to school for 24
hours fever free.)
If there is ever a situation where the childcare has been exposed to a contagious illness, we will
have a notification posted by the front door.
Illness Policy:
If your child has 3 loose bowl movements he/she will have to be sent home, and will not be able
to return for 24 hours from his last bowl movement. Or with a doctors note. If your child is
running a temperature 101* or higher he/she will not be able to return until he/she has been fever
free with no medicine for 24 hours.
There shall be no discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, or
Nattys Treehouse Childcare accepts all children to their center as long as there is:
Space is available for appropriate age.
Enrollment Package is complete.
First Payment is made.
Nattys Treehouse Childcare shall not admit or maintain any child with needs that cannot be met
or whose behavior would be dangerous for other children in our care. Explicit, documented
reasons for refusal to admit or provide care to a child shall be provided in written form to
Private Pay
CCDF (state vouchers)

Payment is due in ADVANCE, the Friday before the upcoming week. There is a daily late fee
of $5.00 for each day the payment is late. There is NO ill/sick time. If your child is ill/sick, the
fee remains the same. Special payment arrangements may be made in advance with the director.
AM SNACK - 6:30am-7:30am
LUNCH 11:30 am
PM SNACK - 2:30pm 3:30pm
*If your child is going to miss a meal that they are normally here for, please call the office and
let us know. (Thank you.)
We will serve meals, family style. This will teach children how to be responsible and to share.
Meals will be made fresh, healthy and to appropriate temperature. Our goal is to teach children
about being healthy and trying new things.
With signing of the picture permission slip, you give Nattys Treehouse Childcare permission to
take pictures of your child(ren) for classroom projects, on fieldtrips, to use for advertising, and to
put on Facebook etc. (Pictures that are displayed on Facebook will only be made viewable by
friends of Nattys Treehouse Childcare.)
Internet usage will be given at certain times of the day as long as there is a permission slip signed
by parent/guardian. Computers will be monitored while in use. Parental block will be installed to
keep children safe.
We ask our parents/guardian to bring in pictures of their family for our classroom. This helps
children when they are homesick or miss their parents. They will be displayed on our family
The use of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and any other Illegal Substance is not allowed on our
It is very important a childs development is nurtured through caring, patience and
understanding. However, while caring for your children, I may have to respond to your childs
misbehavior. Hitting, kicking, spitting, hostile verbal behavior and other behaviors which will
hurt another child are not permitted.
In response to these behaviors, I will not use:
Threats or bribes
Physical punishment, even if requested by the parent

Deprive your child of food or other basic needs

Humiliation or isolation

In response to misbehavior, I will:

Respect your child
Establish clear rules
Be consistent in enforcing rules
Use positive language to explain desired behavior
Speak calmly while bending down to your childs eye level
Give clear choices
Redirect your child to a new activity
Move your child to a time-out chair for no longer than one minute per year of
your childs age, if necessary
If your childs behavior is very disruptive or harmful to himself or other children, I will discuss
the issue with you privately. If the situation can be resolved, the child may remain enrolled. If we
are unable to resolve the issue, you may be asked to make other child care arrangements. As a
parent, you may have some concerns or wish to offer suggestions.
Children are to be picked up by 5:00pm. A charge of $1.00 per minute will be assessed per child
to any family picking up after closing. If a child is not picked up by 5:30pm, Child Protective
Services will be contacted to pick up your child.
If a court order exists preventing a particular individual from having contact with a child, the
center shall comply with the order. There shall be a copy of the court order in the childs file.
When removing your child from Nattys Treehouse Childcare you must give us a 2 week written
notice. If you choose not to, you will be responsible to pay the 2 weeks of tuition.
The provider reserves the right to terminate this contract at any time for sufficient reason
including, but not limited to late payment. Consistent misbehavior of the child, or unforeseen
problems which may occur with the parents of the child. Parents may terminate this contract by
providing the provider written notice of such termination a minimum of two weeks before the
effective date of termination. Parents not providing the minimum of a two week notification
shall be liable for termination charge of $200.
Items Needed:
Birth Certificate
Current Physical
Up to date Vaccine Records
Family Pictures (for Family Board)
A form from Nattys Treehouse Childcare, completed and returned to office.

When dropping off your child make sure you sign your child in with your name and time of drop
off. When picking up make sure you bring your Driver License, you will need to sign your child
out with your name and time of picking up.
To ensure healthy dental hygiene, children will brush their teeth after lunch. Each child will have
a clean toothbrush and cover with name ( you will provide). Infants have soft toothbrushes for
the gums and teeth that are made for them.
Any child under the age of 5 years will be offered a time to lay down and rest/nap. No child will
be forced to go to sleep. If a child is not asleep after 20 minutes, he/she will be offered a naptime
bag to keep them busy. Every child will have their designated spot to sleep, crib/cot with their
name on it. Please make sure to provide your child with a blanket every Monday that can be left
at the facility until Friday. Friday blankets will be sent home to wash. Crib sheets are changed
daily and are provided by Nattys Treehouse Childcare.
Children will get the chance to go out to play daily (weather permitting). Please make sure to
dress your child according to the weather. We will need you to supply extra clothing for
unexpected accidents. If your child is in diapers or pull ups please supply sufficient amount of
unopened diapers or pull ups and wipes for the week.
If your child has an allergy to food, medication, insects, etc., we will need to have the allergy
posted in the Kitchen and in the Classroom. Signing that you agree to our Parent Handbook
policy give Nattys Treehouse Childcare the consent to post your childs allergies as needed. It
will be posted in a confidential manner.
The parents shall supply sunscreen for my child to keep at Nattys Treehouse Childcare. My
child will not be allowed to use any other childs sunscreen at any time while at the center. Only
DEET containing insect repellent will be used during periods of high-risk of insect-borne
disease. Insect repellents are only applied on children older than 2 months of age. Repellent is
only applied once a day and ONLY with parental approval.
Television viewing is permitted when age appropriate (ages 2-12) and for educational purposes
only. Another activity will be provided to children who wish not to view television.
The Nattys Treehouse Childcare has guidelines that have to be followed. We will make sure to
take the time to teach the children what they mean and how to follow them.
1. Be Kind to Others
2. Listen to you Teacher
3. Be Safe and Have Fun
It is very important that I am on the same page as my parents when it comes to the children in
my care. I want to make sure your child is meeting his/her milestones. I will hold and annual
parent teacher conference with my parent to go over the year and to plan for the future.


I believe it is very important to be able to have access to child whenever you would like, that is
why I have an open door policy. This does not mean my door is unlocked, but you are welcomed
to stop by. Please beware that it is quiet time from 12:30p-2:30p. With this beings said children
cannot be dropped off after 10:30am. If it is after 10:30am your child may not be able to stay,
unless you have already spoken to me.
I cannot give your child any type of medication without a doctors note. This goes for over the
counter medicine, please make sure to fill out the medication form and have your doctor sign it.
If we have a field trip, it will be up to you if your child goes, or stays home for that day. I will let
parents know in advance of when, where, and cost a few weeks before the fieldtrip date, you
will have a form to fill out. Parents are welcomed to go, but they may have to drive themselves.
It depends on what transportation we use.
If you ever have a question or a concern, I can always be reached by phone, my personal cell
phone number is 765-620-7773. If for some reason I dont answer please leave a detail message
and I will call you back as soon as I can.
Thank you,
Natalie Harrison

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