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Discovering the Flow of Ecosystems

Lesson Plan for Grade 9th & 10th , Biology

Prepared by Miss Tippit


The purpose of this lesson is to introduce ecosystems to students while helping them
establish key traits, organisms, and natural factors that are involved and affect the
energy flow of an ecosystem. Another valuable lesson that the students will gain will
be how to avoid plagiarism and use correct citing in their writing.

1. CLE 3210.3.1 Analyze energy flow through an ecosystem.

1. Understand the consequences of plagiarism and how to safely and correctly
avoid it in their writing, while also using accurate citations.

define an ecosystem.

3. Differentiate between producers, consumers, and decomposers.

4. Understanding the different relationships within completion of an ecosystem:
Predator-prey relationship, herbivore-plant relationship, and symbiotic

1. Computer
2. Microsoft Word

1. Basic knowledge of material researching

2. Basic computer/research skills

3. Familiarity with using Microsoft Word


Students are able to track energy flow through an ecosystem.

2. Students are able to identify different ecosystems.

3. Students are capable of distinguishing between producers, consumers, and
4. Students effectively show they are aware of how to avoid plagiarism in their

The lesson that I have prepared for my students follows the Tennessee standard
CLE 3210.3.1- Analyze energy flow through an ecosystem. I have designed this lesson
to last over a period of 5 class days with there being approximately 50 minutes per
class period. I have centered this lesson on discussing the key traits, organisms, and
natural factors that are involved and affect the energy flow through an ecosystem. My
students will be required to use Microsoft Word to write a 500 word paper on specific
ecosystem and describe it in depth. I have also included my own personal ethical
technology lesson within this lesson which is for my students to learn how to
effectively avoid plagiarism and how to correctly cite in their writing.
Council of

Writing Program Administrators

(2014) states that ,
Plagiarism has always concerned
teachers and administrators, who want students work to repre
sent their own efforts

and to reflect the outcomes of their learning. However, with the advent of the Internet
and easy access to almost limitless written material on every conceivable topic,
cion of student plagiarism has begun to affect teachers at all levels, at times

diverting them from the work of developing students writing, reading, and critical
thinking abilities. I believe this is an issue that needs to be addressed early on in order
to prepare my students for their future writing as well for me to be able to see their
full potential in their writing.
I will begin my lesson on the first day and part of the second day by discussing
ecosystems in depth that way my students are familiar with the material. I will then
move on after I have completed my lecture on ecosystems on the second day to teach
my students how to avoid plagiarism as well as how to correctly use citation

throughout their papers. Parker (2016) states that Students need to understand that
citing sources is not extra or optional, but is a valuable research skill.

I will

additionally give my students a variety of examples as well as a detailed list of

directions to follow in order to be successful at this task. The third class day will be
strictly devoted to my students researching their ecosystems. I will be walking around
the classroom assisting my students with their citations and references as well as
helping them find the information they need for their papers. My students will begin
the fourth day finishing up their research and using the research they have obtained to
begin writing their papers. Their papers will be due on the fifth day, as well as they
will be required to give a brief description in front of the class of the ecosystem they
have researched and wrote about.
Through researching their ecosystems I am expecting my students to gain a
greater knowledge of how ecosystems work and function, as well as the basics of
avoiding plagiarism in their writing. I am confident that this lesson will help my
students excel in future courses. My job as an educator is to introduce them to new
topics that are not only important but that they will continue to use.


Council of Writing Program Administrators. (2014). Defining and avoiding plagiarism: the wpa
statement on best practices.
Council of writing program administrators.
Retrieved from

Parker, S. (2016). How to teach kids how to cite references.

eHow discover.
Retrieved from


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