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The rate of decay of a radioactive substance is proportional to the remaining mass of the

substance. If 4 of the initial mass remains after 10 years, calculate the percentage of the mass
remaining after 5 years.

The rate of increase of x with respect to time, t, proportional to 2 x a, where a is a constant.

If x a when t 0 and x 2a when t T , determine the value of x when t 2T .

In a particular chemical reaction, a substance continuously changes to the substance Y. The

total mass of X and Y at any time is always constant and equals to M. The mass of Y at time t
is represented as y. The rate of increase of the mass Y at any time t is proportional to the mass
of X. Express the differential equation that describes this chemical reaction. Solve the
diffenretial equation given y 0 when t 0 . If M 50 g and 10g of substance X remains
after1 minute, calculate the mass of y formed in 3 minutes.

Under certain conditions, the rate of temperature drop of an object is proportional to the
difference between its temperature and the room temperature. If temperature of the object at
any time is y and the room temperature is 32C, write a differential equation to describe this
situation. If the object takes 5 minutes to cool from 100C to 80C, calculate the time taken
for the object to cool from 80C to 62C.

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