Examen Parcial Ingles Medico

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1. 1.- Write 2 questions aimed to know the general data of the patient.

What's your name?

How old are you?
2. Write 1 Question aimed to know the chief complaint.
Qu lo trae al mdico hoy? What brings you to the doctor today?
Cul parece ser el problema?
What seems to be the trouble?
Cul es el problema? What's the problem?
3. Write 2 questions aimed to know the characteristics of the chief complaint.
Cmo es?
How is it?
Cundo le comenz? When did it start?
4. Write 2 Questions aimed to know the toxic habits.
Fuma? Do you smoke?
Desde cundo? When did you begin smoking?
5. That questions on history gynecoobstetric
Cmo son sus menstruaciones?
How about your periods?
Son regulares? Are they regular?
Cuntos embarazos ha tenido?
How many pregnancies have you had?
6. Which comes standard on the medical history?
NOM 004
7. Translates these 2 words: headache,
Dolor de cabeza y hemorragia nasal

and nosebleed

8. Which can be a cause of anal bleeding?

Hemorrhoids, ulcer polyps
9. That disease causes poop colored rice pudding ?
10. Polydipsia and polyuria polyphagia present is indicative of:
11. What is the meaning of preapismo ?
Continuous and painful erection of the penis .
12. Hipertencion , edema and proteinuria during pregnancy indicates ?

13. Medical maneuver that is used in pregnant women to know the situation of
the fetus?

Leopold maneuver
14. Responds if it is true or false:
Breast cancer is more common in the upper outer quadrant of the breast
15. Giordano positive may indicate ?
a) Pyelonephritis
B) Appendicitis
16. Murphy's sign is positive?
a) acute cholecystitis
b) appendicitis
17. The penis consists of two corpora cavernous and?
18. spongy body
19. Male patient, 65 years old, came to consultation due to several months of
clinical urinary frequency and nocturia. In no personal history of
substance abuse or drug allergies, PSA is performed to confirm the
Prostatic hyperplasia
20. Candelaria is a cleaning worker of 54 years who reports that about three
months ago feel a tingling , especially nocturnal, wide right. A month ago ,
well , painful the first three fingers . No states have fallen or hit in the area.
What would your initial clinical suspicion?
a) inflammatory arthropathy of the right hand
b) Carpal tunnel syndrome

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