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Trees Go Marching In

A certain kind of darkness hovers cities in the midst of early mornings. Not a
darkness of unknown spooks or lurking outlined figures, but more of a peaceful darkness,
the new awakening after hardships, the story before the whole new perspective, the
predictable darkness where everything turns out wonderful in the end. The darkness is
the new light.
There I was. I walked curiously through these darknesses, wandering around
streets, and thoughts. I was walking away from my creators, sneakily diverging just like
teenagers tend do in the deep, dark of night. Outside there was the dark of innocence
met with the falsely accused. The two crashed together as if the mysterious night could
lean either way.
Further along, sunflowers randomly dot the sides of roads. I think nonsensically
and abstractly at times. Most likely my ideas are not finished because ideas are fresh
and flowing into my atmosphere, and out of it, and I have yet to realize their existence in
my life. I wish to plant a garden full of these flaming yellow and frosty green creatures of
ideas. They serve the natural beauty of our world and keep diversity in the air.
The ground pokes up with black mountains jaunting carelessly in the soles of my
feet, for I neglected any form of foot protection. Sitting there, I was an actual, natural
being that does not succumb to what is conceived to be normal. I am Katie Worrall and
no one else is gong to tell me otherwise. In the darkness I was accepted.
I found myself at an intersection separating commercial businesses from fast car
frenzies and quarters of the pursuing. Pursuing society and all its measures. Someday
though, somewhere in those ignorant households, a wildly, weird individual will rebel. As
I stood in the middle of the diagonal of crosswalks, the booming sound of silence crashed
into me. Crashed because this world is too informational and finally I wasnt informed of
anything except my own natural being. I was alone in the world, my only working
companion was the speed of light bouncing from one corner of the intersection to the
other, and then disappearing beyond crosswalk divisions.
Peaks of light hurdled the mountains as I stood in the middle, but darkness still
reached from the barren to the tree-filled stacks of compact dirt. Having no light makes
feeling whats beyond us difficult. We shouldnt stride away from fear of the unknown
though, instead be curious.
Out of all the black emerged a tree. This particular tree did not weep or hang, but
instead, defied the laws of gravity. The tree forcefully repels and deceits the one
authority that keeps it safe from floating off into the atmosphere, from wandering.
Imaginatively, the tree roots give way and the tree takes off like a balloon, flying further
away from its creator. The tree is on its way to where it wants to be.
My journey through the darkness had ended but wasnt destined, and plus, I still
had the valuable entrails of it. It is not guaranteed that every journey will be worth it,
and that every journey is free from consequences, but thats how you learn. I want to
challenge my own beliefs and be fed with new ones to doubt and prove, and then doubt
again. I want to defy, like the tree, societys rules and build my own life in my own world.
Just because the world is dark doesnt mean theres nothing. You have your mind. Your
mind is a precious treasure, and I will carry my mind wherever I go. The darkness doesnt
have to be dark. It is your choice to keep it black. With the dark comes ideas, just like
with an ocean comes the waves. I am still in the dark, but I am not scared. I am going to
continue on my journey to use my mind .One day my mind will piece together and all my
ideas that were too far to grasp will be tangible and come out of the blackness.

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