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K Walters Writing Piece 4

Week 4 Writing Piece- Domain 2

Drexel University
Kelly Walters

K Walters Writing Piece 4

When thinking about classroom management and how I will create respect and rapport in my
classroom, I think of value. Everyone in my classroom needs to know and feel that they are a
valued member in my classroom. The fact that they feel and understand that they are a necessary
piece to our classroom puzzle is important to me as a teacher to convey. By making them realize
their value I will help them establish respect for themselves and their classmates. This
understanding of their own individual importance will help them be confident within my
classroom. This confidence and value will allow my students to feel comfortable within my
classroom allowing them to focus on their learning. This step of assisting individual importance
of everyone in the classroom will help me create the culture for learning within my classroom.
This display of value, that everyone can make important contributions to learning, will also show
my students that I respect who they are as an individual and do not place value in one student
over another. Through my concept of value I plan to demonstrate what Tim OKeefe said that
there are 23 learners and 23 teachers within the classroom. (Morris & Rose, 2000, 7:30) There
is no me and them within my classroom there is just us and we are on this journey together.
A great concept on paper but how do I plan on showing my students their values within my
classroom. That it is Not an us against them scenario but we are all in this together. like Lisa
Nyberg states. (Morris & Rose, 2000, 12:00) I plan on establishing this environment of mutual
respect by showing students I want to know more about them and not just the student. On the
first day of school I plan on having them do an interest survey as well as a survey to determine
what kind of learner they are. I want to start off with getting to know more about them before I
start laying down rules. This will show that I care about my students not only as a student but as
an individual that I am trying to build a positive relationship with them. Creating a positive
environment because once you understand your students learning styles, and once you allow
them to demonstrate what they are learning in a manner compatible to their learning style
strengths, its easier to notice them for what they will do. (Winebrenner, 2006, pg. 10) All
aspects of them have value in my classroom, learning and personal, this will help develop the
lack of inhibition that creates a culture for learning. Students will feel comfortable in my
classroom to explore their curiosity and learn. Another benefit of approach could help motivate
unmotivated students like Winebrenner (2006) states for kids who seem unmotivated to learn,
take a few seconds each day to speak to them about their interests outside school. This shows
that you like them even when they are not being successful in school work. (pg.7) by getting to

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know them better I will be able to engage them in my classroom based on their interests. Caring
interactions among teachers and students are the hallmark of component 2a (Creating an
environment of respect and rapport). (Danielson, 2013, pg. 33) I feel that by showing that I
care for the whole student I will earn their respect. When someone tries to know more about me
so that they can understand me better, they are showing me respect by doing this. This shows
that my opinions and individuality is valued, this allows me to be less inhibited. By creating this
lack of inhibition for my students I create a culture for learning where they feel valued and
learning, they are free to achieve academic success.
Through the use of the interest survey I am demonstrating my willingness to show them respect
non-verbally through my actions. This is definitely a step in modeling appropriate behavior in
my classroom. This is important if we want to let the students know what is expected of them to
demonstrate respect we need to be explicit in how we want them to show respect. A way respect
can be modeled is by me pointing out and positively reinforcing respectful behavior. Like
Winebrenner (2006) states it is important to Consistently model and teach respect for individual
difference and needs. (pg. 10) Lead by example is very influential and it presents the students
with actual representations of respect, explicit examples. It is imperative that I share my
definition of respect and have the students share theirs with me. We will have a respect wall the
first week of class in which each student can hang their definition of respect. As we go through
the week and students, and I, see evidence of respect they will be encouraged to add it to the
respect wall and link it to any individual definition(s) on the wall. At the end of the week we
will discuss how everything on the wall can fit into my definition of respect. The most important
lesson will be that we all have different ideas of respect but when it comes to it they all still equal
respect. Through this wall we establish that we honor those differences, my students are all
different but the all should have equal respect. Students have helped us build our definition of
respect, and they will have a clear understanding of what this means at the end of the week. This
will allow them to have good, effective collaborative interactions within our classroom
enhancing their learning experience.
It is important that we be reminded throughout the year of our efforts the first week of class. It
can be easily forgotten or lost over time. Perhaps the respect wall will reappear periodically
throughout the year as a reminder. If respect is established everyone can now relax in a

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classroom where they no they are respected and valued. This will consistently allow for a culture
of learning, in a room where you are valued and respected you are more likely to share your
experiences, opinions, and thoughts. This will enhance everyones learning in the classroom by
allowing students to feel comfortable to participate.
Since the students already have provided their input into respect and how it is defined in our
classroom they have already taken the first steps in establishing a culture for learning. To me
this should not be listed or discussed but should be a byproduct of the efforts within the
classroom to create respect and value of each student. It will be further enhanced by using
positive approach to everything in the classroom. Through my excitement of science and my
positive attitude my students will see that I am glad to be there every day. Does a student want
to be in a classroom where the teacher is negative all the time? I would not think so. If I let my
students know that I am there because I want to be, they hopefully will want to be there too. I
think attitudes are contagious and my actions within the classroom will set the tone for the
learning culture within my classroom. My excitement to be in there will show that I believe in
the value of what is being learned. (Danielson, 2013, pg. 37) My students should see that in my
attitude every day. A way for me to do this is to greet them at the door every day with a smile ad
by name, each day I recognize that they are there as soon as they walk through my door. Positive
from the start and this will continue throughout my interactions in my classroom. I think it is
important to acknowledge students answers and opinions in a positive way as much as you can.
For example this positive approach can easily be displayed by taking every opportunity to show
that mistakes are valued for the learning opportunities they present. (Winebrenner, 2006, pg. 10)
From my minimal experience so far students need this positive reinforcement. For some, in
school is only where they get it. By positively guiding them they will be able to find the right
path and nurture their own curiosity and not stifle it. I will hopefully encourage them to find
their passion within the topics being covered through positive reinforcement because students
are, by their nature. Intellectually curious, and that one of the challenges of teaching is to direct
the students; natural energy towards the content of the curriculum. (Danielson, 2013, pg. 37)
This is where the student survey and learning what type of learner will help me create my culture
of learning. I can use these to help guide me in creating the bridge necessary to ensure their
individual curiosity is met ensuring understanding.

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The next aspect to tackle would be my classroom procedures that will help keep the students on
task and engaged. As part of my science classroom I will have a clear and exact start to the day.
It is important to have consistency in the classroom. By being consistent the students know what
to expect and allow them to focus on their understanding and not what will happen next. Besides
this clear expectations are a necessity for students of the high school level. I need to inform the
students of my expectations, through examples, and allow them to provide input on the fairness
of my expectations. My expectations can be established through daily procedures within the
classroom A smoothly functioning classroom is a prerequisite to good instruction and high
levels of student engagement. (Danielson, 2013, pg. 41) One procedure that will be definitely
used within my classroom will be the interactive notebook. This will be used in a specific format
and will be checked for output from the previous days lesson at the beginning of each class.
This will serve as a formative assessment for me and a constant reflection for the students within
my class. My students will know what to expect daily. Also, I will have a classroom blog that
the students will be able to use for classroom links and pre class preparation if they choose.
Students will be important in these aspects of the class as they will be responsible for carrying
out the blog routines independently. They will be investing in their own education
independently, developing their skills as an independent learner. Another classroom procedure
that will be in my class will be an outline of the days lesson along with an essential question on
the board every day. This clearly state what I expect of the students and they are clear what will
happen that day. By including this the students are able to transition through the class knowing
what will happen next allowing them to focus on what they need to learn. They can
independently prepare what they need mentally or physically for their journey through the
lesson. This consistency will bring a sense of comfort to the students as they know what is
expected of them. They will be allowed to focus on their learning and not the uncertainty within
the classroom. Taking uncertainty out of the classroom leads to better behavior for the students
and time management for the instructor. Teachers establish and monitor routines and procedures
for the smooth operation of the classroom and efficient use of time. (Danielson, 2013, pg. 41)
Also, these procedure also ensure the culture of learning that is necessary within the classroom.
Although respect and learning culture have been established not everyone will always behave.
When students become disengaged that is when their behavior is negatively effective. TO help
prevent this clear expectations of behavior must be established by me at the beginning of the

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year. In a productive classroom, standards of conduct are clear to students; they know what they
are permitted to do and what they expect of their classmates. (Danielson, 2013, pg. 45) When
presented with these expectations the students will be allowed to provide feedback on the
fairness of my expectations. Although they will participate in defining my expectations it will be
made clear that this is what I expect, and that they should expect this of their selves as well. This
will be based on the understanding that if not there will be specified responses to their behavior.
I think it is important to get students perspectives on the appropriate punishment for the crime.
This will help guide me in defining my response to their misbehavior. Not only do I need to
teach to meet the needs of the students I much discipline consistently to meet the needs of my
students. This is important because not every class is the same, each student is a valued
individual, but also I need to maintain a consistent response to behavior. To respect and show
my student their value I need to understand their concepts of discipline as well. Why should I
respond to behavior in a way that will not be effective for a student? In establishing their
individual value as stated earlier to help create respect and a culture for learning the student will
understand that my response will be based on what is best for that class, that student at that point
in time. I will most likely work with a 3 strikes youre out based policy, in which the strike will
suit the crime as defined by my students and I. This will be modified on a class needs basis.
I need to establish what my threshold is for behaviors with each specific class that I have. They
need to clearly know what my threshold (aka tolerance) is. I believe it is important for students
to provide input in this area of the classroom but it is important to still maintain an authoritative
role in this area. Although I am open to opinions in establishing responses for behaviors and
when do I respond, this is a classroom with rules and they should be followed. This will be
ensured by establishing clear expectations for those rules. For example, I need to define what the
acceptable level of chatter in my classroom during activities is by guiding student behavior
through reinforcement during activities in the beginning of the school year. Throughout the first
week of classes I really need to positively reinforce those who meet my expectations and make
students aware of when and if they are not meeting expectations and hold them accountable for
their actions. As much as I am responsible for their success in school they are equally
responsible, 23 teachers and 23 learners.

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One thing that I will be sure to do in my classroom will be to ensure that students enter the
classroom that they take out only what they need for that class and put everything else on the
floor. They will know what they need for that days lesson because as stated earlier the board
will have the outline of that days lesson and essential question. This can limit distractions. For
example, the opportunity to glance at a cell phone during class. Another important procedure for
me individually is I will be sure to constantly move about the room. This keeps me in close
proximity to the students limiting possible behavior issues and I can easily see what they are
doing on those laptops. Also, I will be more accessible for questions and approachable.
Especially for the student that may not want to raise their hand before the class. This also will
allow me to cold call on students more easily. Ensuring that students are paying attention and
help keep students engaged. If students are engaged they are less likely to misbehave.
Although I state the importance of having consistent routines in the classroom to help the
classroom run smoothly being able to change the physical arrangement of the classroom can
allow for additional levels of engagement for students. Especially in a science classroom where
lab benches are set up in a standard row by row manner. If students come into a classroom to a
new display it might bring excitement and engagement into the classroom and enhance the lesson
or activities. This is an aspect that I often forget and dont consider. It makes me think of when I
rearrange my bedroom. Although it is the same furniture it brings a sense of new to my bedroom
and adds excitement. I actually enjoy my room more and am excited to enter it when it is
rearranged. Rearranging the classroom can do this too for its students, create an air of
excitement and participation of what is to come. If you are doing a debate arrange the classroom
to enhance that experience. Use of the physical environment to promote student learning is a
hallmark of an experienced teacher. (Danielson, 2013, pg. 49) Not only is it hallmark of an
experienced teacher but an effective teacher, using the physical space to meet the needs of your
students is ensuring that the students are in an engaging environment. This is one aspect of the
classroom experience that I have underutilized and will incorporate into my classroom to
enhance activities and experiences.
Another important aspect is how we seat our students. I so far have not used seating charts.
Students in all the classrooms I have been in have sat where they have chosen. I am a firm
believer in this option if you clearly state your expectations for the students. There is good and

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poor choices when you choose to sit next to someone, and the teacher needs to be explicit in
what represent a poor choice. For example, you need to ensure that the neighbor you choose is
not a distraction to you, will the urge to chat about Justin Bieber with neighbor overcome your
desire to learn about Meiosis? Also, can you become a distraction to those next to you and
disrupt the class, needs to be presented as not acceptable. At a high school level I feel that
students need to be guided into making the appropriate choices in this situation, especially if they
are to be college and career ready. It is choices like this that will help prepare them for their
futures. I need to establish that is they are not meeting my expectations that I will assign that
student a new spot in the classroom as a response. If the expectations for the seating
arrangement are clear and distinct the students will have no problem obeying them.
All of these classroom management ideas and procedures are based on how I would manage my
classroom, hypothetically. It is important to recognize that all of this was written without
knowing who the students in my classroom are. Although these are my core goals for effective
classroom management, I need to acknowledge the fact that this is not and will not be a one size
fits all model. I will need to adapt my classroom management expectations, style, and methods
with the students I get. When I meet and learn about my students I will have to dig into my bag
of ideas and procedures and make the appropriate changes for my students. I may even have to
learn a few new things to manage my classroom. The continuous evolution of me as a teacher,
the lifelong learner!

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Danielson, C. (2013). The Framework for Teaching Evaluation Instrument, 2013 Edition. New
York: Charlotte Danielson. Retrieved from
Morris, Bob (Director) & Rose, Suzanne (producer). (2000). Setting the Stage: Creating a learning
Community. [Annenberg Media]. In learning science through inquiry, 2. Burlington,VT:
Annenberg Learner.
Winebrenner, Susan. (2006) Teaching Kids with Learning Difficulties in the Regular Classroom.
Minneapolis: Free Spirit Publishing, Inc.

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