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What is Mathematics?

Alvin M. Suarez
October 13, 2008

Mathematics is the study among relations between numbers, shapes, and

quantities with the use of signs, symbols, and proofs. It includes arithmetic, algebra,

calculus, geometry, and trigonometry.

Ever since, Mathematics had been ruling and serving sciences. Unknowingly, we

have been using Math since knowledge was discovered by the caveman. And still today,

from the moment that we woke up; opened our eyes; glanced and recognized the time in

the alarm clock—its past 7; rushed down and washed face, realizing that you’re late for

school; looking in the calendar—October 11, 2008, Saturday (what the?!); going

downstairs, feeling sorry missing some more sleep and that nice dream; walking outside;

counting money, together with the pandesals, as well as the change.

Mathematics has been our best friend who evolved our way of living from

counting million sticks of five, to sliding beans of abacus, and to just tapping the keys in

the calculator. Even most of us detest this mind menace which was said to be

unfathomably deep; never we dumped it for such usefulness. Thanks for those who


Mathematics is life—I mean, it is the air we breathe. It is essential for survival

(but never had been in a survival kit or a Swiss knife). Can we live without math? Nah,

no fool’s gone to do that folly. But, can we live while avoiding breathing with this thing?

Who is in the right mind to do this idiocy?

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