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Research task...

Quantitative ResearchThe use of sampling and manipulating research for future events and quantities.
This is done before a product is launched to see how many should be produced
for the targeted audience. Its from generating numerical data, to see opinions,
attitudes, and behaviours to a certain topic. It helps to produce unbiased

answers and get facts from a large population. This can be done by online
surveys, mobile surveys, face to face interviews and systematic observations.
The benefits of this is that it can generalize research findings when the data are
based on random samples of sufficient size, it benefits business that are
studying large numbers of people, and it is a fast way of research, it can be done
quickly which means theyll be able to move on quickly to find out more
information. The problems with using quantitative research is that it may not
reflect the locals understanding on the situation, the theories could be off and
not give the evidence that is fully needed. Also the knowledge produced could be
too basic and general for the application, which means it could not work for
certain individuals.
Qualitative ResearchThis is more of understanding how people feel about something, and get insights
onto a certain situation that will benefit quantitative to get a deeper response.
This is done by focus groups, face to face interviews and questionaries. Its to
find out how people feel and why they feel that way. This gets a better
understanding on the targeted audience on their feelings and what motivates
them. This is the best way to get in depth feedback- you get more of a bond with
the people answering and help the business come up with the best marketing
technique. This is focusing on what needs to change and what the real issues
are. Qualitative research is good because it gives you more details and more of
an understanding. The only downfalls to this is that it may be bias is built in and
unavoidable. This is increasing the amount of primary care setting and means
that the researcher can develop what is known originally and focus on a set

unknown. (unknown). What is a qualitative study. Available: Last accessed 16th March 2016 .
Secondary researchThe work involves collecting data from another person doing their own primary
research. Gathering information that has been created before hand, this could be
found from magazines, the internet, company websites, social media, radio and
newspapers. This is done to find out the opinion of a certain targeted audience.
This is a quicker, and less costly form of finding out research as it has already
been done for you, this is the major benefit to secondary research as it is fast for
the person to find out the required facts within minutes! But then again this
could be bias data and not 100% true, another bad aspect of secondary is that
taking information on a large scale could be plagiarism, making it illegal to
publish and getting a possible fine.
The difference between Secondary and Primary research is that primary is done
by recovering data by yourself rather than coping it from another source, this is
done by taking different experiments in which the founder needs to undertake.
This could be done by going out and finding the information or getting sent the
resources. The different forms of doing this be examples of interviews (face to
face talks or telephone calls which has direct contact) focus groups (a group of
people invited to join and discuss a certain topic) Postal surveys(forms containing
questions for finding out certain information) or observations (trained observers
recorded how a situation or group of people behave to do with customer service)
The benefits for this would be that it is all your own work, you feel like there is a

real achievement being made and knowing that it is true facts. It means that
there is no copying involved and get the information that is suited correctly
rather than going off the table. The disadvantages of this are that it takes up a
lot of time and money to get everything needed, the business undertaking this
would have to have alot of patience incase it is unable to get it right first time
therefore holds much stress.
To conclude the use of secondary and primary research benefits the researcher in
many ways, which could be reduced by the information that is needed to be
sourcesunknown. (Oct 19, 2014). Advantages and Disadvatages of secondary research.
Available: Last
accessed 16th March 2016 .

Data gathering agencies

RAJAR stands for radio joint audience research limited, this was operated for a
measurement for the radio industry in the UK. This is collaborating the Radio
Centre and the BBC so they are able to work from each other and benefit.
Collecting information for over 300 stations, which could be a large national
corporation to a local service which is done on a daily basis for reviews, opinions
and rankings from the set targeted audience. This is a good idea if a business
needs to find out about high numbers or frequency views, it is easier for the
business to use RAJAR because it saves the time of the employees that have
other work load to deal with to handle the research so it's a good to have people
who know what they're doing and get it right first time.
sourcesunknown. (Oct 15, 2014). Data Generat. Available: Last accessed 16th
March 2016 .
Self-Generated research is research that is given on your own decisions. Done by
the person that wants to find out all the right information. This could be done by
video talks, photographs of an event etc. seen to be more creative and explore
the sector to more dept. This is done so that the person can refer back to it and
see exactly the steps that were taken. Most likely the action that is taken
spontaneously and not fully planned out word for word. The disadvantages of this
is it could be a waste of time and a biased opinion could ruin the information that
is found. An example of this would be focus groups, questionaries etc. This is
doing primary research to find out the most needed information possible for a
particular task. This is needed within the music industry as it is good to find out
about what the set targeted audience is looking for, and what is required within a
set genre, without this the ideas could not work, and get the outcome you are
looking for.
sourcesRyan McDonnell . (Apr 30, 2012). research unit booklet . Available: Last accessed
16th March 2016 .

Purpose of ResearchAudience Research is defined as gathering opinions, knowledge, behaviours to

certain situations. This could be published onto different groups based on age,
ethnicity, education, or family income. This would be done so that the original
starter has the ability to get a strong idea on what the target audience would
like. It is time consuming, and could be a waste of money if the answers weren't
exactly what was expected. This is a good idea because you know what things
are wanted by the public regularly, and won't waste money on products that
won't sell. This is helpful within music industry as it means that you know the
outcome of what youre producing, and how to fit the wants of the audience.
Audience research will be based on a number of things, such as age, gender,
education, ethnicity etc, this is the demographics which will advance the media
because you can see what certain people are willing to listen to. Pyschographic
segmentation divides the market into groups based on certain factors such as
lifestyle choices, personality, upbringing and social class. This will mean that
people will choose what they listen based on their background and how they are
brought up. Another way of audience research would be by seeing the buying
patterns of the targeted audience, and where they purchase it. This will help the
creator know where to publicize their work and get it out quicker, this could be
by social media, billboards, tv adverts etc, to benefit the producer gain more
acknowledgment and money.
cigdemkalem. (Jul 18, 2012). Music video target audience. Available:
Last accessed 16th March 2016
Market Research
Market Research is to focus on the business decisions and making sure to know
all the competitors, products, marketing ability and customers. This is to enforce
good and successful marketing strategy. The objective of market research is to
estimate the possibility of marketing a new product or service, which would be
introduced into a sector that has been researched, realising that there's ways of
failures, but knowing how to overcome it. The advantages of this is to help the
management of a film and know the public's attitudes to it, and minimises the
risks of taken certain decisions. But like everything market research does have
its flaws. It has a limitation of time, it needs a long time to complete and this
may mean from the start to finish makes big changes in the decision making and
reduces the true facts on the report at the end. The market research would make
the creator know the competition within the market and be able to analysis the
research in being better than them, this could be by going into a niche market,
and stand out over the other companies similar. Advertising is the most
important function within the media sector, the effectiveness will depend on how
much you are willing to spend, positioning, messages, and images that is used
for the brand.
Smriti Chand . (2015). Marketing Research: Concept, Objective, Advantages and
Limitations. Available: . Last accessed
16th March 2016
Production Research-

This is the research which is based on the goods or services that are provided,
whilst identifying the wants or needs of the target market. This is the promotion
technique that would mean that the audience will feel a certain way on a service
provided. This a good thing because it means money will not be wasted because
both you produce you identify what the best outcome will be. This is on the
geographic area, customer type, product type and customers needs. This helps
them see an overview of the commercial viability which means that the business
gains more money and become more successful. By writing down the content,
and resources that will be used in production will be beneficial to make it a
smooth action, and happen quicker than if the producer decided what is going to
take place on the day of filming. Planning is key, and knowing the next step will
make it more professional and at a higher standard.
This is my examples of production research done by myself, for my music video
task. This is done for the purpose of knowing the background information of my
music video, this helped me come up with a better understanding and know
exactly what to do.

SourcesIeuan Lloyd. (Thursday, 20 October 2011). What is Market Research and

Production Research?. Available:
Last accessed 16th March 2016

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