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1. Create a RBS backup from EMAS in the old DUW:

And put to ftp, the cv is stored locally (local laptop)

Once the FTP transfer has been done with the latest CV, we can create a new flder and name it
for instance UP in a directory C:/SW
Here we can copy the latest upgradepackage corresponding to our CV. For instance
2. Power off and take out the optical fibers. Take out DUW board and put it in the new one.
3. IMPORTANT: Before powering on, connect back the optical fibers in order the RRUW to get
the old fingerprint.
4. Execute: reload
5. When it recovers, execute vols command. Check if c2 partition is visible. If not use the
following command: mount_c2
6. Execute: formathd /d y formathd /c2:
RBS answers with the following printout:
All data on volume will be destroyed. Continue? y/n
(n): y
7. Restart DUW in backup mode: reload
8. Write ifconfig le0 <ipaddress> netmask <netmask>. Use ipaddress and netmask with the
Ip address of the node. Check if it is ok:
$ ifconfig
le0: inet netmask broadcast

9. From laptop (cmd), Start, Run, cmd. Change to the directory where the backup is in the local
computer. Execute the following command:
ftp -v <ipaddress>
10. Change to the directory where the upgrade package is located in the local computer. Execute
the following command:
ftp -v -s:<pathToCV>\misc\upftpput_<no_rev>.sh <ipaddress>
11. Restart the node and check that the node starts up when the proper sw pakage. Also check
that the fingerprint is the same than before:
$ license server
License Server
: 000101d2
Latest PV
License Key File
: Installed, Tue Mar 30 15:17:38 2010
Sequence Number
: 1004
Node Identity State : 1
Backplane Node Id : 343398_504454
Generated Node Id :
Validation Start : Wed Apr 14 18:25:30 2010
Validation Interval : 1 Day
Emergency Status
: Deactivated
Emergency State
Emergency Counter : 0
Emergency State Time : Tue Mar 30 15:17:38 2010
Emergency Time Limit : 7 Days

12. Reinstall the license of this node.

13. If still there is a license problem. Activate emergency state.

ANEX I Connect to a B node with Hyperterminal.

Select an icon for the connection and click OK.

In the Connect using, select Com1 and OK.

Configure the port as shown below and click OK.

In the HyperTerminal window click Enter.

Prompt $ is shown saying that the serial connection is restored.

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